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2024 End of Year Accomplishments and 2025 Next Year Goals


Feb 16, 2023
Southeast USA
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Considering that overviews are already being made for stuff like Spotify and Duolingo, I thought that now could be a good time to talk about accomplishments that you personally got, or accomplishments that the cubing community made this year.

For the goals part, you can talk about what goals you plan to get next year.

I can start. 2024 was the year that I went to my first comp, and I got to meet new people, and my PRs are pretty good. I think the highlight of the year for me though is my 2^4 Progress though. I spent the majority of the year (~ 7 months) trying to get faster at 2^4, from being a very beginner, to getting a few WRs. This year, I also got quite faster at 4x4. For accomplishments that the cubing community was able to get, my favorite was the sub-1 barrier in 2x2, and how we went to no one having one, to 5 different people having a sub-1 average, Zayn and Yiheng have multiple.

For 2025, my goals are to attend more WCA comps, and to get better at 2^4.

If you guys would like to share, you could can do so here.
I have accomplished so much in the past year. I started the year not really knowing much about FTO and not having that much interest in cubing anymore to having had a complete revitalization, getting a sponsorship, getting to the forefront of a new puzzle, getting the WB single in FTO and WB2 for ao5, ao12, and ao100, and meeting so many new people because of FTO, and also getting the chance to compete in FTO at a competition on one of the very last days of the year (dec 30th which coming up). i am so happy that diansheng released their magnetized FTO which had caused an explosion in the events popularity and such a drastic decrease times and number of people with amazing results.

next year, i hope FTO is made official and i get to have the world record for single and average officially with FTO finally as an official event. but in the meantime, if fto isnt official next year, i hope to get WB in every other time format and finally be gold, which was my goal from the beginning. but its not gonna be easy, especially with aedan still grinding as well.

more concretely, I want a sub 8.5 single, a sub 12 ao5, a sub 13 ao12, and a sub 14 ao100. if FTO is official, or if i just compete unofficiall at it a lot more, i hope to have XWR in both single and avg, and have at least a low 11 single and a 14 ao5
Sadly, I didn't achieve as much goals as I thought I would, I didn't practice enough. That's something to work on.

I guess, here are my goals for 2025:

sub-17.5 on 3x3
sub-4 on 2x2
sub-1:30 on 4x4
sub-4:00 on 5x5
sub-3:00 on Megaminx
sub-6 on Pyraminx
sub-8 on Skewb
sub-50 on OH

I wonder if I might get any new even puzzles, but that's it for now.
Oh wait, and also practice more, that is my main goal for 2025.

Oh wait my accomplishments:

sub-20 in 3x3
sub-5 in 2x2
sub-10 in pyraminx
sub-13 in skewb

oof they suck.

sub-19 in 3x3
sub-3.5 in 2x2
sub-2:40 in 4x4
sub-7.3 in pyraminx
sub-9 in skewb
sub 1:30 in OH
solving a megaminx
sub-50 in 10cm giant cube
Achivements: getting a 15 sec solve on 3x3, getting a sub 20 in comp for only the 3rd time, and that's it
goals: global sub 20 at home, and learn 6x6 and 7x7 and squan
I did not quit 💪!!!
I did progress quite well this year with my best progress being in 3x3, OH and 4x4. I went from about a 57 global on 4x4 to 49. 3x3 14-> 11, OH I got down to a 20 global at one point. My true progress was running this year dropping 3:24 off my 5k and putting in hundreds of miles and hours of work.

My goals for the 2025 is to not quit cubing, global sub 10 on 3x3(officially) and make state in XC.

I’ve accomplished a lot this year. I shattered many PBs in every event I’ve practiced, got a bunch of sick puzzles that I enjoy, and did fairly well at Northwestern champs.
For reference:
2x2: .65 single, 1.98 ao5, 2.97 single in comp.
3x3: 5.81 single, 7.87 ao5.
4x4: 27.68 single, 34.12 ao5, low 38 average in comp.
5x5: 59.57 single, 1:05.86 ao5, 1:05.11 single and 1:16.34 ao5 in comp.
6x6: 1:49.94 single, 1:54 ao5, sub-2 single and 2:11 mean in comp.
7x7: 2:43 single, 2:56 ao5, 2:53 single and 3:01 mean in comp. (Rip sub-3 mean 😢)
Clock: 6.86 single, low 8 ao5, and a 7.97 single and 9.54 ao5 in comp WITH A SHENGSHOU CLONK.
Mega: 39.97 single, 45.54 ao5, 45 single and 51 average in comp.
Pyra: 1.88 single, 5.7 ao5, 3.44 single in comp.
Skewb: getting a GAN, 2.42 single, 5.01 average, 5.7 single and 9.3 ao5 in comp without practicing for over a year.
Square-1: 11 single, 15 average.
OH: 13.79 single, 18.39 average, 18 single in comp.
BLD: 1:05 single.
My 2-7 relay time is 7:22, my kilominx single is sub-15, and Marty was part of a multiple-person guildford challenge that I did at NW champs. Crazy year of cubing for me.

Goals for next year:
Since it’s a pain to type on iPhone, imma just say shatter all my PBs and go to more than one comp this year.
Also try to get cube mile WR.
This year I developed some of my best work:
  • CubingHistory.com: An in depth history of the cube, world records, methods, and much more.
  • Straughan recognition: A new concept of recognizing cases in any step by using the minimum required number of stickers.
  • Nautilus FTO: A new FTO method developed with help from Liam Highducheck, Vincent Trang, OreKehStrah, and crystalcuber.
  • PCP: A completely new way of determining corner permutation within inspection. PCP is the first ever pattern based early corner permutation recognition system.
  • Iterative corner solving: Solving the last six corners just like Roux LSE.
  • Tudor iterative EO: Iterative edge orientation for the Tudor method.
I forgot when exactly i became sub 10, but i know that by now i’m pretty much sub 9 on 3x3, and i’ve gotten much better at big cubes.I’m a bit disappointed because I wanted to learn some algsets for 2x2, skewb and pyra but couldn’t bring myself to lol.

officially, i couldn’t get good results in 4x4 or 6x6, i couldnt get a sub 2 2x2 single, and i didn’t get a sub 10 avg on 3x3 which sucks. But i guess i have clear goals for next year

Got my first official podium this year (skub lol) and a 2.02 single which i’m super happy about, as well as good pyra results (2.36 single and +2 out of 3.55 avg) and also great 7x7 results by my standards
I attended my first comp this year, and so far I’ve attended 6 (7 if you count a 15 minute cameo at PretzelMania). Overall, they’ve been a blast, and I’ve made so many friends from comps/SS forums. I’ve improved basically every global significantly, and the only cubing disappointments I’ve had have been official solves (which I know how to improve).

My biggest goals for the coming year are to match my current globals in comp,
2x2: sub 2
3x3 sub 8
4x4: sub 35
5x5: sub 1:05
6x6: sub 2:20
7x7 sub 3:20
Skewb: sub 5/sub 4
Pyraminx: sub 4/sub 3
Megaminx: sub 52
OH: sub 16
Squan: sub 10
3BLD: sub 2 single
FMC: sub 35 single
Clock: sub 4.5

and to get my Kinch significantly higher (it’s at like 20 now, so maybe up to 30-35 would be fun)

I would also like to get a couple of SR’s, most essentially Squan, but also some of the bigger events like 7x7 and megaminx, and wildcard events like 2x2 single and clockTo do this, I will improve my shaky turning, try to attend more rounds, and actually turn faster (like seriously, I’ve turned slower under pressure to try to focus on “lookahead”).
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I had a great year of cubing. Most importantly, I got back into cubing after a very long hiatus. I got a lot of new puzzles and learned a lot, such as CLL/ELL, 7 simul flip, Yau, and FTO. I went to two competitions and had a good time (and good times). For next year, I'd like to go to more competitions, talk to more cubers, get an official 3BLD result, and keep having fun and improving.
I had a pretty good year for cubing:
I got into FTO and while I'm not the fastest, It is now one of my favorite events.
I achieved Sub-40 4x4 average and sub-35 4x4 single, sub-11 3x3 average and sub-8 3x3 single, I have a sub-40 minute single on 10x10, I achieved sub-1 single in 2-4 relay (I think.......), and I recently got back into 6x6 and 7x7.

As for my goals for next year:
I've switched my main 3x3 method from CFOP to APB. My goal is to have a sub-10 single with APB by the end of 2025.
My goal for 4x4 is to average sub-35 with a sub-30 single by the end of 2025.
Hoping for a sub-20 minute 10x10 single.
And lastly, my goal is to be top 500 in California in 6x6.
heres my cubing wrapped
Got into pyraminx much more, going from sub 6 to averaging low 2. 2024 wasn't he biggest year for me in 3x3, but I have been learning CLL and CMLL fro 2x2 and OH. I have improved in general Bigger Cubes heaps this year, mostly from hardware improvement.
Goals for next year (all globals):
3x3 Sub 8.8
2x2 Sub 2.5
4x4 Sub 45
5x5 Sub 1:20
6x6 Sub 3
7x7 Sub 5
Clock Sub 5
Skewb Sub 5.5
Pyra Sub 2
Mega Sub 55
Squan Sub 14
FMC Sub 50
Don't really care about BLD events rn.

Thanks to all the Delegates, Organizers and my friends for organizing all the comps and inspiring me to go further in my professional plastic twister career
Post from last year:
Goals for 2024:
2x2: Sub 4.5 global
3x3: Sub 13 global.
4x4: Sub 1:00 global.
5x5: Practice
Megaminx: Practice
3x3 OH: Sub 30 global
Pyra: Sub 5 global.
Skewb: Sub 7.5 global
Squan: Remember how to solve.
3x3 BLD: Get a few successes
Clock: Practice

Recap on 2023:
Probably my first semi-serious year cubing.
In 3x3 I went from averaging 20 to 15, a pretty good cut.
I had a bunch on periods of decent motivation and periods of basically no motivation.
Accomplishments I'm happy about from 2023 (no particular order):
1. 4 place in a comp.
2. Sub 15 3x3 global.
3. Sub 9 and 10 singles (3x3)
4. Went to 2 comps
5. Sub 12 ao5 (3x3)
6. Sub 2.5 pyra single.
7. Sub 5 pyra mo3.
8. Mid 6 comp ao5 pr in pyra
9. Learned how to solve squan
10. Sub 22 single in OH
11. 1:00 flat PB single in comp (4x4)
12. Learned SI for skewb.
13. Learned some more PBL algs.
14. Sub 50 single in comp for squan.

This year:
Went 5 for 11 on goals (3x3, 2x2, 4x4, 5x5, and clock)

New Goals for 2025:
Time Related:
2x2: Sub 4 global.
3x3: Sub 10 global.
4x4: Sub 50 global.
5x5: Practice
Megaminx: Practice
3x3 OH: Sub 30 global
Pyra: Sub 5 global.
Skewb: Sub 7.5 global
Squan: Remember how to solve.
3x3 BLD: Get a few successes.
Clock: Sub 8 global.

Not time related:
Go to 5 comps
Stay consistent

Recap on 2024:
Didn't do much but still some notable things:
1. Sub 10 ao5 (3x3)
2. Sub 8 single (3x3)
3. Went to 3 comps
4. Sub 12 ao5 in comp (3x3)
5. Sub 10 single in comp (3x3)
6. Sub 10 clock ao5 in comp.
7. Sub 4 2x2 ao5 in comp
8. PR pyra ao5 (6.14)

Hopefully Sub 10 global 3x3 next year.
For me, it was probably one of my saddest years ever🙁

I accomplished like nothing this year:
-3x3 I didn't even got 3 seconds faster, prob like 1-2 seconds,
-2x2 I got negative faster with still the same amount of algs
-On 4x4 I got like 10-15 seconds faster, which is good
-I got a 5x5, which is cool
-practiced blind for a time, and stopped
-didn't practice pyra, mega, sq1 and clock, even though I wanted for some of them
-and on skewb, I got 2 seconds faster, to where I have a shot of NR, but at what cost, since I think I more average 3 now

And these where just for events, I "broke" my right hand and had it in a gypsum, literally missing a comp with ER potential scramble🙁
And the only comps where in spring, not a single one in summer/after summer, and I won't go to any this year, I don't think even first part of next year, PROBABLY the next comp will be in summer, but I might lose everything that I know, because I have exams in June, and I still can fully cube, soo an extremely sad year for speed cubing
At least I started my YouTube channel, and actually did a good video, and I'm currently working on my best video yet

For goals:
-3x3 sub 10
-4x4 sub 45
-dont care 5x5
-I want to have a 6x6 and 7x7
-do FMC at comp, and get around 35
-get sub 1 BLD single, maybe official
-pyra no
-mega sub 1:20ish
-practice sq1, sub 15
-no clock, maybe a little, sub 7 consistently
-dont do 4 and 5 blind
-maybe multibld NR if it isn't broken
I also want to get monetized for YouTube, with a strong fanbase, Maybe sponsorship if I'm like over 2k subs, but prob not
I'm also going into High School next year, so is going to be new/weird

TDLR: This was a BAD year for speed cubing, and I want my next year to be BIG
I thought I'd take a look at each event, compared to exactly 1 year ago. I only have a PB sheet to go based upon with pretty much only singles, so the globals are estimates. I barely improved in some events since I don't really practice them. When I refer to PBs, mostly PB singles.

3x3- My PB single has gone from 11.90 to 7.76, and I think my global has gone from around 18 to 13.
2x2- My PB has gone from 1.13 to 0.72, ao5 from 3.34 to 2.05. I think my global has gone from around 5.5 to low 3.
4x4- My PB has gone from 1:03 to 57.
5x5- My PB has gone from 2:55 to 2:24.
3BLD- My PB has gone from 2:46 to 37.04!!! Global has gone from 3:30 to 45.
FMC- My PB has gone from N/A to 41.
OH- My PB has gone from 27 to 24.
Clock- My PB has gone from N/A to 6.68.
Mega- My PB has gone from N/A to 1:49.
Pyra- My PB has gone from 3.09 to 1.52(1.61 PB5 lol) and global from around 8 to 4.
Skewb- I don't even know lol.
Square 1- N/A to 24.15 PB.
4BLD- N/A to PB 4:55.
5BLD- N/A to PB 16:33.
MBLD- 2/2 to 6/8, I think I can do more cubes but I only have 8.

Very happy with my improvement this year!

Ambitious goals for next year(left out some events I don't do much)-

3x3- Sub 6.5 single, sub 10 ao5, sub 12 ao100
2x2- Sub 0.55 single, sub 1.8 ao5, sub 2.8 ao100
3BLD- Sub 27 single, sub 33 mean
Clock- Sub 5.5 single, sub 7 ao5
Pyra- Sub 1 single, sub 2.5 ao5, sub 3.5 ao100
4BLD- Sub 3:15 single
5BLD- Sub 11 single
MBLD- 12 points