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2024 End of Year Accomplishments and 2025 Next Year Goals

I think it's safe to say my proudest accomplishment this year was winning MBLD at nationals with a 35/37 55:35 NR. I guess I won 4BLD and 5BLD as well, but that was more a matter of luckily not triple DNFing than actually trying and achieving a goal. Other than that I'm quite happy that I got at least one sub 8 official 3x3 average, considering I only had 6 rounds this year and I suck at competing (all other rounds weren't even sub 9 for some reason lol).

For next year, I think I will only care about 4 things cubing-wise:
1. Getting as good as possible at MBLD, whatever that means
2. Finally doing well at 3BLD in competition (I still do not even have a sub 20 single)
3. Finally getting a sub 2 official avg in 2x2. I don't really care as much about 2x2 anymore, but it is still frustrating that I don't have one even though it's should be so easy for me
4. Getting better at 3x3. I think sub 7 global by the end of next year should be possible.
This year, I joined the speedsolving forums! I also am incredibly close to beating my pb single (but with zz this time). It was nice to get back to cubing with a warm welcome and a strong outlook. A little birdie also told me I'll be getting some puzzles for christmas as well, so that's very exciting!

I am very consistent with keeping my new year's resolutions - I broke my streak two years ago when I didn't learn ASL (I had no time, what was I thinking). My secret is to make goals that are measurable and achievable with relative ease. For example, this year was to practice my 5 ball juggling until I could get to a certain amount of catches (there were other goals, but it's just an example). Additionally, I want my goal to be achievable by just Doing The Thing. That means that I'm not setting any "be sub-x" goals. Speed will come with time and practice.

My goals for 2025:
  • Do at least 1000 timed solves.
    • Any puzzle, all puzzles cumulatively
    • I know this is low, I expect to crush it. but my current cstimer session has like 200 total. I do a lot of untimed solves
  • Participate in at least 12 competitions
    • virtual competitions count
    • bonus points if there's an in person one (finally get a WCA ID)
  • Contribute to the Wiki!
    • Doesn't have to be something I created (e.g. a method)
    • Good ideas: Requested Articles, items in "Maintenance" section of Special Pages
For Comparison's sake when I return to this: My 3x3 Ao50 is 39.25, and best single is 23.xx (I think I deleted it)
Considering that overviews are already being made for stuff like Spotify and Duolingo, I thought that now could be a good time to talk about accomplishments that you personally got, or accomplishments that the cubing community made this year.

For the goals part, you can talk about what goals you plan to get next year.

I can start. 2024 was the year that I went to my first comp, and I got to meet new people, and my PRs are pretty good. I think the highlight of the year for me though is my 2^4 Progress though. I spent the majority of the year (~ 7 months) trying to get faster at 2^4, from being a very beginner, to getting a few WRs. This year, I also got quite faster at 4x4. For accomplishments that the cubing community was able to get, my favorite was the sub-1 barrier in 2x2, and how we went to no one having one, to 5 different people having a sub-1 average, Zayn and Yiheng have multiple.

For 2025, my goals are to attend more WCA comps, and to get better at 2^4.

If you guys would like to share, you could can do so here.
I started cubing Nov. 2023, so this is actually my first year cubing.

3x3 Sub 1min. 10sec.
2x2 Sub 7.50sec.
Pyra Sub ~8sec.

Learn 4x4 parity, Megaminx, and Skewb
3x3 Sub 1min.
2x2 Sub 5sec
Pyra Constant Sub 10sec
heres my cubing wrapped
Got into pyraminx much more, going from sub 6 to averaging low 2. 2024 wasn't he biggest year for me in 3x3, but I have been learning CLL and CMLL fro 2x2 and OH. I have improved in general Bigger Cubes heaps this year, mostly from hardware improvement.
Goals for next year (all globals):
3x3 Sub 8.8
2x2 Sub 2.5
4x4 Sub 45
5x5 Sub 1:20
6x6 Sub 3
7x7 Sub 5
Clock Sub 5
Skewb Sub 5.5
Pyra Sub 2
Mega Sub 55
Squan Sub 14
FMC Sub 50
Don't really care about BLD events rn.

Thanks to all the Delegates, Organizers and my friends for organizing all the comps and inspiring me to go further in my professional plastic twister career
Uhh so I wanted Sub 50 in FMC next year but turns out I already average low 40 💀
Year has been kinda mixed for me, I made a lot of progress in 3x3 and average low 15 now, lowered my PB average to 11 seconds, and got my first sub-10 and sub-9 single, I made significant progress in clock with 7-simul but reset it by switching to Mirror-D V2 and I stagnated in my main event Pyraminx, I also went to NAC and had an amazing experience but the rest of the competitions I went to were more mixed and I didn't go to as many as I wanted due to school problems.
I began cubing this year, so that was my biggest accomplishment.

I recently began timing my solves, and I am sub-40, close to sub-35 for 3x3 (the only puzzle I know how to solve).

My goals for 2025 are:

- Get a timer.
- Go to a competition.
- Getting sub-20 would be sick, but I want to be more realistic and hope for sub-25.
- Maybe learn a new puzzle? But I am having so much fun with 3x3, and I am older so I don't have that much free time, so it will probably not happen anytime soon.
- Maybe learn a new method? But probably not because I love Roux.

Good luck everyone.
2024 Accomplishments:

Top 100 continental ranking (skewb avg)
Went to 5 comps (not a lot smh)
Broke all of my PBs and PRs
Improved in every event by a lot
MBLD official success before 3BLD ☠️

2025 Goals:

Top 70 in the world for some event
New York SR for any event, likely 3x3, 2x2, pyra or skewb
Results in every event officially
I got some pretty crazy official results this year, and in 3x3 I went from 20-25 global to 15. I got SR10 for Pyra with a 6.27 average, which is my proudest achievement.

Goals: Sub 5 official Pyra average
Sub 10 3x3 global
Get better at blind
Get SR in something(by far the hardest on this list[don't believe me look at Iowa SR page])
Sub 15 2 mile run

Not in 2025, but sometime in life
Run a marathon
Get official single and mean in every event