Dan the Beginner
Premium Member
I'm not quite half your age, but twice the age of many cubers on here. I've also developed a light turning style to try to save my fingers. I love the Guhong Pro, but mine is maglev so slightly heavier than yours. My 4x4 tires my fingers pretty quickly, in part due to the jarring feel of the middle layer magnets, and the new Tornado v4 Pioneer has similar magnets on a 3x3 so definitely don't go for that one. My other favorite puzzles are my Gan 562 and my Dayan Pro megaminx, so perhaps a Gan 3x3 could work for you.
I have a couple of non-hardware ideas. For competitions, I take a few seconds before starting inspection to close my eyes, calm my breathing, and try to relax and loosen any tension. It helps me keep that light touch in spite of nerves/excitement. During practice, making sure I use plenty of inspection time is usually enough. I've had sessions where I skimp on inspection time and found my turning getting harsher. My other suggestion would be untimed solves where you go for efficient or creative solutions (maybe count your moves if you want to track some kind of statistic).
Thank you so much. All very nice ideas and information.
I love the Guhong Pro Maglev out of all my cubes. Their concentric magnet design seems to have minimised the quirks in normal Maglev behaviour. It actually is more stable and better controlled than the spring version, contrary to what's the case with all the other maglev cubes. The extra few grams are definitely worth it and I still use it. In the context of finger injury/stress, learning to use the loose spring version is still a good solution.
The idea of going for efficient solve is appreciated. I am doing more slow solves to better understand how the cube moves, trying to use the brain more than getting the highest TPS.