rubiks cube

  1. gedikli

    I need feedback on the Rubik's Cube Quiz!

    Hello friends! I recently shared a site that I made for people to learn CFOP here and asked for your feedback. Thank you for all your feedback. I edited the site according to your feedback, fixed the errors and added a blog section. (I am open to your ideas on this.) And now I added a small...
  2. gedikli

    The Hitory of The Rubik's Cube

    Hello Guys. I made a vieo about history of the Rubik's Cube. I think you may like. I will be happy if you watch and rate it. I tried to tell the history of Rubik's cube in my own way. I think you will be interested. If you like it, I would be happy if you support it by subscribing.
  3. gedikli

    Do you need help for CFOP Algorithms?

    I made a website for you. If you need help with CFOP you can check out the site I made for it. It would make me very happy if you would review this site.
  4. TheSpeedSkewber

    The Rubik's Cube's Common Ancestor- The Egg

    The first half was written by me with the latter half being written by ChatGPT The Rubik's Cube, with its intricate combination of colors and patterns, seems worlds apart from the simple, unassuming egg. However, upon closer examination, one can uncover surprising similarities between these...
  5. Americancuber232

    3x3 competition(scrambles)

    This competition will start when there are atleast 8 competitors. Just if you want to join. The format will be single elimination best ao12(yes I know an ao12 is weird). Worst ao12 will be eliminated. Competitiors: An Animating Cuber Advantageousfrog Cubenerd74 JDAW6 1x1 Wr Holder AJT17 Torrian...
  6. dllema

    Cubing Talk, get anything you need to get off your chest. Cubing related, not a therapist :)

    what the title says,
  7. FB Cubing

    WCA events relay

    Here is a video where I solve all of my WCA puzzles.
  8. Human Cuber

    Unboxing The 2005 Rubiks Cube!

    This is not the actual 2005 series Rubiks Cube, but I got this one which is quite similar to it. If you like my video, do give a like instead. Thank You So Much! Comment Pls!
  9. Human Cuber

    Best Rubik's Cube Lube?

    Feel Free to Check it out and comment down below? I'm always free to reply any of you guys. Do give a like, if possible enough. Glad Thaks! Enjoy.
  10. Cryptic Cubing Online Competition

    Cryptic Cubing Online Competition

    Are you looking for a great online cubing competition? Then Cryptic Cubing is for you! We have: Friendly Staff Heaps of roles Active Community Lots of Channels If you want any of this, then join!
  11. Cryptic Cubing Discord Server

    Cryptic Cubing Discord Server

    Are you looking for a great online cubing competition? Then Cryptic Cubing is for you! We have: Friendly Staff Heaps of roles Active Community Lots of Channels If you want any of this, then join!
  12. teboecubes

    The PROBLEM With The NEW Rubik’s Official Cube App

  13. Immortal Knight- Cubing

    I solved a Rubik's cube blindfolded in 43.77 seconds(M2/OP) +Reconstruction

  14. CJCubing

    Why and How did you start cubing?

    Here's a good question: Why and How did you start cubing? Here's my story: In 2017, my school had a competition with our students, and grouped us in teams. When I heard Rubik's Cube, being hosted as one of the games, I immediately joined in. After a day, I was ready. When we got to the...
  15. J

    [Unofficial] 3x3 Average of 12: 15.61 w/ Commentary

  16. OLLiver

    [Unofficial] 13 Rubik's Cubes In One Breath, UWR - Good Camera Angle

    Ok So people wanted a better angle, so I practiced my F2L and bought a new camera and one upped my UWR. Here is 13 cubes in breath, 3:54! I'm currently organising an record attempt. Expect a Unofficial attempt underwater soon
  17. OLLiver

    [Unofficial] UWR! 12 RUBIKS CUBES, One breath, 4:08! cubewizard23 did 11 so naturally I immediately had to do twelve, sorry about the angle, my tripod was literally drooping (lol). This was second attempt, this is also my first breath hold over 4 minutes ever. I averaged over 20 seconds per cube...
  18. starcuber

    [Official] 3.55 offlical skewb single

    done at avenues cubelelo scramble -L R U' L B U' B' R L R B sub feliks :) worst average :(
  19. starcuber

    [Indian NR] Anish Rajesh 6x6 2.09.86 single

    gj( I am not him) scramble-Rw2 Dw Lw2 Dw B' L' B' Dw2 R2 L' Dw 3Uw R' 3Uw' Bw' B' Dw Lw2 B U R2 L2 3Rw' B2 U2 B' Rw U' Uw D2 L2 B D2 Dw Uw 3Rw' 3Uw2 Dw' R2 Fw Bw' 3Uw' Fw' Bw2 3Rw' Bw' U F' B' 3Rw' 3Uw2 Bw' Rw Uw2 F Fw2 Uw Fw F 3Uw2 3Fw2 D Bw' L2 U' 3Fw' 3Rw' L2 Dw Fw2 R D Rw 3Uw' Fw2 R2 Uw...
  20. starcuber

    Avenues CUBELELO Open 2015

    hey guys here is a competition in India Avenues CUBELELO Open 2015- get ready Events- 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, Pyraminx, 3x3 Blindfolded, 3x3 Feet, 3x3 One-Handed...