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WR Anniversary Thread

January 30 2025

Today marks the anniversaries of:

2010 (15 years ago):
Feliks Zemdegs’s 9.21 3x3 Average and 42.01 4x4 Average (these were Feliks’s first WRs!)

Muhammad Iril Khairul Anam’s 16/16 56:54 MBLD Single

2016 (9 years ago):
Brandon Lin’s 9.90 Square-1 Average
crazy to think that 15 years ago, the 4x4 average was double of what it is today 🤯🤯
February 02 2025

Today marks the anniversaries of:

2008 (17 years ago):
Erik Akkersdijk's 57.15 4x4 Average, 1:28.66 5x5 Single, 1:36.02 5x5 Average, 1:01.78 Megaminx Single, and 1:07.70 Megaminx Average
Matyas Kuti's 0.86 Magic Single and 1.72 Master Magic Single
Dennis Strehlau's 10/10 1:36.39 MBLD Single
February 07 2025

Yesterday marks the anniversaries of:

2009 (16 years ago):
Dan Cohen's 2:56.34 6x6 Single, and 3:01.40 6x6 Average

Claes Hedin's 3:44.84 6x6 Single, 4:04.30 6x6 Average, and 6:07.00 7x7 Average

2010 (15 years ago):
Haiyan Zhuang's 32.27 3BLD Single, and 35.91 3BLD Single
Did you copy the list of WRs / history, and sort by date?
If my search count is correct, looks like there are 1262 total WRs, counting extinct events, so that should cover almost every day of the year.
Did you copy the list of WRs / history, and sort by date?
If my search count is correct, looks like there are 1262 total WRs, counting extinct events, so that should cover almost every day of the year.
I go to mixed history (so that extinct events are counted as well) I control F and find a certain date. Because the website only use the first day of the comp to say the the date the record happened, I have to go in and check the schedule of the comp. Take a comp that has days 1,2 and 3. A record could happen on day 3, but the records list will list all records that comp as having happened day 1. The schedule is useful for making sure the exact date a record happened. Unfortunately, many comps from the past (~pre-2017) do not have the schedule, so for old enough records, there is the chance that I post the record 1-2 days too early.

I also keep all the anniversaries on my calendar. I have all the anniversaries from mid October, to yesterday on my calendar. My calendar is useful for those records in multi day comps, instead of checking the comp on the WCA website and checking the schedule and then the round the record happened and all that every year, I just check all that once, put it on my calendar, and I don't check the WCA website again. Also, anytime a new record happens (like today's megaminx WR) I put it on my calendar.

Screenshot 2025-02-08 at 11.55.33.png
February 08 2025

Today marks the anniversaries of:

2009 (16 years ago):
Hsuan Chang's 1:13.28 5x5 Single, 1:20.91 5x5 Average, 4:49.13 7x7 Single, and 4:52.57 7x7 Average

2014 (11 years ago):
Mharr Justhinne Ampong's 3.21 Skewb Single

Hideki Niina's 6.17 Skewb Average

2025 (0 years ago):
Timofei Tarasenko's 25.36 Megaminx Average