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AhsanDaCuber125’s YT Channel Progression Thread // Road to 200 Subs (182/200) // Just making Shorts…

Jan 18, 2024
In @Cubinginatree’s hot oven
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OK, @Gecko777 told me to change my channel name, because why not, and I did. My new channel is called TheCubingMadness, and my logo, which I think is fire!
Your paragraph text 2.jpg
I’ve also been challenged by @JDAW6 for a “Race to 100 subs”, and I’ll put my progression here.

Also, I need video suggestions! I’d appreciate if you put any here.
I’m planning on making a 2x2 tutorial.
OK, now’s the time I’m taking people’s suggestions for videos!

Just don’t suggest something crazy or something I can’t do.
Live youtube shorts! Every time someone subscribes, you do a turn on the cube. No one subscribes until the end, where you speed up the video a ton and you just turn super fast. Use a bigger cube for greater effect