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Edit* This forum is due for some changes.

In my opinion your kind of making a big deal out of nothing, just because the forums have changed doesn't mean there necessarily worse, many people view the past as being better that how it is now (I'm not sure if survivorship bias would apply here) and there is a long history of the older generations blaming things on the younger. I wouldn't even be opposed to customizing what sections appear on your home page (I personally would set off-topic to appear and hide forum comps as I don't participate in the majority of them), I can see your point as I wasn't the biggest fan of progress threads when I used to lurk on the forms but they didn't stop me form joining. I do agree the arguments point but its not like they never happened a few years ago and its not like they aren't getting solved now.
or that this forum is now run by completely mindless "participation trophy" folks.
This comment is pain stupid, stop acting like a 50 year old conservative.
When I first joined this forum it was a place to look for help, support and advice from other people involved in both the speedsolving and advanced puzzle communities. "Algorithms, Can this be solved?, what did I do wrong?". Now, due to the "progression" threads that show up on the homepage as well as the number of petty arguments that are being allowed, this has become a chat room.

This just kinda sounds a little like “back in my days” type argument. I would say I do agree with your claim about arguments but your methods of arguing them is not good.

Instead of creating a forum and making a long rant/post it would have been much more constructive to summarize it up into “I have a problem with arguments and the progression threads on the forum” and then explain your reasoning.

I do agree with the fact that tons of the arguments on this site are rather stupid (hence why I have been using it less, the site has become worse in that aspect) but on your point about progression threads, the easiest answer is just creating a sub-forum for it.

I get it that it is annoying to show up, but trying to claim that people who have them are “bragging” is extremely untrue (people are just sharing their progress, people do it all the time on other platforms) and that claim your only basis in your argument to remove them. Ad hominem attacks aren’t good, and especially won’t win an argument if it’s your only argument.

Yes, I would say some of your ideas are good, but the way you argue them simply does not work well. Along with this you’re just coming across as overall angry and grumpy.

I agree with your concerns, but please be more civil regarding making arguments. It would help your case a lot.
This just kinda sounds a little like “back in my days” type argument. I would say I do agree with your claim about arguments but your methods of arguing them is not good.

Instead of creating a forum and making a long rant/post it would have been much more constructive to summarize it up into “I have a problem with arguments and the progression threads on the forum” and then explain your reasoning.

I do agree with the fact that tons of the arguments on this site are rather stupid (hence why I have been using it less, the site has become worse in that aspect) but on your point about progression threads, the easiest answer is just creating a sub-forum for it.

I get it that it is annoying to show up, but trying to claim that people who have them are “bragging” is extremely untrue (people are just sharing their progress, people do it all the time on other platforms) and that claim your only basis in your argument to remove them. Ad hominem attacks aren’t good, and especially won’t win an argument if it’s your only argument.

Yes, I would say some of your ideas are good, but the way you argue them simply does not work well. Along with this you’re just coming across as overall angry and grumpy.

I agree with your concerns, but please be more civil regarding making arguments. It would help your case a lot.

Very well said, all around. I must agree, my original post had a bit of "back in my day" vibes lol. But frankly, that's kinda where I was coming from. I used to appreciate this forum because one of the first things you'd see was the "One Answer Question" thread. A spot where new members could ask quick questions and get answers. That thread was almost always on the homepage and updated by new questions or answers very regularly, not gonna lie, I miss that.

Secondly, yes, I do think that the progression threads are a spot to brag. "Bobbybequick" just got a new pb of sub 10, he posts it to his progression thread. I don't know him, I don't want to see that. Never once have I said that those threads be deleted. I simply don't think that they should be shown on the homepage. They should be controlled in the same way that the "Off Topic" posts are. If you want to see them, go find them. They shouldn't, IMO, be displayed on the homepage. A new solver, averaging 2 minutes, might see those many threads as discouraging because of how much better so many other people are doing. I'm not simply viewing this from an annoyed old user. Put yourself in the position of someone new to the hobby. They want a place to look for assistance, they don't want to see how well someone else is doing. I originally joined this forum because it was a place for me to ask questions, get assistance, and learn. I did not want to see how awesome Bob was doing, I wanted Bob to help me get better. The Progression threads don't provide a spot for the improvement of new members, they simply, IMO, provide a place for existing members to brag about their own accomplishments. Because I don't know them, I don't care about how well they're doing. Those threads should be put into a spot where you need to go look for them if you want to see how someone else is doing.

Lastly, and rather new to my argument. The forum competitions are also fairly annoying. A forum like this must always look towards aiding new members. I think that those forum comps should also be contained in a sub forum, much the same as the accomplishment threads. Sure, keep the comps, just don't let them flood the homepage. If you want to compete, go to the sub-forum and join.
Based upon the lack of reactions and comments from the folks in charge, clearly things are to remain the same. Enjoy your participation trophies folks. I'll be visiting the site far less frequently.
I think you should give it more time than a few days to see about change. I’m with you about hiding progression threads and forum competitions on the main page and have more question-based threads show up. I feel like I have a bunch of questions that don’t get answered about things because people care more about getting faster than helping others get fast.
Moved this to Help/Suggestions forum.

Moderating is a tricky issue - you want to allow people to help each other but how hard and how much you moderate is a philosophy.

We're all apart of this community to share and learn from each other in the hobby that we all share the love of. Lets all respect one another and work together to make everyone better off.

We've added to the moderator team and are constantly working to implement feedback the community suggests so please keep the feedback coming. Thank you.
Currently 9 of the 33 threads on my "What's new" feed are progression posts, and they're entirely self-contained threads that don't leak into other subforums, so I don't buy the idea that they're responsible for a drop in quality on this site. It's just the result of too many children who don't know forum etiquette, removing the "Reaction score" would be a massive improvement to the site in my opinion (posting should not have become a game). But if you want every post in every thread to contribute to the discussion somewhat, that is a complete 180 shift from the current moderation policies and would require a far harsher and more active moderation regime, it's doable but wouldn't be very popular lol.

This is not to mention that certain subforums are more active than others and attract a specific crowd compared to others. The Cubing Theory subforum is consistently high quality for example. Likely because the conversations there have a high barrier of entry so it's difficult to "nothing-post"
Currently 9 of the 33 threads on my "What's new" feed are progression posts, and they're entirely self-contained threads that don't leak into other subforums, so I don't buy the idea that they're responsible for a drop in quality on this site. It's just the result of too many children who don't know forum etiquette, removing the "Reaction score" would be a massive improvement to the site in my opinion (posting should not have become a game). But if you want every post in every thread to contribute to the discussion somewhat, that is a complete 180 shift from the current moderation policies and would require a far harsher and more active moderation regime, it's doable but wouldn't be very popular lol.

This is not to mention that certain subforums are more active than others and attract a specific crowd compared to others. The Cubing Theory subforum is consistently high quality for example. Likely because the conversations there have a high barrier of entry so it's difficult to "nothing-post"

Do you think it be beneficial to increase the time between posts? I think one major issue is the incessant multi posting for no good reason; the edit button exists!
Based upon the lack of reactions and comments from the folks in charge, clearly things are to remain the same. Enjoy your participation trophies folks. I'll be visiting the site far less frequently.
Then leave. My honest opinion on this is that you're blowing up a problem that doesn't exist. If you don't want to see the progression threads, don't click on them!
"wasting precious data and irreplaceable zeroes and ones by making the forums an actively more confusing place." - @Bingus Ringus McDingus
I did, in fact, say that.
Currently 9 of the 33 threads on my "What's new" feed are progression posts, and they're entirely self-contained threads that don't leak into other subforums, so I don't buy the idea that they're responsible for a drop in quality on this site. It's just the result of too many children who don't know forum etiquette, removing the "Reaction score" would be a massive improvement to the site in my opinion (posting should not have become a game). But if you want every post in every thread to contribute to the discussion somewhat, that is a complete 180 shift from the current moderation policies and would require a far harsher and more active moderation regime, it's doable but wouldn't be very popular lol.

This is not to mention that certain subforums are more active than others and attract a specific crowd compared to others. The Cubing Theory subforum is consistently high quality for example. Likely because the conversations there have a high barrier of entry so it's difficult to "nothing-post"
Fair point, it is a bit much. I've now adjusted to not include threads from this forum when users click "New posts", but you can view the Progression forum to follow and discuss user progression threads.

Then leave. My honest opinion on this is that you're blowing up a problem that doesn't exist. If you don't want to see the progression threads, don't click on them!

I did, in fact, say that.
He is simply sharing his feedback. This sort of reply isn't necessary, friendly, or warranted.

Again, a friendly reminder to everyone: we all share the same hobby of cubing, which makes us all similar and unique to the rest of people who find what we enjoy strange. Lets all be friendly to each other, help each other, and be kind. That is the entire point of the community.

Please keep the feedback coming, it is useful.
Fair point, it is a bit much. I've now adjusted to not include threads from this forum when users click "New posts", but you can view the Progression forum to follow and discuss user progression threads.

He is simply sharing his feedback. This sort of reply isn't necessary, friendly, or warranted.

Again, a friendly reminder to everyone: we all share the same hobby of cubing, which makes us all similar and unique to the rest of people who find what we enjoy strange. Lets all be friendly to each other, help each other, and be kind. That is the entire point of the community.

Please keep the feedback coming, it is useful.
Can you please make a change, so that it's possible to choose what sub forums will show on your front page? I'd rather not have forum comps ,puzzle videos, or introductions, but I do want to see most of the things on off-topic, and progression threads. This would fix everybody's problems, instead of just having some people happy, and others disappointed.
When I first joined this forum it was a place to look for help, support and advice from other people involved in both the speedsolving and advanced puzzle communities. "Algorithms, Can this be solved?, what did I do wrong?". Now, due to the "progression" threads that show up on the homepage as well as the number of petty arguments that are being allowed, this has become a chat room.

The "Upcoming Puzzles" thread is the only one that I look forward to clicking on when I visit this site. Bring back the "Single Answer Question.." threads and make "personal progress" a single thread. A place to post new pb's, things that you're excited about. Not everyone needs a progression thread that shows how excited you are to have learned that new * perm, and frankly, they're flooding the homepage (on mobile), with nothing but useless follow-ups about people I don't know. Prevent those progression threads from being on the homepage, the same way that off-topic threads are.

I say with the kindest of heart, either the mods for this forum have given up, or that this forum is now run by completely mindless "participation trophy" folks.

Maybe this forum can turn back into a forum dedicated to folks learning how to solve their next twisty puzzle, maybe not. Either way, the folks in charge need to stop letting the petty arguments flood useful threads and stop letting "JohnnyWhats'sHisname" share everything that might be an accomplishment to him show up on the homepage.

Kill the "progression" and mod's, start knocking down the petty disagreements.
i completely agree, and this is why I quit this forum
Fair point, it is a bit much. I've now adjusted to not include threads from this forum when users click "New posts", but you can view the Progression forum to follow and discuss user progression threads.

He is simply sharing his feedback. This sort of reply isn't necessary, friendly, or warranted.

Again, a friendly reminder to everyone: we all share the same hobby of cubing, which makes us all similar and unique to the rest of people who find what we enjoy strange. Lets all be friendly to each other, help each other, and be kind. That is the entire point of the community.

Please keep the feedback coming, it is useful.

This modification is very well implemented, well done. I do also agree that a personalization option would be a cool thing for existing members. However, having the homepage feature nothing but beneficial and potentially helpful threads to those new to the site, is IMO the way to go.

I think that if I had any other mod opinions, it would be for the "One Answer Question" threads to be returned to a single thread. Since that thread was split into multiple threads not only have they disappeared, but their helpfulness has also been removed. Is this something that I should do myself? Recreate that as a single thread with a good explanation of it's purpose? If so, would there be a way for you to tag it to the homepage so that it would always be available for new users to see? If not, I'd be more than willing to regularly reply to it so as to keep it visible.
Honestly I agree with the issue about forum comps taking up a lot of space on the front page. When I had a look today the first 8 or 9 posts were about forum comps. Putting them on a different page would be good, and now seems like a good time for it, because there are a few small changes being made to the site right now.