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Big Cube Challenge | Ended

Your cubes are probably better, but I can't afford DianSheng magnetic big cubes.
The biggest I own is the DianSheng 8, but I bought it from Fukuoka a couple months back. The only problem I have with it is the innermost center on the 2nd layer pops and locks up so often that it gets kinda annoying. I have to play around with the tensions some more when I get back home.
I started doing 10x10 today, but I got one solve done then I got a really bad pop so I had to take apart a quarter of the inner pieces on one face, then I had to spend two sessions just trying to get it back together. I was eventually successful but my fingers really hurt and it is getting later so I will finish the mo3 tomorrow.
You should probably tighten your cube or have a less aggressive turning style then. Either of those could help.
I think one of the issues is also that centers is the step where you turn the inner layers, so you are most likely to experience a worse pop. I solve 5x5 centers by essentially spamming one algorithm so I'm turning faster and more aggressively. Maybe I should just use blockbuilding instead.