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∞ reasons to love UF5 algset for blindsolving

46. Letter quads make memo waaaaay too easy with ~50% info reduction.
47. Better speed-optimal algs, mostly handpicked from CE and polling on the discord.
rotationless+regripless+home grip start is a given.
48. 3-gen and 4-gen is a priority. 5-gen+ algs are thrown away.
49. No B,L,x,y,z moves ever.
50. Simultaneous moves and cancellations given priority in alg selection.
51. Moves saved: *10.3784* for UF5, 14.4199 for computer generated and 16.9318 for two 3-style comms. BLD solves feels like a CFOP solves after UF5 inclusion.
52. A mathematical pursuit rather than a speedsolving pursuit. Just checking out the algset, creating it perfectly and improving its feasibility has been a joy ride!