
  1. molarmanful

    Cube Race Simulation Bot

    I just made a cube bot that you can race against here: http://s.codepen.io/molarmanful/debug/bNqpxY? 1. Adjust the bot's TPS to a preferred scramble setting. If you want to follow the bot scramble, I would recommend a lower setting. 2. Generate a scramble. Do the scramble (the bot will also...
  2. PixelWizard

    Pyraminx Race

    Hello together This is the official Pyraminx Race Thread. Information: - This Race is build on trust, so please be honest :) - A new Round starts every Wednesday (Noon to Midday in North- and Southamerica, Evening in Europe/Africa and Night in Asia/Australia) - Stages are: Sub-12 / 10 / 8 / 6...
  3. AlexCube

    TPS (turns per second) race!

    So in this race I'll give you a new algorithm every friday and announce 3 winners (they don't win anything, just get popularity) The winner is who got the biggest TPS on that algorithm :) Then there is a point system, let's say we have 10 competitors. The first will get 10 points, second 9...
  4. Noahaha

    [Unofficial] [VIDEO] BLD Race: Colin Boyd, Noah Arthurs, Corey Sakowski

    Captain's Cove 2012 Lol I'm a clown. Colin got a 2:16 and Corey got a 1:42. We had a great time even though BLD was cancelled. EDIT: Just realized this is my best solve on video. Better film more of my solves.
  5. collinbxyz

    How Fast Are You? (2011 Poll)

    Note: I know about this thread, but this is from over a year ago, and I wanted a more up to date poll! It is nearing the end of 2011, and I thought I'd poll how generally fast the forum is for the 3x3. Please be honest, your name won't show up for the option that you chose. Also, I'm pretty...
  6. L

    The WCA Events Weekly Relay Race.

    This is a "quick" relay I have been doing to improve on the WCA events. It is pretty fun and for those who like the 2-7 relay they will probably enjoy this. (no magics incorporated) So here is the relay: -3x3 BLD always first. Then order doesn't matter. 1. 2x2 2. 3x3 3. 4x4 4. 5x5...
  7. antoineccantin

    Race to sub 2.5 Master Magic

    So as the title says, this is a race to sub 2.5 Master Magic. And yes, I know about this thread. I will try to update this every week, unless only 1 person participated (than I wait till 2 people have). Do 12 solves and have fun!
  8. cubernya

    Race to Sub-20 (Must average above 30 to start)

    Race to Sub-25 (Must average above 30 at start to get reward) MOD NOTE : If you can change the thread title to my post title it would be great Alright, this is kind of like brackets (well not kind of, it is!) This will last just a few weeks, until the final winner is declared. The first 16...
  9. cubeflip

    Race to Sub-20 OH

    this thread starts here: I've noticed that many people use the slower 3x3 races to race themselves at OH. I couldn't find an OH race through the search, so I'm starting one. Hopefully a handful of people will like this. This race has the same rules as the other races. For each round there will...
  10. Keroma12

    6x6x6 Race

    Same rules as the other races. Average of 5 removing best and worst. New scrambles each sunday or monday. 6x6x6 is awesome :D Let me know your goal the first time you enter the race. Sub-6, sub-5, sub-4, sub-3, or sub-2:30. Beat your goal 3 times, and you move on to the next one (if you want...
  11. Micael

    Race to 15/15 multi-BLD

    Hi, I would enjoy a "Race to 15/15 multi-BLD" and thought others would too. Hence, I offer to organize a race to sub-60:00 15/15. For people passionate by multi, you know how engaging this event is, emotionally and mentally. There is those down times and it tooks determination and...
  12. J

    Race to sub-8 Pyraminx

    As with the other race thread new scrambles will be posted every Sunday at around 5pm GMT. 12 scrambles will be given results should be given as the average and individual times. Scrambles are randomly generated by qqtimer. PM me if you graduate (3 weeks in a row sub-8 average) Times must be...
  13. cubersmith


  14. Fire Cuber

    Sub-1 Minute 4x4 Race

    The rules are easy - I give you 5 scrambles, you take out the best and the worst, and average the remaining ten. If you get three consecutive weeks in a row sub-1 average, please go away from this thread and show off. . Who can join? Everyone who rarely gets sub-1 Minute on 4x4. I will...