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What 3x3 should I get?

I recommend the 54, I don't notice much of a difference in size compared to 56 mm cubes, and it performs really well.

I have also heard it said(I forgot where) that it seems like Dayan designed the cube centered around the 54 mm, and sied it up later to make the 55 and 56.

I would suggest the 54, but the 55 is just as good(from what I have heard), but many say the 56 is too big.

Edit: Also the standard and maglev are virtually identical, other than price. I find that the standard is very fast anyway.
Ok, thanks. Also the 54 is on sale at the Cubicle lol so I might go with that one. Also apparently the YuXin Little Magic 3x3 is 55mm and when I've used it I don't really notice a difference, so hopefully the 54 is ok. Also do you know what lube would be best with it?
Ok, thanks. Also the 54 is on sale at the Cubicle lol so I might go with that one. Also apparently the YuXin Little Magic 3x3 is 55mm and when I've used it I don't really notice a difference, so hopefully the 54 is ok. Also do you know what lube would be best with it?
I personally use a mixture of fz calm, weight 5 and dnm, but this cube is very fast to begin with and I think that fz alone works really well.
If you can, it may help to add a small bit of slow lube as it becomes really nice with that as well.

I will say though the stock lube is really good for some reason(even if the cube does come drenched in it)