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WR Anniversary Thread

November 07 2024

Today marks the anniversaries of:

2009 (15 years ago):
Anssi Vanhala's 36.72 feet single and 42.08 feet average

2015 (9 years ago):
Feliks Zemdeg's 46.97 5x5 single, 50.15 5x5 average, 1:43.83 6x6 average, and 2:30.14 7x7 average

2021 (3 years ago):
Max Park's 5.32 3x3 average, 9.34 OH average, and 20.94 4x4 average

Last edited:
November 10 2024

Today marks the anniversaries of:

2018 (6 years ago):
Kaijun Lin’s 1:35.07 4BLD Average

2019 (5 years ago):
Feliks Zemdegs’s 5.53 3x3 Average

Stanley Chapel’s 1:06.23 4BLD Single

2023 (1 year ago):
Stanley Chapel’s 2:04.41 5BLD Single

(The bold means currently active WR btw)
November 15 2024

Today marks the anniversaries of:

2008 (16 years ago):
Rama Temmink's 18.29 OH Average

2014 (10 years ago):
Matia Furlan's 2:48.03 7x7 Average

2019 (5 years ago):
Kaijun Lin's 3:03.21 5BLD Average