Let me just think out loud here. Here's how I might do a solve. Blue forward, yellow up. I’m trying to do this without cube turns; not sure if it’s the most efficient.
1. First layer: intuitive
2. CO: I’ll always shoot to BL since it’s out of the way. AUF and locate green/orange edge. If the edge is solved, you still need CO. If CO is solved, you still need to place the edge. 117 cases.
T: 8 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations) = 16 cases
U: 8 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations) = 16 cases
L: 8 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations) = 16 cases
Pi: 8 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations)= 16 cases
Sune: 8 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations)= 16 cases
Anti-sune: 8 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations)= 16 cases
H: 6 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) = 12 cases
Solved: 5 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) – 1 (CO skip)= 9 cases
3. CP: Shoot to BR. AUF and locate green/red edge. 31 cases.
T: 7 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations) = 14 cases
Y: 5 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) = 10 cases
Solved: 4 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) – 1 (CP skip)= 7 cases
4. EO: Shoot to FL. AUF and locate blue/orange edge. Recognition might be difficult since LL edges might be in E-slice. 31 cases.
No edges: 3 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) = 6 cases
Opposite edges: 4 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) = 8 cases
Adjacent edges: 6 (edge positions) * 2 (orientations) = 12 cases
Solved: 3 (edge positions w/ symmetry) * 2 (orientations) – 1 (EO skip)= 5 cases
5. EP: Shoot to FR. AUF and locate blue/red edge. Also hard to recognize case with missing LL edge. 21 cases.
U(a): 5 (edge positions) = 5 cases
U(b): 5 (edge positions) = 5 cases
Z: 5 (edge positions) = 5 cases
H: 5 (edge positions) = 5 cases
Solved: 2 (edge positions w/ symmetry) – 1 (EP skip) = 1 cases
117 (CO) + 31 (CP) + 31 (EO) + 21 (EP) = 200 cases
Now we don’t necessarily need a separate alg for each case. But we would have to not be using a fixed target and also have d/d2/d’ setup moves. For example, jms_gears1 gave us Ru2R'u'Ru'R' which sends 3 edges in 3 different directions. Sure that’s 2 algs less you have to learn, but the trade off is you have to keep track of what algs send what edges where, keep track of changing orientations on the fly (simple ZZ orientation recognition no longer works), and keep track of the bottom 2 layers for setup. I’m not so sure the memorization load would be reduced at all. But for the sake of argument, if each algs we come up with has an average of 2 edge movements, that would put us down to 97 algs. And if we somehow standardize these edge movements, for example always shooting to BL and BR in the EO step, the tradeoffs I listed above would be a lot more manageable.
Surely I’ve made mistakes in these calculations and analysis. What have I got wrong?