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Are parents the major reason for speedcubers in India being slow?

Are parents the major reason for speedcubers in India being slow?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 19 28.8%

  • Total voters
I am from India and am decent..subb 11 at 3x3, sub 47 at 4x4, sub 1;35 at 5x5, etc.

I agree that the Indian Education system is really messed up and stuff but blaming parents for us being slow is just BS. The reason is that there are just so many cubers here, and manyyyy of them are nubs. Life is different in every country but you can't come up with such reasons for yourself being slow.
To OP, I hope you do realise that post is incredibly old and we have come a long way since then, we have had AsR's and WR's now. And a league past all the statistics that were made in the original post calling indian cubers slow. As Drew pointed out the number of sub10 solvers, of course it is worth noticing. But i must mention that cubing started late here overall and we are just picking up. As another statistic, look at Number of sub10 averages by the year (2015/2014/2013)
I think the numbers speak for themselves. I do not mean you are wrong. I just want to give you a different perspective. The more competitions are there and more people get fast, this rate increases. Despite that, yes there are lot of huge workshops here for purposes of spreading cubing or just trying for some guiness/limca record for most people solving a rubiks cube (as those are easy ways to get a WR on your name), they do promote noob cubers. India probably has the biggest load of noobs in the world.
Also, I agree the education system is pretty terrible and all, but yeah you can't blame the system or your parents. You want something, you go out there and practise for it.
Ok yeah sure. But the fact of the matter is that India is just statistically not as fast at cubing compared to some other countries. 0.73% of US cubers have sub 10 averages compared to 0.17% of Indian cubers. UK has a solid 1.67%, Poland has .89%, and even Australia and Mexico are better. It is just kind of surprising considering they have relatively large community.

I'm sure people will pick apart my stats and show how I'm wrong, but there you go.

I'm sure Korean students are much more busier then Indian students. They go to an academy right after school and then come home at 10 pm.
I'm sure Korean students are much more busier then Indian students. They go to an academy right after school and then come home at 10 pm.

LOL no.... Korean students are much more busier then Indian students.. but they are not slow for sure.

Hey LOL we don't need to get into fights about who is more busy? Have you seen our entrance exams to universities? They totally make the SAT look like garbage.
I don't want to fight for no reason, but let me give you my day. Please note that I go to afternoon school.
Wake Up at 5.
Study for 2 hours.
Go to classes for 4 hours.
Come back and do school homework.
Go to school for 6 hours.
Come back, eat and do homework, then study again till 9ish.
Do programming/cubing/ anything till 10:30 and then sleep.
This is just 10th Grade. For our entrance exams, there are people who study for 15-16 hours a day, for two years straight.

To Indians : Nobody's Parents are the problem. The system is not the problem.You are the problem.
You may complain that your parents want you to study, then its because they want you to have a good future, and the only way to a good future in India is by studying. If you can't manage studying and cubing then it's your fault. Instead of complaining over and over again, just finish your schoolwork ASAP so that you can cube. I have maintained good grades in school and I do cube and have extracurricular activities. I'm in Grade 10 - Indians will know what that means.
Just wondering, is it an option to get homeschooled?
Yes, but that means you don't get as many marks because you can't do practicals if you're homeschooled. Besides, a lot of people choose to go to a non attending school after tenth grade so that they can focus on their entrance exams.
Well I am from India also (currently in 10th).
I feel that parents are a reason for Indian speed cubers being slow as parents have too much control over their children's life.But still the more bigger problem are
1)Almost no exposure about cubing and more specifically speed cubing.
2)Lack of nice online stores(that are cheap) and lack of competitions.
3)Lack of support from parents and enthusiasm form cubers.
4)The biggest CUBER=NERD and "Cube is too hard".
(I am saying maybe because my father would not allow me to buy any cube while I am in 10th Class. :-()
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Well I am from India also (currently in 10th).
I feel that parents are a reason for Indian speed cubers being slow as parents have too much control over their children's life.But still the more bigger problem are
1)Almost no exposure about cubing and more specifically speed cubing.
2)Lack of nice online stores(that are cheap) and lack of competitions.
3)Lack of support from parents and enthusiasm form cubers.
4)The biggest CUBER=NERD and "Cube is too hard".
(I am saying maybe because my father would not allow me to buy any cube while I am in 10th Class. :-()

Cubelelo, SCMU etc are good online stores with high quality speedcubes
Well I am from India also (currently in 10th).
I feel that parents are a reason for Indian speed cubers being slow as parents have too much control over their children's life.But still the more bigger problem are
1)Almost no exposure about cubing and more specifically speed cubing.
2)Lack of nice online stores(that are cheap) and lack of competitions.
3)Lack of support from parents and enthusiasm form cubers.
4)The biggest CUBER=NERD and "Cube is too hard".
(I am saying maybe because my father would not allow me to buy any cube while I am in 10th Class. :-()
A 5 year bump and the situation is still the same except for stores and comps here
I'm sure Korean students are much more busier then Indian students. They go to an academy right after school and then come home at 10 pm.
Yeah that's true, but I'm sub-8, although I dealt with secondary school a couple years back. It's busy, but not impossible.
Any tips? because I'm struggling.

EDIT: I'm Indian
Don't overpractice. I still practice 45 min max for all my events. Just don't waste time and get your goals done. Of course, I cube throughout the day a bit, just spamming algs and solves. Another tip is to manage priorities, and rank cubing into it. For me, cubing is ranked #6 or 7, so that's why I don't practice a lot. I practice just enough to maintain my times, I'm not trying to go any faster. Finally, have really good work ethic. In secondary school, I dealt with national ice hockey tournaments, school, music, and cubing was something I had to fit into my schedule.
Don't overpractice. I still practice 45 min max for all my events. Just don't waste time and get your goals done. Of course, I cube throughout the day a bit, just spamming algs and solves. Another tip is to manage priorities, and rank cubing into it. For me, cubing is ranked #6 or 7, so that's why I don't practice a lot. I practice just enough to maintain my times, I'm not trying to go any faster. Finally, have really good work ethic. In secondary school, I dealt with national ice hockey tournaments, school, music, and cubing was something I had to fit into my schedule.
Thank you for the tips. I'm studying in the 9th grade and in India, 10th grade is a very big thing because we have public exams and they are VERY HARD to crack. I'm crumbling under pressure right now and I didn't know what to do next year.