shadowslice e

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  • Hey shadowslice, I was just wondering if you can explain to me the b2 method. I am a little confused, but it seems very promising. If you would like to talk to me on your Facebook, then feel free. Thanks
    Hey was wondering whether you could go over what to do immediately after doing cmll conjugation in more depth(42 method)
    Hey, there, I'm someone who's learning a variant of SSC. I believe I'm learning the ECE variant. However, I'm not sure which algset is better, for EP should I be doing EZD (which I would assume is the pure form of ECE-EZD) or should I be doing EPBL (which would not be ECE-EZD but instead just ECE?)
    Thank you
    Okay my bad, I have one last question. I've noticed that the EPBL algs don't all start from the same position. Like one bottom Z perm alg has the adjacent swap to the front and right while another one has the swap to the front and left. Is there a way to determine the positioning of the cycles or do I just have to memorize?
    shadowslice e
    shadowslice e
    It's just memorising like memorising AUFS for OLL/PLL
    Ok, thanks
    Hi, is it possible you could post an example solve or two with each of your M-CELL variants? If you can start them with ZZ, that would be even better. Thank you!
    Hi Shadowslice, I was wondering which one of your methods do you think has the greatest potential to beat CFOP.
    shadowslice e
    shadowslice e
    The way I see it, if anything, at best, M-CELL can equal (maybe slightly improve), Briggs/B2 maybe not unless some CP breakthrough is made (it was mostly experimental).

    Thus, I think SSC has the best shot if a good "second phase human kociemba" can be developed.
    Thanks, I am thinking of trying out SSC/ECE.
    I have an Example Solve that is very similar to Briggs2.
    The difference was that I preserved EO when it was already solved.

    Scramble: F2 U' F2 D2 U L2 U2 F2 U' L2 F' U2 R B2 L' D2 B' D2 U2 B2
    y' //Inspection
    L2 F' //1x2x2 Block
    r' U B2 U2 x' //Finish First Block + Corner Permutation
    U R' U r U2 R2 U' R U2 r //1x2x2 + Setup
    R U2 R U R' U R U' R2 U R U' R U' R' U R' //BLS + L/R Edges
    M2 //L4E
    34 STM
    shadowslice e
    shadowslice e
    That looks like a very nice solve :)
    Btw, did you recognise CP at the start of the solve or did that just work out to happen?
    The description of Solving CP in Briggs2 is a little confusing to me.
    This is how I described SLS when I originally came up with the concept

    "Basically, orient the 5 remaining corners (outside of their layers) while inserting the remaining e-slice piece- from algs I've generated, it is a lower move count than WV but has twice as many cases (although selection of cases is much easier to control so it may only be necessary to learn a handful of cases and some set up moves)"

    However, the actual number needed turned out to be 23 although there were still many cases to filter through.

    Recently, i have added a subset to SLS called SLS-M (misoriented) which is to be used with PCMS or a variant of my method called SSC-M (the original method and step are now SSC-O and SLS-O as they dealt with cases where all the edges were oriented). SSC-M, on the other hand, does not have to have the edges oriented.

    For example algs of SLS-O see the first post in the thread (it's in the spoiler under SLS). There is also a full description in the thread as well.
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