
  1. Puzzle Maniac

    Tuesday Trios | Weekly Pyraminx Example Solves by Sebastian Lee (WR1), Jasper Murray (WR4), and Elyas Eyou (WR5)

    "We are proud to present our new series, Tuesday Trios! This is a series of advanced walkthrough solves from Oceania's World Class Pyraminx Solvers, Sebastian, Jasper (@Toothcraver55) and myself! Make sure to check it out if you are keen to improve on your Pyraminx solving." - @ElyasCubing...
  2. Puzzle Maniac

    [WR] Sebastian Lee 1.15 Pyraminx Average

    Absolutely crazy. Huge congrats! 1.15 OcR! - @Jules Graham
  3. Lord_Oscar

    Lord_Oscar's Pyraminx progression

    Everyone else has a progression thread so here's my Pyraminx-focused one. This is heavily modelled on @Curunír's 3BLD Progression thread. Current PRs: Single: 4.84 Average: 6.24 Goals: Single: sub-4 official single...
  4. BirdCubing

    Is This Puzzle Legal?

    So I have a WeiLong Pyra I'm not sure exactly if this is legal but is it ok if the puzzle has a slight amount of damage on it Some parts of the colored plastic are fading slightly and there is a little dot on 2 green pieces Thanks! (It's hard to see on camera)
  5. CubeLite

    Only Side Events...and 2x2 | Forum Comp | Comp Finished | What should I do?

    The Comp has Finished! Events: • 2x2 • Clock • Megaminx • Pyraminx • Skewb • Square-1 Depending on how many competitors we will get on each event, will decide how many rounds on that event Qualification per rounds: Round 1 - anyone Round 2 - Top 16 Final - Top 8 And what is different about...
  6. V

    V Tips? (Pyra)

    I’m am currently in the process of learning intuitive L4E. I have been having a lot of trouble with blockbuilding the V. Do y’all have any tips for that?
  7. Pyraminx.


    My first Pyraminx
  8. GeographicalCuber

    How to improve Weilong pyraminx tips

    Does anyone know any mods I could do on my Weilong pyraminx standard to improve the tips?
  9. GeographicalCuber

    Geographicalcuber's progression thread - Road to full L4E (28/36 cases learnt, 2 learning) // New goal - National pyra finals?

    This is my new progression thread, and these are my current goals: •Full l4e (I am learning nothing placed) •Getting decent at 3-BLD Sub 3.5 pyra LAST EDITED: 29/07/2024
  10. BirdCubing

    Pyraminx Help: Blockbuilding/ L4e

    Hi everyone, I currently average sub 10 on Pyraminx and use layer by layer. I use the WeiLong Magnetic Pyraminx. I currently want to average sub 5. I decided to use L4e for my solves + Blockbuilding but it seems really hard and I don't want to stress myself so much about making blocks on my...
  11. Exmestify

    Exmestify's all puzzles prolonged progression thread

    Hello! I have a qiyi ms pyra, no lube. I use LBL, trying to learn L4E. My hardly-efficient solution and my weird finger-tricks create solves which are barely sub-10. I have a comp coming up (Jan end). So.... ya. Why pyra? 1 sentence- My best national ranking (597) is in pyra. Goals? Atleast...
  12. Bingus Ringus McDingus

    [Review] The YJ MGC Evo Pyraminx: Uh, what?

    I want to say that this Pyraminx is not bad. I actually like it. But I won't recommend it. I had some Amazon gift cards from my birthday, and I wanted to get a true high end pyraminx to replace my RS Pyra that I overworked and now feels slow. So I found it for only twelve dollars (as opposed to...
  13. BirdCubing

    Is the Yuxin Little Magic Pyraminx M Worth It?

    My Main for Pyraminx is the MFJS MeiLong Pyraminx. I was thinking about getting new puzzles a while ago and was thinking about getting a 2x2 or 4x4 and now I am thinking about getting a New Pyraminx I looked at a lot of options on Pyraminx and I found that the Yuxin Little magic Pyraminx M is...
  14. Fukuoka Kengo James

    Skewb or pyraminx

    Not even close🤣
  15. tetraaa

    Should this Pyraminx "solve" be DNFed?

    Read the whole description before posting please.
  16. fes_77

    fes_77 progression thread (practicing every WCA event)

    Hi! After a while I'm finally making one of these, I will be practicing every WCA event (except BLD events 3x3 BLD and MBLD have a small chance) I just got my 5x5-7x7, square 1, and clock so I don't know how to do every puzzle (I just need 7x7 and square-1) nor do I have an ao5 for everything...
  17. H

    why do i keep locking up on pyraminx

    when i try to do a U move i lock up 80% of the time. i tried many different fingertricks for the move but couldnt make it work. it locks up by having one edge hit the hole in the middle. i have a gan pyraminx standard and i couldnt find a way to tention it, any help?
  18. brickinapresent

    Is there any community for Master Pyraminx or Redi Cube

    i wanna get into those but i dont even know if theres a community around them, if so, can you link a discord server or whatever
  19. Fukuoka Kengo James

    Gan Enhanced Skewb with Gan Pyraminx GES Nuts

    The GAN Enhanced was my main at one point even though I found it too loose even on the tightest settings and highest spring compression level. Then, I got myself an X-Man Wingy v1 for backup. Surprisingly, it replaced the GAN Enhanced as my main after I made it maglev. My thread about the maglev...
  20. brickinapresent

    Is a redi cube a corner turning 3x3
