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Big Relay Time! A big cube and relay comp by Garf

how does it work i forgot
Guys I’m adding an extra event to be able to earn points, but you do have to collaborate with one other competitor. It’s a team 2-7 relay, and this one has to be a vid. Basically, you and one other competitor (you can choose me IG) will do a virtual call and have a video running, and will choose what cubes you will do for the run. For example, let’s say that @gsingh and @NebraskanSpeedsolver were doing it. They would be in a call. Now, say that gsingh did 2, 3 and 6 and nscube did 4, 5 and 7. You can be solving at the same time as another person, making the relay be twice as fast (I hope).

anyway, that’s an extra 5 points if you are interested in that idea. I will release scrambled for this first, but this event can be submitted anytime before the competition ends.
Since one team was confused about the instructions on the team 2-7 relay and messed up their attempts, I've decided that in case anyone has had the same situation I will provide ONE extra set of scrambles and that will be their last attempt. (Sorry for @1x1 wr holder! and @Justincubes for not being clear about that)
Here are the scrambles:
2) U2 F U' R' U R' U2 F R2
3) L2 B2 U' F2 U2 F2 U' F2 D' R2 B2 F R B2 L U L D' B R U
4) Rw2 Fw2 B L R Fw' R2 L2 Fw D2 Uw2 F Fw B2 Uw F' D F2 R Rw2 D L' U F2 L B U2 B2 Fw R F2 U L' D2 R F' Rw2 Fw2 Rw B
5) F' Dw2 Bw' Dw2 L D L' U2 F' Dw Bw2 Uw R B' L' R2 B2 Dw U2 D' Fw2 B' Rw' B' L' Lw Dw U2 Lw' Fw2 Lw' D2 Bw Dw2 Uw' Rw' B2 Fw' F2 Lw R2 Fw L Bw' F' D' L Fw' F2 Rw R Dw2 D2 U' B Rw Lw' L U' D
6) Fw2 Dw D2 U2 3Rw' 3Uw 3Rw' 3Uw Dw Rw2 D' 3Fw Uw Bw Fw' D R' U D2 B2 L2 B2 3Fw2 U' D Rw' L' Uw F Uw2 Dw' Lw2 L2 Rw' Bw Dw2 Fw' R' 3Uw' 3Fw Fw2 3Rw 3Fw Uw' U 3Fw2 Rw2 Lw Fw2 R Lw' U Dw B' F2 Bw2 R' L Uw B' U' 3Rw F B Dw' 3Rw2 U' D2 R Lw2 U' 3Uw2 Dw' Uw2 R2 3Uw Rw Lw F 3Uw'
7) Dw B' 3Lw 3Rw2 Rw' Bw 3Rw L Rw2 D Fw' L Fw2 D' 3Dw2 Fw 3Rw D2 3Uw 3Lw2 R D2 L' 3Rw 3Bw' 3Lw2 3Fw2 Fw' 3Lw U F Lw 3Uw 3Lw Bw2 F' 3Bw B R' U 3Dw' B R2 Dw2 Bw R2 3Lw' Uw' D2 B2 3Bw2 3Fw' R' D2 Uw 3Lw2 D2 3Fw2 3Bw2 Bw F' B' 3Lw2 3Rw B 3Bw 3Rw D' Rw Bw2 Fw Uw R2 U2 F2 U Uw D2 3Fw2 B' L2 3Lw F2 Rw' 3Dw' 3Rw2 Uw F2 Bw2 Dw 3Bw2 D' Uw2 Lw' B2 Lw Rw 3Lw F' U'