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Sombi McJunior’s Progression Thread - 6.58 BPA - Practicing for Pretzel Mania 25

Currently compiling the cubes i’m asking my dad to get me for christmas;

Diansheng Fto
Aosu v7 single track non uv
Aochuang v6 single track non uv
Dayan mega pro large

Hows the list? Also my big question is, should I get the dayan mega, or the gan mega? Current total is $89.84, and i’d like to be courteous and spend less than $100. I also don’t take mega very seriously
I think it would be a much bigger upgrade to go from the Diansheng FTO to the Dayan FTO than the Dayan mega to the Gan mega. I have the Dayan pro mega in the smaller size and I think it's really good. It's much lighter and nicer to solve than my Yuhu, but it corner twists on looser tensions. I've read the large Dayan pro doesn't corner twist as much for some reason. Meanwhile, my Diansheng FTO feels like it's barely speedsolvable. It's magnetic, sure, but it barely corner cuts unless you loosen it, and then it pops. If you want a cheap FTO, go with the Qiyi, which I've heard is similar in performance to the Diansheng (ie not very good) but without the pops.
I think it would be a much bigger upgrade to go from the Diansheng FTO to the Dayan FTO than the Dayan mega to the Gan mega. I have the Dayan pro mega in the smaller size and I think it's really good. It's much lighter and nicer to solve than my Yuhu, but it corner twists on looser tensions. I've read the large Dayan pro doesn't corner twist as much for some reason. Meanwhile, my Diansheng FTO feels like it's barely speedsolvable. It's magnetic, sure, but it barely corner cuts unless you loosen it, and then it pops. If you want a cheap FTO, go with the Qiyi, which I've heard is similar in performance to the Diansheng (ie not very good) but without the pops.
I’ll consider it, although i probably won’t be putting much effort into getting good at fto. Thanks
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-17
avg of 5: 36.80

Time List:
1. (36.45) B2 L D2 R L2 B2 D2 R2 D2 R' D F2 L B' R2 L2 U B U R2 Rw2 B R2 U' F' Rw2 D Fw2 L2 B Rw2 B' R U Fw2 R Rw U2 Fw' Rw' Fw R2 L Uw2 Fw2
2. (37.81) F2 R' L' F2 U2 F2 B2 L D2 L' U' R2 B' L' F B' U B' R' L2 Fw2 D R' F2 Uw2 Rw2 U B2 L' B2 Rw2 D Fw Uw2 B U L' B2 L2 Fw Uw F' B' Fw' Rw2
3. 37.27 L' D R F2 D2 L' U2 F2 U2 R' F2 R' D2 F B2 D' R F2 R2 L' D' Fw2 L Uw2 B Rw2 F L Fw2 R' B' D2 B2 R' Uw B' Uw2 R2 U F' D2 Uw Rw' B2 Rw' Uw'
4. 36.63 L D2 R F2 L' F2 L2 D2 F2 L' F2 D F R' U' D L' F R2 D2 R' Uw2 Fw2 D R D2 F2 D' Fw2 Rw2 U' L2 D' Fw Rw2 B Uw2 Fw L F2 Rw F' U2 Fw' L Uw' L2
5. 36.50 F R2 B2 L' U B R B U2 D' F2 L2 B' L2 U2 L2 D2 B' U2 Fw2 U' L2 D' R' Rw2 U B2 Uw2 Rw2 U' L' D Fw' D' Rw2 D Fw2 R' F' Rw' F2 L' Uw' L Fw

crazy pb 4x4 avg

almost +2 and pop on 4th solve, and pll skip on 5th came in so clutch. first pure sub 40 avg too, and also pure sub 38 which is crazy
my cube is also super gummy from lack of use
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-17
avg of 5: 36.80

Time List:
1. (36.45) B2 L D2 R L2 B2 D2 R2 D2 R' D F2 L B' R2 L2 U B U R2 Rw2 B R2 U' F' Rw2 D Fw2 L2 B Rw2 B' R U Fw2 R Rw U2 Fw' Rw' Fw R2 L Uw2 Fw2
2. (37.81) F2 R' L' F2 U2 F2 B2 L D2 L' U' R2 B' L' F B' U B' R' L2 Fw2 D R' F2 Uw2 Rw2 U B2 L' B2 Rw2 D Fw Uw2 B U L' B2 L2 Fw Uw F' B' Fw' Rw2
3. 37.27 L' D R F2 D2 L' U2 F2 U2 R' F2 R' D2 F B2 D' R F2 R2 L' D' Fw2 L Uw2 B Rw2 F L Fw2 R' B' D2 B2 R' Uw B' Uw2 R2 U F' D2 Uw Rw' B2 Rw' Uw'
4. 36.63 L D2 R F2 L' F2 L2 D2 F2 L' F2 D F R' U' D L' F R2 D2 R' Uw2 Fw2 D R D2 F2 D' Fw2 Rw2 U' L2 D' Fw Rw2 B Uw2 Fw L F2 Rw F' U2 Fw' L Uw' L2
5. 36.50 F R2 B2 L' U B R B U2 D' F2 L2 B' L2 U2 L2 D2 B' U2 Fw2 U' L2 D' R' Rw2 U B2 Uw2 Rw2 U' L' D Fw' D' Rw2 D Fw2 R' F' Rw' F2 L' Uw' L Fw

crazy pb 4x4 avg

almost +2 and pop on 4th solve, and pll skip on 5th came in so clutch. first pure sub 40 avg too, and also pure sub 38 which is crazy
my cube is also super gummy from lack of use
Nice average! Pretty consistent as well.
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-21
avg of 5: 7.38

Time List:
1. (5.69) B U2 F' R' U B2 R' B' R F2 R2 F2 U2 B2 D2 R F2 R' B2 R2
2. (9.39) U F2 D' L2 U' F2 D U F2 R2 F2 U' L' U L2 F2 D' F R B' D
3. 7.84 B2 L B' L2 R2 B2 L2 D2 B U2 R2 F D2 R U B' R' F' D B2
4. 7.76 R2 U2 L U F' R' U' B' U' B2 U' F2 U' L2 U' R2 U' B2 R2 U2 B
5. 6.55 D' U2 F' R2 B2 R2 U2 R2 U2 F D' B2 F' L2 R' B F2 D2

lmaoo pb average, i didn't realize i was on pace until i got the 6

pll skips on solves 1 and 5
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-21
avg of 5: 7.38

Time List:
1. (5.69) B U2 F' R' U B2 R' B' R F2 R2 F2 U2 B2 D2 R F2 R' B2 R2
2. (9.39) U F2 D' L2 U' F2 D U F2 R2 F2 U' L' U L2 F2 D' F R B' D
3. 7.84 B2 L B' L2 R2 B2 L2 D2 B U2 R2 F D2 R U B' R' F' D B2
4. 7.76 R2 U2 L U F' R' U' B' U' B2 U' F2 U' L2 U' R2 U' B2 R2 U2 B
5. 6.55 D' U2 F' R2 B2 R2 U2 R2 U2 F D' B2 F' L2 R' B F2 D2

lmaoo pb average, i didn't realize i was on pace until i got the 6

pll skips on solves 1 and 5
0.01 away from my stackmat pb (not stackmat pb is 7.13)
I got a few cubes for christmas:

-gan mega
-aosu v7
-aochuang v6
-diansheng solar s3m
-qiyi m pro maglev
-qiyi fto m

First 3 are automatic new mains. Got the two 3x3’s bc they were rlly cheap. Still haven’t learned how to solve the fto.

My old megaminx had a bent screw, so the gan mega is a lifechanging upgrade. Within 1 day i’ve gotten my pb single down from 1:14 to 1:06, and my average from 1:22 to 1:15.

Aosu and aochuang needed cleaning and break in but i’ve already gotten rlly good times, lots of good 4x4 singles + a sub 40 ao12, and got my pb single on 5x5 down to 1:14 from 1:16.
Generated By csTimer on 2025-02-06
avg of 5: 7.53

Time List:
1. (6.06) F2 R' U2 B2 L2 B2 R U2 L F U R B2 L' R2 U B' R'
2. 8.89 R2 D2 L2 D' B2 D' B2 D' L2 U F2 R' D U L' B' D2 L2 F' L' R'
3. 6.71 R' F R' U2 L2 U B' U' L D2 L2 U B2 U2 L2 D R2 U L2 D' F2
4. 6.99 F2 R2 B2 U R2 U F2 R2 U2 R2 U F U' F L2 B' U' B2 L' R' U2
5. (DNF(9.98)) R F D F' D2 L U2 F2 B D B2 L2 D R2 U R2 B2 U2 B2 L2 U2

6.58 BPA, I don't know what to feel right now. For reference PB is 7.38

I still global high 8 so this would probably be eternal PB, and that would be bittersweet. I'm still mad i couldn't at least clutch PB.

7.38 is still very good for me so i can't complain. I need to grind out longer average PB's like a25, 50 and 100 rather than focusing on ao5's.