Thanks for providing these resources!Yes, there are a lot of good ones from the discord server, in the algset channel and other channels
For triangle corner permutation (TCP), there are really nice documents that have everything you need, both with the standard dayan color scheme with yellow on top: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VXpek2mT2d8Th_8wzDXMhWEZ869fjCum/view?usp=sharing and with grey on top: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RbHDb670ih-UlTw5stZfi8Oiwky0TSF8/view?usp=sharing (both courtesy of SAC2 )
We also have algs for Last bottom triple (LBT), https://zwegner.github.io/cubing/fto/lbt-algs.html , this is from zzw
also have algs for the 1-look pairing (1LP) step during last 3 triples (L3T): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WC1oiMGTeKxcea6LpOXJvDoarpw6gquy/view?usp=sharing , this is from Benpuzzles
And finally we now have a comprehensive algsheet for full 1-look last 3 triples (1L3T) https://zwegner.github.io/cubing/fto/1l3t.html , there are others, but people have said this is the best link for now. this is also from zzw
I've started writing the TCP .json. What do the Yellow curly brackets symbolise? Are they the same as normal brackets which are used to identify triggers?