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Poll: What was your first method and when?


Premium Member
Apr 5, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Visit Channel
My first method was a positional method I came up with on my own. I gave each edge a number and edge edge a letter. I then memorized which number was in each spot, so UB was the number 5 piece say, UR was the number 11 piece. Same idea for the corners only using letters A-H. I then would use PLL algs to move the pieces around, and would re-memorize the new state of the cube after each alg (I put on the blindfolded after I knew the initial cube state). I then would keep going until I had all the pieces in the right spot. The way I executed this method and re-memorized the cube after each move was quite possibly the worst possible way to solve the cube blindfolded. I averaged about 1 hour to successfully solve the 3x3 blindfolded this way.

I came up with this method in 2003 summer a couple months before the 2003 RWC. At the RWC Dror Vomberg told me about the cycle method and that's when I switched over to the regular stuff.
