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Human Limit Reached in 2x2?

personally think that we are getting close to the limits of methods like EG, and TEG but once OO is complete, we might be seeing more sub-0.7 or so averages. Single is really unpredictable but I think the closest we are going to get in comp is sub-0.4. Here are what i think are the limits.
Average: 0.5
personally think that we are getting close to the limits of methods like EG, and TEG but once OO is complete, we might be seeing more sub-0.7 or so averages. Single is really unpredictable but I think the closest we are going to get in comp is sub-0.4. Here are what i think are the limits.
Average: 0.5
I think a high 0.2 could be possible officially
As I have said in other threads, 1, 2 and 3 movers are not allowed in 2x2 competitions. They are allowed in 3x3 though, if you solve corners first. As such, solving the corners (as the first step) in a 3x3 is faster than solving the corners in a 2x2. Someone even posted a screenshot of a 3x3 scramble generated by csTimer that had ALL the corners already solved.