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What is/are the coolest fingertrick(s) you've seen?

I really like the R PLL that I do.
R' U2 R U2 l' U l U R' U' R' F' R2 (U' AUF)
On the final R' F' R2 part, before doing the R' move I stick my thumb on the URF corner, more specifically on the F sticker of that corner, and I keep it there until the end of the algorithm. That helps me doing the F' move, which I do pushing with my thumb instead of using an index.
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I know someone who does 60% of U layer turns with thumbs ;D
But I don't think it is very common
My favorite finger trick that *I* can do is the no-grip Sune:

The Eido U2' is pretty cool, and the Rowe E-perm was a great revolution in 2010.

I don't understand what you mean with "No-grip" sune, could you explain?
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