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∞ reasons to love UF5 algset for blindsolving


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Jan 9, 2014
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I want to get 126,720 reasons from you all about why 5-style is the next big thing in blindsolving and even sighted one-look solving.

1: Why not 5-style?
2: Name sounds cool
3: An alg a day keeps noobness away
4: Something to make 3-style feel like a piece of cake
5: To understand commutators better
6: Makes you love cubing more
7: It is easier than solving number theory problems, so it is not too hard
8: easier than top level chess opening preparations that the professionals do. Ballpark chess moves a top10 player remembers is few million moves, whereas UF5 is just 126k algs
9: May be a potential bridge between sighted solving and blindsolving methods
10: 5-style discord is super cool. Love the community and positive debates there.
11: Makes life easier once learnt
12: Becomes stronger and more efficient than English if letter quads are used.
13: Boosts our self-belief a lot
14: Builds insane amounts of patience
15: Make us ready to face unexpected (chance of getting a particular 5-cycle in an actual solve is quite low)
16: The set is beautiful, no other Cuber will loving enough to try this set seriously
17: Makes our brain more structured and tons of letter quads make phonetics and tons of more stuff easy
18: Resilience as your recall will be bad at first while doing UF5 in actual solves
19: You understand 3-style more deeply after trying 5-style
20: edges-only solves flow much more nicely.
11: Makes life easier once learnt
Because you're not wasting your life with a method with a low outcome for the amount of work you're putting in? I would be very happy about that, now I can pursue things I didn't have time for before!

anyway, I'm making this post as a bookmark because I want to nominate it for Funniest Thread of the Year, you come up with some ridiculess things abunickabhi. ;)
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