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[Unofficial] 13 Rubik's Cubes In One Breath, UWR - Good Camera Angle


May 9, 2015
Christchurch, New Zealand
Visit Channel
Ok So people wanted a better angle, so I practiced my F2L and bought a new camera and one upped my UWR. Here is 13 cubes in breath, 3:54!
I'm currently organising an record attempt. Expect a Unofficial attempt underwater soon
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shouldnt you use something to close your nose?
I mean I could be sitting there pretending not to breathe
I really hope you keep practicing 3x3 cos if you can get down to an achievable low teens average you could easily get high teens in 4 mins.
It's true, if you pass out while holding your breath you'll just start breathing again. Just gotta hope you don't hit your head on something.

I tried this a bunch and actually managed to get 12 cubes in 3:05.41 and then 13 cubes in 3:11.26 :D I'm really happy to get at least 12 since I feel it's a big milestone (avg12 and whatnot). Couldn't make myself go any further than 13, though. I didn't record it.

Also, while I'm warmed up for it... 2x2x2 through 5x5x5 relay in 2:30.59, and 6x6x6 in 2:31.95.

Does anybody remember how many Gilles did in his bathtub? He used to have a video on his site, iirc it was 4-ish minutes.
I'm pretty sure it was 6. I had the video a while ago - I think he said he got rid of it because he didn't want his boss at work knowing about it.
Whoa! Congrats!
This was pretty much the only record I thought I could beat. Been practicing a ton lately! That means more practice, I guess. Thirteen is a long way away, though :p Again, though--nice!
Also, have you done more than this before?
Whoa! Congrats!
This was pretty much the only record I thought I could beat. Been practicing a ton lately! That means more practice, I guess. Thirteen is a long way away, though :p Again, though--nice!
Also, have you done more than this before?
nah this is PB, Still a lot of error though and my solving could be faster so improvement is possible