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What should my main 3x3 be?

I would seriously consider the Tv4 Pioneer Version or the DaYan GuHong M Pro Maglev. The Tv4 Pioneer is on the expensive side coming in around 50 USD but it's fast and comes with around 125 possible combinations with the built in settings, including 5 different magnet settings. The Pioneer is also maglev which helps speed. I've had mine for a week and I've made it my main 3x3. As for the GuHong Maglev, theres less customization but if find that the spring version is fast so, I imagine the maglev is also fast if not faster. The GuHong comes in at around 20 USD and has three different sizes as well (54, 55, and 56mm). It's magnets may not be as strong as youd like though and that may be the only negative of that puzzle given the preferences you have. Both cubes are able to handle my agressive turning style with minimal lock ups if any.

Hoenstly, its tough to decide if you like a cube without trying it but just make sure you do your research and I'm sure you will find something that you like!
I would seriously consider the Tv4 Pioneer Version or the DaYan GuHong M Pro Maglev. The Tv4 Pioneer is on the expensive side coming in around 50 USD but it's fast and comes with around 125 possible combinations with the built in settings, including 5 different magnet settings. The Pioneer is also maglev which helps speed. I've had mine for a week and I've made it my main 3x3. As for the GuHong Maglev, theres less customization but if find that the spring version is fast so, I imagine the maglev is also fast if not faster. The GuHong comes in at around 20 USD and has three different sizes as well (54, 55, and 56mm). It's magnets may not be as strong as youd like though and that may be the only negative of that puzzle given the preferences you have. Both cubes are able to handle my agressive turning style with minimal lock ups if any.

Hoenstly, its tough to decide if you like a cube without trying it but just make sure you do your research and I'm sure you will find something that you like!
Ill try the tornado v4 I’ve ordered it
P.S. we have very similar turn styles