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Promotional Madrid Open Video - 1300 cubes


Apr 19, 2008
solving my cube
nice, I love that mosaic!
video description in English (score one for high school Spanish ;)):
Published by Josep Shepherd (it says 'Pastor', I'm assuming it should be translated Shepherd because of "Shephy Productions"). The biggest mosaic in the world made with Rubik's cubes, in the commercial center Plaza Norte, Madrid, on the fourth of April, 2008.
Organized by Goliath and David Calvo, and with the inestimable collaboration (help) of all the cubers in the Madrid area.
In addition to the mosaic, different demonstrations were carried out by the most capable hands from the national panorama[?].

the intro in the vid says:
More than 1300 cubes...
Almost 40 cubers...
And one challenge...
The biggest mosaic in Europe.
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