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Sombi McJunior’s Progression Thread - 6.58 BPA - Practicing for Pretzel Mania 25

3x3 R1 - very consistent, 2 10.36's, 4 sub 11's. all of them should have been sub 10 but my hands were shaking too much to do algs quickly

Got a 5.41 pr in skewb r1, nothing too special

Absolutely pissed about 4x4. Got a 46 average. I got a pr single but idrc about that. As someone average almost sub 40, i’m beating myself up, but whatev

I cooked in pyra, got 4th in r1 with a 4.55 avg
i didnt cook in pyra finals, i would have gotten a pure sub 5 avg, but i +2’d and DNF’d and gotten a 5.5 avg.

Did garbage in OH, it was stupid and silly and i’m not even mad.

3x3 r2 i did bad again, not much to say abt it

However, in skewb final i absolutely cooked, got a 2.02 single, and a 4.55 average which put me in 2nd place and gave me my first podium

That made up for all the bad solves so i’m happy. Really stupid that my first podium was in skewb bc i’m bad and don’t practice
However, in skewb final i absolutely cooked, got a 2.02 single, and a 4.55 average which put me in 2nd place and gave me my first podium

That made up for all the bad solves so i’m happy. Really stupid that my first podium was in skewb bc i’m bad and don’t practice
Reminds me of my first podium, it was also in skewb and i didnt practice at all and then watching live results with my friends and then i found out i got 3rd, except yours is 2nd, which makes it super impressive
I think i'm going to seriously start my big cube training arc, especially since i recently got the meilong 6 and 7 v2's. I'm not counting 4x4 because i already regularly practice that.

my PB's as of 9/22/24 are:

5x5 - 1:16.61 single, 1:20.97 average
6x6 - 2:43.32 single, 3:01.88 mean (will beat soon trust)
7x7 - 4:23.24 single, 4:43.79 mean (both official)

just did an angstrom setup on my 6x6 and breaking it in now. i'll try and record some decent solves from a good angle for critiques if possible

any have general tips to start off with?
already dropped my 6x6 mean from 3:01 to 2:57.

Heres a 2:49 solve i recorded

Can anyone decent give me some advice?

Also does anyone know why my 6x6 makes a zipping noise? I haven’t disassembled it, i’ve lubes it, i’ve lubed the core, and i’ve done dozens of break in solves.
You use yau (yay)
I'd say (from a 2:15 solver) that your lookahead on yau centers/last 4 centers whatever you wanna call it could be a little better
Work on doing slow solves more pauseless and just turn a lot faster as this is one of the places where TPS is more relevant over efficiency
Forgot to say it, but i've made a bit of progression in 6x6

Broke my single with a 2:40, but right after that got a 2:22 and i don't know how, its crazy.

It is on my phone so i don't know rn but i got my Ao5 down to 2:45 i think, and my mean down to 2:38.

my edges have gotten a lot faster somehow, but I am still working on doing my centers quickly/turning faster.

i'll start doing more 7x7, partly to get better at 7x7 but mainly to help with 6x6.

when i average about 2:30 on 6x6, then i'll probably start working on 5x5
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-02
avg of 5: 7.44

Time List:
1. 7.27 D B2 D' B2 L2 D2 F2 D' L2 U R2 B' R2 F D L B R U F2 D
2. 7.70 F' U2 R2 B2 U2 L2 U2 R2 D' B2 D' F2 R B' D2 B2 D B' U' B2 F
3. (9.53) B2 L2 D L2 D2 F2 D' F2 L2 R2 D' L2 R' D R2 F' D' R U2 B L2
4. 7.34 B2 F2 L2 B2 U' B2 R2 U L2 U F2 R2 L F' U L B' L' U2 F2 D'
5. (7.18) F' U2 B' D2 F2 L2 F' R2 F D2 B2 D2 L' F2 D U B' L2 R D' U2

PB average! happy to beat 7.49, and also very consistent

my global keeps fluctuating between mid 9 and sub 9 though, but i like to believe i'm actually getting faster.
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-02
avg of 5: 7.44

Time List:
1. 7.27 D B2 D' B2 L2 D2 F2 D' L2 U R2 B' R2 F D L B R U F2 D
2. 7.70 F' U2 R2 B2 U2 L2 U2 R2 D' B2 D' F2 R B' D2 B2 D B' U' B2 F
3. (9.53) B2 L2 D L2 D2 F2 D' F2 L2 R2 D' L2 R' D R2 F' D' R U2 B L2
4. 7.34 B2 F2 L2 B2 U' B2 R2 U L2 U F2 R2 L F' U L B' L' U2 F2 D'
5. (7.18) F' U2 B' D2 F2 L2 F' R2 F D2 B2 D2 L' F2 D U B' L2 R D' U2

PB average! happy to beat 7.49, and also very consistent

my global keeps fluctuating between mid 9 and sub 9 though, but i like to believe i'm actually getting faster.
Nice! you beat my PB average by 0.05 lol
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