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Coolest way you've lost/destroyed a cube?

I stepped on by rubiks speed 2 years ago but found and managed to fix it the other day
After recovovering and fixing, me and my friends proceeded to:
1. Boot it at a wall
2. Play football with it
3. Play cricket with it

I still have it but the core is bent af and most of the pieces are cracked.
I once ate a snail and I kept the shell because I was writing an essay on Leonardo da Pisa and figured I might want to take some measurements of the shell later to check if its spiral was related to the Fibonacci sequence. Turns out I never actually threw the shell away, because after getting back from a holiday a few months later, my whole room smelled worse than ever. Nobody could figure out what it was, until I grabbed a cube and noticed that it was covered in some sort of sludge. Apparently, there was still a bunch of garlic butter in the shell, and it had started rotting and dripping out of the shell, ruining some of my cubes in the process.