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Edit* This forum is due for some changes.

I think we should be limited to one progression thread each, excluding race to sub-x threads. There's really no need to have a separate thread for a certain event, and another thread for your youtube channel. (Not trying to rain on anyone's parade for being enthusiastic, but imo it can all go in one thread.)

I'm ambivalent on progression threads. I have one myself, but I know they can get spammy or boring, so I post sparingly in mine. The positive is that you can see how somebody improved, though you could also look at their history on the weekly comps. Ideally there would also be stuff like what you want to improve on and how you're practicing, so you can see what worked or didn't work for them to get faster. It's also fun to see competition reports, but those could also go in a combined competition reports thread. Hiding progression threads from the front page either by default or as an option is definitely a good idea.

(I suppose OreKehStrah must have lurked for four years.)
We can't just 'kill' progression threads because you don't like them or feel there are less important. You as a member are exactly as important as another member who does enjoy the threads.

I believe the ideal solution would be the ability to customize the forums to your liking. Many members would probably take advantage of being able to filter down visible threads. That being said, adding customization takes time and resources. The moderators and site owners already put a lot into this forum. How much more should we expect of them (this is a question not a statement).

I do however agree with you about the petty arguments, self BS moderating, and immature squabbling that I feel goes on lately. That being said, was it really that different 15 years ago? Or are you remembering the good old days through a golden telescope?
We can't just 'kill' progression threads because you don't like them or feel there are less important. You as a member are exactly as important as another member who does enjoy the threads.

I believe the ideal solution would be the ability to customize the forums to your liking. Many members would probably take advantage of being able to filter down visible threads. That being said, adding customization takes time and resources. The moderators and site owners already put a lot into this forum. How much more should we expect of them (this is a question not a statement).

I do however agree with you about the petty arguments, self BS moderating, and immature squabbling that I feel goes on lately. That being said, was it really that different 15 years ago? Or are you remembering the good old days through a golden telescope?
I'm not saying that the progression threads should be gotten rid of. I just don't think that they need to be displayed on the home page. If you want to see someone else's progress, go find their thread. The customization option is great, but again, from the POV of a new user, one who has yet to create an account, those threads will still be spamming the homepage for them. IMO those threads need to be contained just the same as the off topics posts are.
I wanted to make the same point here:
1. Saying that the mods failed just because you don't like the way something is going on the forums is not in any way fair to them. While I do agree about the petty arguments, this is defferent. If you don't want to see prog threads, then YOU turn on that filter because this problem affects YOU. Same message to anyone else.

Plus I don't agree that progression threads on the front page is a problem. At the time of writing this, only 10/33 of the front page threads are progression threads (I'm not a fan of CubeLite having 3 threads). And I don't think a newcomer will be put off by progression threads. The improvement process is a big part of speedcubing and it's natural to want to share that with others.
I wanted to make the same point here:

Plus I don't agree that progression threads on the front page is a problem. At the time of writing this, only 10/33 of the front page threads are progression threads (I'm not a fan of CubeLite having 3 threads). And I don't think a newcomer will be put off by progression threads. The improvement process is a big part of speedcubing and it's natural to want to share that with others.

10/33 is already quite a lot in my opinion.
Apologies to those who've had an issue. The title of this thread was a bit off the cuff, I'll admit, sadly I'm unable to change it. What I meant by "Mod's" (autocorrect error, I know that it's mods lol), was the folks who actually run the entire site. I wasn't referring to everyone who has "Mod" status. I was just trying to say that, IMO, those who have the ability to change things have not been keeping up with things.

Also, I'm truly not trying to offend anyone with this thread. I'm just trying to light a little bit of fire. Some things, IMO, just don't need to be on the homepage. I think that progress posts and forum comps should be hidden in the same way that "Off Topic" posts are. Not everyone needs or wants to see them. Sure, post them as a sticky sub-forum, easy access. I just don't think that those things should be the main focus on the homepage. Anyone new, entering this sight is already confused. They need to see a place to ask questions, not a spot where folks are bragging about their new PBs.
I 100% agree that the personal progression threads need to move off of the home page into a sub-forum, and stop cluttering the home page. I like many others am totally annoyed by these progression threads that mean nothing to the greater community and provide no substance to people wanting to learn or know more about something cubing related.

10 out of 33 posts is a 30% monopoly of clutter that frankly doesn't need to be there. As unirox said, move these posts to a sub-forum and those interested in them can find them there and get their fixes of likes and pats on the back.
I wanted to make the same point here:

Plus I don't agree that progression threads on the front page is a problem. At the time of writing this, only 10/33 of the front page threads are progression threads (I'm not a fan of CubeLite having 3 threads). And I don't think a newcomer will be put off by progression threads. The improvement process is a big part of speedcubing and it's natural to want to share that with others.
Im not the only one with 2 Progression threads for cubing, and one for youtube
But yea, I could have just kept one, but now, still the youcubing thread I don't really use, I just posted there since I didn't said anything, and like just gived a quick update
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I never read progression threads, ever.
I don't particularly mind them but if they were off the front page for me I'd like that. It can be somewhat confusing what they are as they tend to change thread titles very often - which I don't particularly approve of.
(Also, there are currently two progression threads on the front page which don't even have the word "progression" in the title...)
As for having multiple progression threads, I think we should treat that like we treat double posting. Merge them, or the mods do it as a matter of course.
I agree that progression threads should not be shown on the home page. I could not retrieve the post, but I remember saying somewhere that the only thing progression threads are good for is tracking your progress so that you can read it back later and be amused, but that it seems rather naïve and pretentious to think that surely everyone is interested specifically in the results you get. I have often refrained from posting in my thread for the simple reason that doing so would push it to the top of the home page again.
Even though I have like 5 Progression Thread (even though I only use 2), I think it could move from the main page, but I also don't want to be like off topic, where, the way I go there, is by searching an off topic thread and click at the top, and that is to much, so I think the Best thing to do is to have to choose what threads you want to get on home Page, so everyone sees what they want to see, and new members can choose If they want Progression threads
um... you can still use the single answer question threads. it's not like they disappeared
Yet, when was the last time you saw one? The original "One Answer Questions" thread used to be a staple of the homepage. The people in charge even went so far as to merge simple question new threads into it. Now, those threads are ignored. Instead, new threads with basic, single answer-able questions are posted daily and just adding clutter. The thread asking about "one handed scrambles" is a perfect example. That should have gone to a one answer question thread. However, many new users do not know that those exist because the homepage is instead cluttered with forum comps and progression threads.

I don't need the one answer question thread, I've been playing with these puzzles for two decades. However, it could be incredibly beneficial were it obviously available to a new person joining the forum.