I'll try EO now.
All edges oriented - 2 cases + solved
No edges oriented - 3 cases
2 edges oriented - 25 cases
4 edges oriented - 25 cases
total - 55 + solved
So for every case it's...
117 29 55 16 = 217
when I count EO cases it goes like this
# of oriented edges - pattern desciption: # cases with Target edge on U + # cases with target edge in E
6 - all : 1 + 1 (excluding 1 solved case)
4 - 4 oriented in U : 1 + 2
4 - 3 oriented in U : 8 + 4 *
4 - oriented bar in U : 2 + 2 *
4 - oriented "L" in U : 4 + 2 *
2 - oriented bar in U : 2 + 2
2 - oriented "L" in U : 4 + 2
2 - 1 oriented in U : 8 + 4 *
2 - 2 in E : 1 + 2 *
0 : 1 + 2
28 + 22 = 55
-5 = 50 The 5 star cases denote cases wher ethe edge is already build - most likely no special alg necessary
-2 = 48 everything oriented is also easy
still alot I would start with edge 3cycles:
- if there are just two unoriented edges and one is in the target spot - an Edge 3-cycle will do it (things like r U' M U2 M' U' r' instead of M' U' M U2 M' U' M)
For cases with many unoriented edges it my be best to do some kind of iterator like Roux / LE5: do a quater turn on the face that contains the missing edges should be done in 13turns but Lookup is more complex than Roux. Also first placing the edge sometimes works.