Here's a good question: Why and How did you start cubing?
Here's my story:
Here's my story:
In 2017, my school had a competition with our students, and grouped us in teams. When I heard Rubik's Cube, being hosted as one of the games, I immediately joined in. After a day, I was ready. When we got to the venue (one of the places in the school), I was the first to solve 4 cubes as fast as possible. It took me 6 minutes, from a fast turning to a slow turning cube. After the competition, I was 2nd place (with other rewards as well). After that, nothing really happened.. for a year.
In mid to late 2018, I started cubing, just to see how it goes. By this point, I was learning CFOP. I made a mistake by learning full OLL instead of 2-look OLL (;-|). When I learned CFOP, however, my times were raised from 32-35 seconds, to 40-45 seconds from LBL method. After a few months, I got my first sub-30 with CFOP, which was 28.44 (28.54 PB with LBL). After that, I kept improving my times. I got a PB of 19.71, my first sub-20. But even more surprising, was that 3 solves later, I got an 18.21 single. I then got a another PB around 65-125 solves later of 18.19 seconds, and now, here I am. 2019, and a bright cubing future. -CJ