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Exmestify's pyra progression thread


May 30, 2022
under the baltic ice
I used to average around 10 sec and left for a week and now i average 7 sec. my pb avg is 4.595 and pb is 4.495 lol.
Generated by CubeDesk on 2023-01-31 best Pyraminx average of 5: 4.595 Solves: 5. 6.569
U' B L U' B' R U R l' r 4. 4.517
B' L' B L B' U L' l' b u' 3. 4.699
U' B U' R L U' R' B l r b u 2. 4.495
B' U' R' U' B' L U' L' l r b' u 1. 4.571
B' L' B' L R L' B' U' l' r' b' u
Please give my tips to progress... I use lbl by some miracle. all of them except the pb solve are the 2-flip case.