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Big Cube Challenge | Ended

Mar 3, 2023
an old commercial about super strong tape.
This challenge is really just for the giggles and maybe could help you if you use redux for big cubes.

How fast can you solve all 6 centers of big cubes?

I know, I know.

I'm gonna get laughed at(I'm laughing at myself just typing this out).

But it's just something different.

The way scrambling is done will be handled differently since we are just solving centers (but it's still simple)

Follow scramble 1 with white top green front.
Once you have solved all 6 centers, stop the timer.
Then, apply the next scramble with the white center top and green center front.
This saves time inbetween solves if you don't use Redux.

4x4 - ao5
5x5 - ao5
6x6 - mo3
7x7 - mo3
8x8(if you want, I'll allow it) - bo2

I would like to have a maximum of ~16 people. Results will be sent to me via DM and then at the end of the week it will be posted at the end.

Scrambles release Sunday, March 23

Nebraskan Speedsolver(Host)
Abram Grimsley
Fen the Goat
Cubist Guitar
bld cuber
1x1 wr holder
The Speed Skewber
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This challenge is really just for the giggles and maybe could help you if you use redux for big cubes.

How fast can you solve all 6 centers of big cubes?

I know, I know.

I'm gonna get laughed at(I'm laughing at myself just typing this out).

But it's just something different.

8x8(if you want, I'll allow it)

I would like to have a maximum of ~16 people. Results will be sent to me via DM and then at the end of the week it will be posted at the end.
I'll join
I main yau, but I'm in for a little redux practice! I'll join.

Also, can I only do 4-6? I have a Terrible 7x7.
Also, can I do 10x10 mo3 just for fun?
Yeah, you don't have to do all of them

As for 10x10, I didn't expect someone to want to do it. You don't have to do all 3 haha, as you are probably the only one doing it. You could do it as either an mo2 or bo2 if you want, but I'll allow the mo3.