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Race to 100 subs between precompsubwr, CubeLite, Garf

Who will reach 100 subs first?

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I wouldn't advise this. B moves for cross are often fine. Anywhere else you'd need a very good reason to justify using B moves, though. Curious what your thoughts on this are, @gsingh
for 2H maybe, but for OH it’s really better to rotate or if you can, dont use B moves or rotate during cross at all.
I wouldn't advise this. B moves for cross are often fine. Anywhere else you'd need a very good reason to justify using B moves, though. Curious what your thoughts on this are, @gsingh
Oh no, b moves for cross are fine. For OH (at least from my experience, just rotating to make an L or R move is often more ergonomic because you have to regrip anyway (at least the way my fingers do it). Doing a B move is probably only better if your planned pair is in the front slots and doesn’t have any rotations in it
Oh no, b moves for cross are fine. For OH (at least from my experience, just rotating to make an L or R move is often more ergonomic because you have to regrip anyway (at least the way my fingers do it). Doing a B move is probably only better if your planned pair is in the front slots and doesn’t have any rotations in it
Ah this was about OH, I didn't catch that. Sorry!
I made a community post about what kind of content I should do with FTO, since I'm getting one for Christmas, so please vote which one you like, cuz I still don't know