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I need feedback on the Rubik's Cube Quiz!


Aug 25, 2024
Hello friends! I recently shared a site that I made for people to learn CFOP here and asked for your feedback. Thank you for all your feedback. I edited the site according to your feedback, fixed the errors and added a blog section. (I am open to your ideas on this.) And now I added a small Rubik's Cube quiz. A small quiz with 10 questions. In short, you can solve it and have fun. If you like it, I would be very happy if you share the page with your friends and help me grow it. I am open to ideas for development. (The site is still not showing up on Google). Thanks.

Cube Quizz


I would be very happy to see your results on this test.

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-09-21 184924.png
That's a nice little quiz you have there. (But two of the questions were about the same thing, so maybe one of them can be replaced with another?)

Got 9/10. (Guessed on 2 questions, got one right, one wrong.)
Last edited:
That's a nice little quiz you have there. (But two of the questions were about the same thing, so maybe one of them can be replaced with another?)

Got 9/10. (Guessed on 2 questions, got one right, one wrong.)
Thanks for your feedback. I will fix it.
Do you think it would be boring if there were more questions? Also, since everyone did well, was it easy or were you the best? :)
"Which of the following methods is widely used for speedcubing?"

This should probably be "Which of the following methods is most widely used for speedcubing." Since Roux is also widely used for speedcubing, especially one-handed solving.
I made some changes. As you said, I increased the number and pool of questions and corrected some questions.
"Which of the following methods is widely used for speedcubing?"

This should probably be "Which of the following methods is most widely used for speedcubing." Since Roux is also widely used for speedcubing, especially one-handed solving.
This is true, but isn't CFOP still the most used method?