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Exmestify's all puzzles prolonged progression thread

im attending a comp
max 5 events. all ive chosen till now is 3x3, 2x2, oh, pyra and squan. ive not improved since my last time competing in 3x3, so im considering doing mega, which isnt on my profile. any tips on how to decide?
Maybe you could try the events you might want to grind for an ao50 or something to get more comfortable with it. Then you could see which ones felt more fun that you would want to grind more. So if mega ends up being the most fun to you, you could practice it more and you'd enjoy it too.
Generated By csTimer on 2024-12-24
avg of 5: 23.951

Time List:
1249. 24.060=3.264+13.251+4.080+3.465 L' B2 D B2 U F L B2 L U L2 D L2 B2 U L2 D' R2 D B2
1250. (22.317=2.278+9.438+3.828+6.773) F L2 D2 F' L2 B D2 F' D2 U2 F2 L2 D L' U2 F L' D' L' R' U
1251. 24.424=4.808+9.978+3.828+5.810 R B2 D2 F2 U2 L2 R F2 L2 U2 D B2 F' D' B' D R' F'
1252. 23.370=4.929+8.563+5.489+4.389 L F L2 R2 B2 U B2 R2 U2 L2 D R2 D' R2 L' B' L2 D2 B2 D R
1253. (33.884=3.439+6.732+6.008+17.705) U2 L2 U' L2 D R2 U F2 U F2 U' L2 B' L' D R2 B' U' F' U R'
pov: ur pll takes 3x more time than f2l
pls results like this at comp-
Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-11
avg of 12: 2.810

Time List:
14256. 2.408 U F U2 F' U R2 U F2 U
14257. 3.517 R2 F' U' R U' R' U2 F2 U'
14258. 2.218 F' R2 F2 U2 F' U R' U R' U
14259. (1.972) R F2 U F' R2 F U F' R2
14260. 2.485 R' F R2 F U' F R' F R2
14261. 2.648 U R' U F R2 F2 U F' U2
14262. (5.344) F U R' F' U' R U R' U
14263. 2.379 F R U' F2 U R F2 U R U2
14264. 3.685 U' R' U F2 R2 U2 R' U' F2 U'
14265. 2.693 U R U F' R2 F' U2 F R2
14266. 3.744 R' F2 R F R' U F R' U'
14267. 2.322 F' U' F U2 R2 F U R2 U
Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-11
avg of 12: 2.880

Time List:
14277. 1.885 U2 R2 U' R' U2 F2 R F' U'
14278. 3.116 U2 R U F U' F' U R' U
14279. 2.544 F U R2 U' F' R U2 R' U'
14280. (1.765) F' R U2 R2 F2 U' F R F' R
14281. 3.114 R F' R2 F' U F' R' U R U'
14282. (6.355+) R' U' F U2 R2 U2 R F U2
14283. 3.592 F U' R2 U' R' F U' R' F2
14284. 2.861 R F R' F' R F U2 R' U'
14285. 2.595 U' F2 U' R2 U R U F R2
14286. 3.580 U2 R2 F' U' F' U F' U2 R2
14287. 2.891 R' U F' R F' R2 F' U2 R'
14288. 2.623 U2 R' F R' F2 U2 R2 F' R U'
Last edited:
if i dont get a sub3 SINGLE tom, ima be fricking doughtnouting mad
Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-11
avg of 12: 2.443

Time List:
14288. 2.623 U2 R' F R' F2 U2 R2 F' R U'
14289. 2.130 U F' R F2 U' R' U R2 U2
14290. (1.945) F' U2 F R2 U' F R' U F U2
14291. 2.233 U' F2 R2 F U2 R' U' R U'
14292. (3.382) U2 F2 U R' F R' U R U2
14293. 2.480 R2 F U F2 U2 R' F' U' R2 U'
14294. 2.329 U2 R F2 U' R U2 R U2 R2
14295. 2.033 R F R' U2 F2 U' R U' F'
14296. 2.745 F' U' F R F' R2 U F2 U2
14297. 2.640 R F2 R F R' U R' F' U2
14298. 2.760 F U' R2 F R' F U' R' U'
14299. 2.456 U' F U2 F2 R2 U2 R' U' R'