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What are the worst mistakes cubers make?

Yes, I very much agree with you. I will go step further though. I think that the 3x3 two-handed event is all that matters. The rest could just go away.
very chad of you to say.
I son what agree though. 3x3 normal is just such a popular event and its the one that "really Matters" because its so popular. almost everyone you know or meet has tried to solve one, so they relate with it's difficulty.

I think tunnel vision is a thing alot of people including myself struggle with, I overcame it after some slow solving though.
Thinking F2L is about learning an alg for each case (seriously, before I actually found any kind of online cubing community, be it youtube or wherever else, this is how I thought it went and I wasted weeks trying to memorise algs).

I would also say leaving good fingertricks too late (I didn't learn double flicks or M moves until I was sub-20, and only started using home grip rather than thumb on bottom as my main grip to do algs from when I was around sub-17; this must've really been slowing me down now that I think about it...)
Thinking F2L is about learning an alg for each case (seriously, before I actually found any kind of online cubing community, be it youtube or wherever else, this is how I thought it went and I wasted weeks trying to memorise algs).

I would also say leaving good fingertricks too late (I didn't learn double flicks or M moves until I was sub-20, and only started using home grip rather than thumb on bottom as my main grip to do algs from when I was around sub-17; this must've really been slowing me down now that I think about it...)
I have hit a 8.7 sec single, and average 12-14 seconds and I don't know any f2l lags, its just years of practice tbh. doing it intuitively will eventually become natural.
I have hit a 8.7 sec single, and average 12-14 seconds and I don't know any f2l lags, its just years of practice tbh. doing it intuitively will eventually become natural.
I know this now (I'm now stuck at sub-12), but I've seen a lot of people make this mistake as well; even in help threads.
Please, if the events were jokes the WCA would never have considered them anyway, if not why isn't 1x1 held at comps?
If you've seen the jokesters who actually do 1x1, you see that it's even less work than Magic. Another "Puzzle" that the WCA admitted their mistake and removed.
In todays world I doubt 2x2 would get added if it wasn't already because the challenge factor that even 3x3 hast for the best isn't there for nearly every 2x2 solver.
You have to remember, the WCA was (not there) highly different at that point up until a decade of existing. In 2001, 2002 and 2003, when events for the (2002) 2003 worlds were considered, there was no Skewb, there was no 6x6, they took the puzzles the majority had. That included the most popular Rubiks puzzles(back to magic) and the most popular Mefferts puzzles. Remember, Siamese was held there, too and Rainbow was held until 2006. When 6x6 and 7x7 got released, the WCA immediatly added them without much thought.
2x2 is a relic of the past. We don't need to remove it but leaving 2x2 will come with critizism.

I think that the 3x3 two-handed event is all that matters. The rest could just go away.
There's a typo in there. It's actually written as Square-1.
Thinking F2L is about learning an alg for each case (seriously, before I actually found any kind of online cubing community, be it youtube or wherever else, this is how I thought it went and I wasted weeks trying to memorise algs).
This was me...That is why it took me so long to learn F2L. So many different algorithms for each case!