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Are New types (a) White 3x3's really worth 30 dollars?

now he is saying, (you no how you said about as little as 6$,) he said it's japanese money, idiot.. And i said proveit, and he said how can i? Everyone like needs to teach him a lesson...

So hang on, does he mean 6 Yen?? You realise that is worth something like 1 cent?
Well, technically 6 yen would be more like 6 cents. :D

Is that accurate? I just took a random guess. I have had experience in Japan so am familiar with the cost of things, but I never dealt with less than maybe 50 Yen >.<
Yes, it's pretty accurate. At the moment the exchange rate is 104 Yen to 1 US Dollar. So, it was a pretty good guess. :)