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Road to Kinchrank AfR


Apr 4, 2019
South Africa
Visit Channel
Hey guys, was originally gonna post this on my profile so as not to clutter up the main page but the charecter limit on status' wasnt big enough lol.
TL;DR at the bottom

Road to AfR Kinchranks

While I am very much aware that almost every record in Africa is a bit of a meme compared to other continents, this is a goal that I really do wanna achieve.

The current kinch AfR holder is Conor Cronin (https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/persons/2013CRON01) who has an overall African kinch score of 72.28

Now me being a guy who loves lists I just had to include one here,
here are his official avg/means(with the exception of bigBLDs) followed by my at home avgs:

  • 3x3: 12.71(AfR 41), 12.20
  • 2x2: 3.55(AfR 12), N/A
  • 4x4: 47.02(AfR 9), 1:08
  • 5x5: 1:19.61(AfR 1), 3:00
  • 6x6: 2:39.95(AfR 3), N/A
  • 7x7: 4:28.26(AfR 5), N/A
  • 3BLD: 2:04.42(AfR 1), 5:00
  • FMC: 35.67(AfR 3), high 30s
  • OH: 21.80(AfR 21), high 15
  • Clock: 8.15(AfR 2), N/A
  • Mega: 1:35.39(AfR 11), N/A
  • Pyra: 5.28(AfR 5), N/A
  • Skewb: 5.37(AfR 6), 8.00
  • Sq-1: 20.02(AfR 3), N/A
  • 4BLD: 12:42.00(AfR 5), N/A
  • 5BLD: 31:34.00(AfR 2), N/A
  • MBLD: 3/3 13:15(AfR 7), 2 cubes in 17 minutes
Now right off the bat you'll notice many "N/A's" this is because of the simple fact that I dont have the cubes needed, another thing you will notice is that with the cubes that I do have I am very much behind on big cubes and the BLD events, and with this post my journey to kinchrank AfR begins.

I recently ordered a squan, clock, and a few meilongs for multiBLD so I can start working on those events, while I wait for them to arrive I have been working on my 3BLD, I recently completed a full letter pair list and have started learning 3 style(currently 68 comms in, and yes I am aware that im relatively slow at BLD to be learning 3 style but I am really interested in the event and I'm actually finding that learning comms is really enjoyable) I am hoping to finish learning 3 style and hopefully avging sub-2 by the time my cube order has arrived so I can start working on squan and clock, on days when I am not motivated to do BLD I'm working on 4x4(slowly but surely grinding to sub-1)
Obviously I still won't be able to practice some of the events as I do not have the cubes(namely 2x2, 6x6, 7x7, Mega, and Pyra) and that is a massive barrier that will be holding me back so I will make sure to get those puzzles ASAP.

And thats about it. Am I being too hopeful? Yeah probably.
Am I still gonna try? Definitely.

Thanks for reading, I will try to update y'all on my progress(probably on a monthly basis) It is gonna be quite the grind but I am really excited to pursue this goal

TL;DR I'm going for Kinch AfR and its gonna be a ton of work