The other issue is, viewing the forums when you are not signed in, non-members viewing the forums to decide if they want to become a member, etc.
But yes, that may be a more realistic way to not interfere with "the will of the administrate and mods" (than to stop them all from being displayed on the front page), but yet help members like us (who don't want to see Joe Doe's progression thread every time we log on) be less annoyed.
I guess if it's just ONE thread of which contains links to other threads, then sure. But if it's pinning multiple threads, well, . . . let's not let
twistypuzzles forum be our role model! (Top five threads are pinned . . . that's annoying in of itself, because I may have to go an extra page to see the latest posts. And if I am a user who doesn't need those pinned threads, then I will therefore feel that it's an inconvenience.)