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[Member Intro] Solving the 4x4 Rubik cube

By the blank edge, do mean the yellow edge pair in the back of the photo? Which face should be facing me? I don’t understand the use of (x). I believe it is an x axis. I need to read more on to understand it’s importance.
RIP you have parity. Firstly, as you can see there are 3 yellow edges, and you want to put the blank edge in front of you (yellow still at the top). then you want to do the parity algorithm:

r U2 x r U2 r U2 r' U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 r' U2 r'

after that send another photo
Dude read more I already posted about the use of x. It is a
RIP you have parity. Firstly, as you can see there are 3 yellow edges, and you want to put the blank edge in front of you (yellow still at the top). then you want to do the parity algorithm:

r U2 x r U2 r U2 r' U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 r' U2 r'

after that send another photo
I’m sorry for not understanding “blank edge”. Is it the yellow edge pair in the back of the photo?
So is it the red edge pair on top of the photo?
Put the edge in the back (the one with no yellow on top) in front of you. Then do the parity alg mentioned earlier.

Please watch this video to see exactly how to execute the algorithm:

Sorry for being so dense!
Um ok. Can you send a picture after you perform the parity algorithm? I take that you haven’t solved the cube yet and you’re trying to solve it for the first time
Slow the video down and pause it if you need to. The algorithm is on the screen and you can memorize it based on when you go up and when you go down. It's not an easy alg to memorize; it will take time.

Edit: this better not be some kind of troll account
No, I can assure you I am completely honest in trying to understand these moves. I think I have enough information now.