L5E for L2L4
I started investigating How L5E feels for Middle Layer (I only found solutions with on edge in the Bottom layer and 4 in Top Layer on the web)
I have choosen to fill FR Slot - is that good ?
3-Cycle UB->UR->FR->
R' U' R' U' R' U R U R
F' M' F U' F' M F
3-Cycle UF->UR->FR->
U2 F' M' F U F' M F
U2 R' U' R' U' R U R U R
3-Cycle UL->UR->FR->
U R' U' R' U' R2 U R U R
R U R' U' F2 L' U' L U F2
U' R U' R' F2 U' L' U L F2
U2 R' U2 B2 R2 B2 U2 L R U2 L'
U2 L' F2 U2 L2 U2 F2 L2 U2 L'
There should be 16 Cases at all if I have to place in FR or BR slot there are 12 more Mirrors?
There are no really short sequences though.
Regarding EO i believe there are 12 Orientation patterns:
-We must orient 4 Edges in Top and 2 Edges in middle layer.
-There can be 0, 1, 2 , 3 or 4 misoriented in Top.
-There can 0 , 1 ,2 misoriented in MiddleLayer.
- I Made the cases bold wich have 2 different patterns.
- I'm only allow to combine even with even and odd wit odd pattern.
Number of O-Cases =[1,3]*[1] + [0,2,4]*[0,2]
= 2*2 + 4*2 = 12
The "Skip" - Case with all Edges already oriented al leasat won't need any special algs.
But already the Case with 4 oriented on top and 2 bad in Middle has 3 cases:
1) "Target" Edge in Top Layer -> solvable by a 3 cycle similar to RUR'U'M'URU'r'
2) Target" Edge in its position -> something similar M'UM'UM'U2MUMUMU2
3) lucky the alg from 1) does it again.
One misoriented in each layer
1) Target Edge is misoriented and not in its Slot => any 3 cycle again
2) Target Edge is misoriented and in its Slot => again similar to 2) from above there might exist somthing better, but case seems to be rare
3) Target edge oriented in Middel Layer => 3cycle again
4) Targetedge oriented in Top Layer and Target Slot contains miss oriented => again 3 cyle (with one move conjugation)
5) If I would be able to do L5E with BR or FR Slot I could skip this an solf FR. but else I need algs:
UF~, FR~, UB -> BR-> ( ~ denotes orientation change)
R F R U R2 U' F' U' R' U2
UR->BR~ , FR~
R U F U R2 U' R' F' R'
UR~, FR~, UB->BR
R U L F R2 F' L' U' R'
... is that the way to go ?