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Like @Tabe said, most of these are outdated. The YLM square-1 is still a fantastic puzzle though, but please spend the extra few bucks to get a magnetic one since its much better than the non-magnetic version. If you must get the Thunderclap 4x4, the mini one is better. For 4x4 I would recommend the Meilong M 4x4 since it has seen wide use in competition and has performance close to flagships like the Valk and GTS2. For 2x2 I would get the MGC v1 or Yupo v2. The MGC v1 is a better puzzle but if you can't afford it the Yupo v2 is still an excellent choice.
I looked for better ones and found the dayan tengyun 2x2( I wont probably replace it for a long time)
any shop that is in the US and can have like a 6-pack of some really cheapo budget cubes?
I am not a serious cuber, but I love solving mine nonetheless. I am a big fan of muted, neutral colors so the current market of cubes (with bright, neon colors) is not really my taste. I see that you can create custom cubes with stickers on speedcubeshop.com, but I don't love the colors that are available there. Any tips out there? I currently have a sticker less speed cube that I purchased from Amazon (again, not a serious cuber. Don't judge my cube! Haha)

Any websites/tips/stores you can offer would be much appreciated! I am not opposed to getting stickers, but I am overwhelmed at choices of cube, lubes, magnetic vs non-magnetic, etc.

Perhaps here? https://www.kewbz.co.uk/products/3x3x3-speed-cube-custom-stickers?_pos=7&_sid=8d70e6ccb&_ss=r
I would keep searching and see if there are any cubes with good shades for you.
Or try get used to the normal schemes.
You might also be able to find some vinyl online which you can use.

As for the other things, let me know if you want to buy some and I’ll help you out :). The magnets question is pretty simple though, magnetic is better - it gives more stability by holding the cube together more, and giving resistance and attracting when finishing a trun.
Hey peeps
I know there is a thread for where you can buy your cube but I also know those places aren't necessarily the best places to get your cubes. So where do you get your cubes.
Soon once I have more info I will post a poll.
Also I am in need of a extremely cheap cube that I can absolutely trash and throw in the bin in about 8 weeks. (I'm taking a LONG trip to a beach and will not wreck my cube getting/ being there. Also I'm Australian)
Thx for your time
For australians your best bet is to buy from an australian retailer like dailypuzzles.
If you're willing to wait a few weeks for shipping, some chinese stores like cubezz or ziicube will give you the absolute least price.
People, while I'm thankful for the help getting a new cube that was only a sub topic. The original reason for this thread was so that others could find out about other places to buy cubes and maybe even find a better place to buy them
I buy my sppedcubes mainly off of cubezz, the cubicle, and speedcubeshop. Here is my oppion on each.

Cubezz: amazing cheap prices but it's based in China and takes many weeks to ship, also their customer service isn't the best

Thecubicle: Amazing prices basically cheapest ones in us, also have the besr custom cubes, pretty good customer service

Speedcubeshop: a little more price than cubicle for certain puzzles, pretty good nova/supernova cubes, also the best customer service than any other cube store I've ever bought from. They also
For an extremely cheap cube you can really mess with I would recommend the QiYi warrior S, it is basically impossible to pop and can survive a whole lot of abuse for it's low price.
Yes it's my main and it is durable and long-lasting. I think, it is if not the best, one of the best cubes you can get at $3 USD