T goes where it should, and it brings the buffer piece to the buffer position.
I did B, and the buffer piece (that was in the buffer position) goes to where B should be. The Q/A piece is now in the buffer position.
I did Q, and it went to the right place. F works.
P goes where it's supposed to.
I did S, and the I piece went to the correct place.
After the second S, it seems like everything is in the right place but off by M2
Y seems like it worked.
R seems to work too.
O worked.
M went to where it should be, but it's off by M2. This has to be the point I'm messing up. When I finish M, the edges should all be solved, right? Or since there was a letter by itself at the end, do I need to do another M2? But even if I do, the buffer piece and target piece are switched.
And I noticed that the D/E edge is flipped. Did I just miss that in memo?
ETA: I did D then E, which I hadn't seen that I should before. Now everything is in the right place, just the buffer piece and the target piece are switched.
Edited again: Oh, so I guessed that the buffer piece and the target piece switched is what happens in parity? So I tried and continue. I did the parity fix and the corners and everything worked! The only thing is that I finished M2 off. Will that happen everytime there's parity? Or something else, meaning how do I know if it will be off by M2?