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∞ signs that you've been cubing for too long


Feb 23, 2017
Cubing at my desk USA.
Visit Channel
Part II: (201-400)

201: When you try to do FMC

202: When you try to see how fast you can strip your square-1

203: When solving a stickered original Rubiks cube is an arm workout

204: When you've invented a method for gigaminx BLD

205: When you make an origami pyraminx

206: When you personally know the whole WCA board

207. When ever doing a class project where you get to choose the project, >5 people ask if you are doing it about a Rubik's Cube

208. When you can solve a 4x4 underwater because you are a swimmer

209. When you have made a speedcube mosaic of every person in your family.

210. When you do a resumé, and next to "occupation", you put "Cuber".

211. When you have personally done an Ao1000 on every single cube timer on the internet.

212. When half of your bookmarks on your computer are cube-related.

213. Whenever you search anything with a "c", "u", "b", or "e", the suggestions box has "speedcubing" suggested.

214. When you sign off all of your emails, even to non-cubers with ,"Happy cubing!".

215. You have memorized the entire WCA regulations page

216. When you finally realize F R U R' U' F' is actually a Y-Perm

218. When you have now spent more money on cubes then you have spent on your car

219. When you thought we could do it with out repeats.

217. you watch: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

220. You make: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

221. you watch other cube reviews on budget cubes even though you own the valk3

222. You upload: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

223. You subscribe to the channel that produced: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

224. You advertise: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review on this thread

225. when your phone does not annoyingly autocorrect valk to call

226. when you advertise your channel on this forum

227. when you can't really think of anything else so you just say: please subscribe to my youtube channel; intermediate cuber.

228. when you 3d print cubes.

229. when you get other people to 3d print cubes for you

230. when you own a non commercially available cube.

231. when you realise thecubicle.us is overpriced

232. but you still buy from them.

233. when you point out that it is probably possible to do it without repeats

234. when you have read every post on this thread

235. when you point out that sign no.217 was skipped so write it then skip the next two numbers because they were already done

236 when you have seen people who have advertised even worse than the post above.

237 when you give people who say "I just peel the stickers off" sticker less cubes.

238 you start your own cubeshop

239 you are sponsored by a cubeshop

240 When you compete in all the events at the speed solving weekly comp.

241 When you have tried weird substances as lube

242 when you have made your own micro-nation just so you can have NR

243 When you move to Antarctica so you can have CR

244 when you move to another planet so you can have WR for that planet.

245 you have seen so many cube videos that your kinda tired of them.

246 you have done OH while eating with your free hand.

247 you make cubes in Minecraft

248 You make rooms in Minecraft to use for MBLD (i saw someone say this in the MBLD discussion)

249 when you think that 248 is ingenious.

250 you have written cuber fanfics.

251 you have no Idea how many of these are repeated.

252 when you bring cubes to campouts

253 When you 3d print a puzzle that costs over a $1000 to make.

254 When you buy said 3d puzzle

255 you have more cubes than friends.

256 when the number of posts in this thread is higher than the number an 8 bit computer can count.

257 When you take one on high adventure to boundary waters.

258. When you don't remember a time before you cubed.

259. When you go into negative numbers because you have over 1000 signs

260. When you don't realize 1001 would make more sense

261. When you write your locker combination in notation

262. When your whole collection takes a week to solve

263. When you can only use stickerless because you cube too much

264. When you learn Chinese just to be able to read the box your cube came in

265. When you learn how to make pockets just to be able to carry a cube in it at all times

266. You have a journal full of FMC solutions

267. When you attempt a 13x13 Blind solve.

268. When you start speed solving a 13x13.

269. When you have had debates on what constitutes as Decent and Fast

270. When you know Full EP for Square-1

271. When you have made Schedules for Imaginary comp's just because why not

272. You have bought a few dozen of the same cube for MBLD

273. You have over 1500 posts on this forum

274. When people expect you to bring cubes with you

275. When you know the names of more cubers than people in real life

276. You cringe at news coverage of Rubik's cubes

277. You have made videos for peoples subscribers contest

278. You run one of the race threads

279. When you make up imaginary countries just so you can make imaginary national rankings, records and comps for said country

280. When you get better at typing because of cubing.

281. When you do special Finger exercises for cubing

282. When you have Contributed 20% of the signs here.

283. When you bought a 20$ lube kit even though you have 20cc's of lube already.


284. When you went back to check how many of the signs you post and realize its over 20% (77 signs now)

285. When you have a half scrambled puzzle in your lap, preventing you from reading the 280- some signs prior to yours.

286.(my favorite and hopefully not posted yet). When it really pisses you off when you see "Rubik's Cube" type things on television or as like random decoration (Big Bang Theory is the biggest culprit) that are not solvable! Double white centers!? Yellow yellow orange corners?!? Come on, I cannot be the only person to notice these things. Lol

287. When you finally realize that some of these are cringy (not #286, though.).

288. When you forget that jigsaw puzzles and rubik's cubes are classified under the same category

289. When you can have a full on debate on how rubiks cubes are clearly not jigsaw

puzzles (its a twisty combination puzzle with over 4 quintilloin states! Jigsaws cant touch rhat!)

290. When you have lost friends because they can't leave your cubes alone.

291. When you have over a thousand posts on this forum (even if a couple hundred or so were in off-topic threads)

292.When your parents ask u what cube do u want for your birthday instead of what do u want for your birthday.

EDIT: 293. U have an NR but are still not satisfied with the result

294. This is your reaction to setting a wr

295. You remember when MMAP actually uploaded.

296: When you've solved the following in an Ao1000:

1. 1x1x1 through 13x13x13 AND 22x22x22

2. Ghost Cube

3. Pyramix Duo, Pyramix, Pyramix 4x4x4, Pyramix 5x5x5(It exists)

4. Square 1, Skewb, Rubik's Mix Up, Rubik's Heart, Rubik's Magic, Rubiks Clock

5. Megaminx, Gigaminx, Teraminx, Petaminx, Examinx, Yottaminx, Petaminx 3 Fused, Petaminx Ball

6. Fisher Cube

7. Pyramorphix

8. Mirror Cube

9. Floppy Cube

10. Parellelipede

11. UFO-Tank

12. Axis/Axel Cube

13. 4 colored MasterMorphix

14. 1 Colored Mastermorphix

15. Earth Cube

16. The Hungarian Rings

17. 3x3x4 Cuboid

18. Rubik's Tower 2x4x2

297: When you pick up any cubic object, then attempt to twist it, and realize it's not a rubiks cube.

298. You know devils alg

299. You have been to every continent for a comp

300. <---- this is how many 3x3s you have

301. You have to bring all of your cubes to your parents room every night or else you would cube all night

302. You know 10 different languages so you can communicate with other people at foreign competitions.

303. When certain words (eg. CUBICLE) are spoken in everyday conversation at work or on the street and you have to first remind yourself the person is not talking about cubing.

304. You still remember how to execute Dan Knights' Z Perm.

305. When you find a Rubik's cube left in the lab you're a ta for and comment on how cool it is to find that someone at school is using a moyu!

306. Feliks asks for your autograph

307. When you move to China and work in Moyu / Shengshou etc.

308. When you design your own cube(the valk does not sound Chinese)

309. you are owner of a cube company

310. When 18 of the 26 letters autofill in your browser to a cubing site.

311: When your first cube is not just a Rubiks Brand with screwed-in centre-pieces (rather than riveted), but the screws are slot-head not cross-head.

312: When your first 4x4x4 is labelled a Rubiks Master.

313. When you go on competition every weekend.

314. When you do big cubes multiblind / fewest moves / with feet.

315. When you have no time to pratice BLD with actual cube and start making up commutators in your head

316. When you can almost actually feel a certain cube in your hand just by imagining turning it

317. When your last excuse for not cubing was because they hadn't been invented.

318. When you do big cube OH.

319. You can solve a cube with optimal solution every time

320. Your Ao5 on 3x3x3 is sub-0.

321. You made the universe implode because you made all your timers go backwards

322. You can love an infinity×infinity cube in a finite amount of time

323. <----- when numbers like this are important to you (3.23 official 2×2 average)

324. When your phone passcode is your PB single

325. When you bring cubes into the shower with you

326. When you have 20+ elaborate Google Spreadsheets about cubing

327. When you think of doing clock with feet

328. When you can solve magic

329. When you can restring magic

330. When your family gets the cubes you ask for as a gift

331. When you listen to every cubing podcast you know of

332. When you have every WCA puzzle

333. When you buy cheap cubes at dollar tree.

334. When you lube you 5x5's core and it pops twice

335. When you have a Chris train logo on your main cube

336. When your main cube is the thunderclap

337. When you got a 9x9 when your fomer biggest cube was a 5x5

338. When you have time to post thing on this thread.

339. When you have watched all of redkb's 17x17 solve video.

340. when you literetly reads every single comment on here (i might do it again outloud for video)

341. when you read all 8 pages of this, then go to post that as a reason but someone does it before with every picture of a scrambled cube you seeyou.

342. when you own all of the cubes thecubicle.us sells.

343. When you learn full 7x7 last 2 edges

344. When you know the exact possibilites of a 3x3 (43,252,003,274,489,856,000)

345. When you have experienced every possible permutation

346. When you have memorized every alg in the SpeedSolving wiki.

347. When you go completely insane because the first competition ever in your city is announced and you can't go

348. When u name your son feliks (with a ks instead of x)

349. When you magnetize a 13x13.


351. When you ask for that video to be posted here like signs 217,220-224.

352.when you finally beat your PB in an ao???

353. When you comment on this thread(surprised no one else has said that)

354. When you can have enough cubes to have all the different pll cases

355. When you have enough cubes for oll cases

356. When you have enough cubes for zbll cases

357. When you have enough cubes for 1lll cases

358. When you don't care about originality you still want 1000 signs.

359. When your cube collection = the number of signs here.

360. When you buy a new cube everytime there is a new post here to keep that up

361. When you average 18 seconds

362. When you do 100000 solves just to shed 0.1 second off your time- Feliks.

363. When you just had to buy 12 cubes.

364. When you stalk Iranian squanners for Fantasy Cubing

365. When you stalk Edward Vakula because you're worried he's going to steal your state record that you probably don't deserve anyway

366. You make PyraMinx models for your math project

367. If you have shot, burned, blown-up, or smashed a cube4you gigaminx.

368. When you watch this thread for 2 1/2 hours waiting for someone to post.

182: When you compete in every event in the Weekly competitions every week

183: When you have a Mini-Guildford ao12

184: When someone says Pb in Chemistry and you think Personal Best rather than Lead

185: When you solve a 2x2 in 4.73 seconds and think "basically a world record"

369: When you were so busy cubing that you missed the entire second half of this thread.

370. When you unofficially beat a WR.

371. You order cubes every week

372. When your R U R' U' and you know it

373. When you get a PB then casually keep solving.

374: When you realise rooms/loci for mBLD is just the mind palace from Sherlock

375: When you make your own Fisher and windmill cube

376: When 3x3 shape mods are too easy so you make a 4x4 Fisher Cube

377: When you no longer need algdb because your brain is just an algdb

381: When you get the UWR and all you do is wave your hands slightly (Feliks' 3.81)

382. When your parents wonder why you have so many 3x3's but only use one.

383: You get a World Record DNF

384: You hold 10 world records at once

385: You have a Sub-7 Ao1000

386: You regret an official 5-second solve because the F2L was Sub-3 but you didn't know the ZBLL

387: You're world-champion for an event you don't care about (2x2)

388: You break world records without realizing it

389: D U A L S P O N S O R S H I P S

390: You solve the world's largest Rubik's cube (with some help!)

391. When you solving cubes is as natural as breathing.

392. You do an ao100 while replying to this thread.

393. You get a PB in said ao100.

(actually happening)

394. when you hold WR in two completely unrelated events (e.g. 4BLD and Skewb)

395. when you realize you really have been cubing way too long, but you don't care

396. when your girlfriend/boyfriend is one of your cubes

397. when 97% of your bookmarked sites are cubing related

398. when you make a spreadsheet of your top 10 best results in competition for every event

399. when you remember your last 10 3x3 PB singles

400. when you do a 3BLD attempt for your school's talent show

BTW: these are not marked correctly for the numbers. Please fix them.

EDIT: my mistake, I didn't know that you copied these and posted them again. Sorry, I thought you made all of these up.

White KB

Premium Member
Oct 3, 2017
Putting Runza on the map since 2022
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
Part II: (201-400)

201: When you try to do FMC

202: When you try to see how fast you can strip your square-1

203: When solving a stickered original Rubiks cube is an arm workout

204: When you've invented a method for gigaminx BLD

205: When you make an origami pyraminx

206: When you personally know the whole WCA board

207. When ever doing a class project where you get to choose the project, >5 people ask if you are doing it about a Rubik's Cube

208. When you can solve a 4x4 underwater because you are a swimmer

209. When you have made a speedcube mosaic of every person in your family.

210. When you do a resumé, and next to "occupation", you put "Cuber".

211. When you have personally done an Ao1000 on every single cube timer on the internet.

212. When half of your bookmarks on your computer are cube-related.

213. Whenever you search anything with a "c", "u", "b", or "e", the suggestions box has "speedcubing" suggested.

214. When you sign off all of your emails, even to non-cubers with ,"Happy cubing!".

215. You have memorized the entire WCA regulations page

216. When you finally realize F R U R' U' F' is actually a Y-Perm

218. When you have now spent more money on cubes then you have spent on your car

219. When you thought we could do it with out repeats.

217. you watch: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

220. You make: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

221. you watch other cube reviews on budget cubes even though you own the valk3

222. You upload: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

223. You subscribe to the channel that produced: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review

224. You advertise: MF3RS vs QiYi Warrior w 3x3 comparison/review on this thread

225. when your phone does not annoyingly autocorrect valk to call

226. when you advertise your channel on this forum

227. when you can't really think of anything else so you just say: please subscribe to my youtube channel; intermediate cuber.

228. when you 3d print cubes.

229. when you get other people to 3d print cubes for you

230. when you own a non commercially available cube.

231. when you realise thecubicle.us is overpriced

232. but you still buy from them.

233. when you point out that it is probably possible to do it without repeats

234. when you have read every post on this thread

235. when you point out that sign no.217 was skipped so write it then skip the next two numbers because they were already done

236 when you have seen people who have advertised even worse than the post above.

237 when you give people who say "I just peel the stickers off" sticker less cubes.

238 you start your own cubeshop

239 you are sponsored by a cubeshop

240 When you compete in all the events at the speed solving weekly comp.

241 When you have tried weird substances as lube

242 when you have made your own micro-nation just so you can have NR

243 When you move to Antarctica so you can have CR

244 when you move to another planet so you can have WR for that planet.

245 you have seen so many cube videos that your kinda tired of them.

246 you have done OH while eating with your free hand.

247 you make cubes in Minecraft

248 You make rooms in Minecraft to use for MBLD (i saw someone say this in the MBLD discussion)

249 when you think that 248 is ingenious.

250 you have written cuber fanfics.

251 you have no Idea how many of these are repeated.

252 when you bring cubes to campouts

253 When you 3d print a puzzle that costs over a $1000 to make.

254 When you buy said 3d puzzle

255 you have more cubes than friends.

256 when the number of posts in this thread is higher than the number an 8 bit computer can count.

257 When you take one on high adventure to boundary waters.

258. When you don't remember a time before you cubed.

259. When you go into negative numbers because you have over 1000 signs

260. When you don't realize 1001 would make more sense

261. When you write your locker combination in notation

262. When your whole collection takes a week to solve

263. When you can only use stickerless because you cube too much

264. When you learn Chinese just to be able to read the box your cube came in

265. When you learn how to make pockets just to be able to carry a cube in it at all times

266. You have a journal full of FMC solutions

267. When you attempt a 13x13 Blind solve.

268. When you start speed solving a 13x13.

269. When you have had debates on what constitutes as Decent and Fast

270. When you know Full EP for Square-1

271. When you have made Schedules for Imaginary comp's just because why not

272. You have bought a few dozen of the same cube for MBLD

273. You have over 1500 posts on this forum

274. When people expect you to bring cubes with you

275. When you know the names of more cubers than people in real life

276. You cringe at news coverage of Rubik's cubes

277. You have made videos for peoples subscribers contest

278. You run one of the race threads

279. When you make up imaginary countries just so you can make imaginary national rankings, records and comps for said country

280. When you get better at typing because of cubing.

281. When you do special Finger exercises for cubing

282. When you have Contributed 20% of the signs here.

283. When you bought a 20$ lube kit even though you have 20cc's of lube already.


284. When you went back to check how many of the signs you post and realize its over 20% (77 signs now)

285. When you have a half scrambled puzzle in your lap, preventing you from reading the 280- some signs prior to yours.

286.(my favorite and hopefully not posted yet). When it really pisses you off when you see "Rubik's Cube" type things on television or as like random decoration (Big Bang Theory is the biggest culprit) that are not solvable! Double white centers!? Yellow yellow orange corners?!? Come on, I cannot be the only person to notice these things. Lol

287. When you finally realize that some of these are cringy (not #286, though.).

288. When you forget that jigsaw puzzles and rubik's cubes are classified under the same category

289. When you can have a full on debate on how rubiks cubes are clearly not jigsaw

puzzles (its a twisty combination puzzle with over 4 quintilloin states! Jigsaws cant touch rhat!)

290. When you have lost friends because they can't leave your cubes alone.

291. When you have over a thousand posts on this forum (even if a couple hundred or so were in off-topic threads)

292.When your parents ask u what cube do u want for your birthday instead of what do u want for your birthday.

EDIT: 293. U have an NR but are still not satisfied with the result

294. This is your reaction to setting a wr

295. You remember when MMAP actually uploaded.

296: When you've solved the following in an Ao1000:

1. 1x1x1 through 13x13x13 AND 22x22x22

2. Ghost Cube

3. Pyramix Duo, Pyramix, Pyramix 4x4x4, Pyramix 5x5x5(It exists)

4. Square 1, Skewb, Rubik's Mix Up, Rubik's Heart, Rubik's Magic, Rubiks Clock

5. Megaminx, Gigaminx, Teraminx, Petaminx, Examinx, Yottaminx, Petaminx 3 Fused, Petaminx Ball

6. Fisher Cube

7. Pyramorphix

8. Mirror Cube

9. Floppy Cube

10. Parellelipede

11. UFO-Tank

12. Axis/Axel Cube

13. 4 colored MasterMorphix

14. 1 Colored Mastermorphix

15. Earth Cube

16. The Hungarian Rings

17. 3x3x4 Cuboid

18. Rubik's Tower 2x4x2

297: When you pick up any cubic object, then attempt to twist it, and realize it's not a rubiks cube.

298. You know devils alg

299. You have been to every continent for a comp

300. <---- this is how many 3x3s you have

301. You have to bring all of your cubes to your parents room every night or else you would cube all night

302. You know 10 different languages so you can communicate with other people at foreign competitions.

303. When certain words (eg. CUBICLE) are spoken in everyday conversation at work or on the street and you have to first remind yourself the person is not talking about cubing.

304. You still remember how to execute Dan Knights' Z Perm.

305. When you find a Rubik's cube left in the lab you're a ta for and comment on how cool it is to find that someone at school is using a moyu!

306. Feliks asks for your autograph

307. When you move to China and work in Moyu / Shengshou etc.

308. When you design your own cube(the valk does not sound Chinese)

309. you are owner of a cube company

310. When 18 of the 26 letters autofill in your browser to a cubing site.

311: When your first cube is not just a Rubiks Brand with screwed-in centre-pieces (rather than riveted), but the screws are slot-head not cross-head.

312: When your first 4x4x4 is labelled a Rubiks Master.

313. When you go on competition every weekend.

314. When you do big cubes multiblind / fewest moves / with feet.

315. When you have no time to pratice BLD with actual cube and start making up commutators in your head

316. When you can almost actually feel a certain cube in your hand just by imagining turning it

317. When your last excuse for not cubing was because they hadn't been invented.

318. When you do big cube OH.

319. You can solve a cube with optimal solution every time

320. Your Ao5 on 3x3x3 is sub-0.

321. You made the universe implode because you made all your timers go backwards

322. You can love an infinity×infinity cube in a finite amount of time

323. <----- when numbers like this are important to you (3.23 official 2×2 average)

324. When your phone passcode is your PB single

325. When you bring cubes into the shower with you

326. When you have 20+ elaborate Google Spreadsheets about cubing

327. When you think of doing clock with feet

328. When you can solve magic

329. When you can restring magic

330. When your family gets the cubes you ask for as a gift

331. When you listen to every cubing podcast you know of

332. When you have every WCA puzzle

333. When you buy cheap cubes at dollar tree.

334. When you lube you 5x5's core and it pops twice

335. When you have a Chris train logo on your main cube

336. When your main cube is the thunderclap

337. When you got a 9x9 when your fomer biggest cube was a 5x5

338. When you have time to post thing on this thread.

339. When you have watched all of redkb's 17x17 solve video.

340. when you literetly reads every single comment on here (i might do it again outloud for video)

341. when you read all 8 pages of this, then go to post that as a reason but someone does it before with every picture of a scrambled cube you seeyou.

342. when you own all of the cubes thecubicle.us sells.

343. When you learn full 7x7 last 2 edges

344. When you know the exact possibilites of a 3x3 (43,252,003,274,489,856,000)

345. When you have experienced every possible permutation

346. When you have memorized every alg in the SpeedSolving wiki.

347. When you go completely insane because the first competition ever in your city is announced and you can't go

348. When u name your son feliks (with a ks instead of x)

349. When you magnetize a 13x13.


351. When you ask for that video to be posted here like signs 217,220-224.

352.when you finally beat your PB in an ao???

353. When you comment on this thread(surprised no one else has said that)

354. When you can have enough cubes to have all the different pll cases

355. When you have enough cubes for oll cases

356. When you have enough cubes for zbll cases

357. When you have enough cubes for 1lll cases

358. When you don't care about originality you still want 1000 signs.

359. When your cube collection = the number of signs here.

360. When you buy a new cube everytime there is a new post here to keep that up

361. When you average 18 seconds

362. When you do 100000 solves just to shed 0.1 second off your time- Feliks.

363. When you just had to buy 12 cubes.

364. When you stalk Iranian squanners for Fantasy Cubing

365. When you stalk Edward Vakula because you're worried he's going to steal your state record that you probably don't deserve anyway

366. You make PyraMinx models for your math project

367. If you have shot, burned, blown-up, or smashed a cube4you gigaminx.

368. When you watch this thread for 2 1/2 hours waiting for someone to post.

182: When you compete in every event in the Weekly competitions every week

183: When you have a Mini-Guildford ao12

184: When someone says Pb in Chemistry and you think Personal Best rather than Lead

185: When you solve a 2x2 in 4.73 seconds and think "basically a world record"

369: When you were so busy cubing that you missed the entire second half of this thread.

370. When you unofficially beat a WR.

371. You order cubes every week

372. When your R U R' U' and you know it

373. When you get a PB then casually keep solving.

374: When you realise rooms/loci for mBLD is just the mind palace from Sherlock

375: When you make your own Fisher and windmill cube

376: When 3x3 shape mods are too easy so you make a 4x4 Fisher Cube

377: When you no longer need algdb because your brain is just an algdb

381: When you get the UWR and all you do is wave your hands slightly (Feliks' 3.81)

382. When your parents wonder why you have so many 3x3's but only use one.

383: You get a World Record DNF

384: You hold 10 world records at once

385: You have a Sub-7 Ao1000

386: You regret an official 5-second solve because the F2L was Sub-3 but you didn't know the ZBLL

387: You're world-champion for an event you don't care about (2x2)

388: You break world records without realizing it

389: D U A L S P O N S O R S H I P S

390: You solve the world's largest Rubik's cube (with some help!)

391. When you solving cubes is as natural as breathing.

392. You do an ao100 while replying to this thread.

393. You get a PB in said ao100.

(actually happening)

394. when you hold WR in two completely unrelated events (e.g. 4BLD and Skewb)

395. when you realize you really have been cubing way too long, but you don't care

396. when your girlfriend/boyfriend is one of your cubes

397. when 97% of your bookmarked sites are cubing related

398. when you make a spreadsheet of your top 10 best results in competition for every event

399. when you remember your last 10 3x3 PB singles

400. when you do a 3BLD attempt for your school's talent show

3350. When you wonder why you're doing this
3351. when your parents take your cubes and you fall on the floor fainting because you think it's torture

Part III: (401-600)

401. you have a special way to decide which color you buy your cubes in

402. When you somehow find a way to stuff a megaminx in your Jeans pocket

403. when people buy you stuff related to cubing

404. Cube not found

405. when you have cubes mint in box laying around

406. when you save your cube boxes and pamphlets

407. you're really sad you lost your cube boxes when your house flooded

408. you remember the names of every cube you own

409. you have brought a 9x9 out in public

410. when you look at competitor sheets for upcoming competitions so you can see who's going

411. When you really want to play video games but you cube instead.

412. When you have sheets of algorithms taped to your wall

413. When your cubes are on your shelf and your books are stacked up on the floor

414. You bought a $1500 computer that you only use for cubing.

415. Your 8th grade science teacher has sent you multiple videos of humans and robots solving the cube long after you were no longer in his class.

416) When you see someone in a white jacket and do a double take thinking it's one from thecubicle. (actually did that today)

417. If you had a 17x17 3D printed.

418. If you broke up with your girlfriend/boyfriend because they said, "your cubing is getting in the way of our relationship".

419. If you find a girlfriend/boyfriend that actually likes you cubing.

420. When you no longer miss the space-bar.

421. 27. When you no longer leave inspection on.

428. When you get a free uber ride because you solve the Rubik's cube in their car and they comp your ride. Happened to me today lol.

429. When you have a full poster of all the logo stickers of every cube you have ever had that's had the logo peel off.

430. When you teach your parents cubing slang so they can understand you when you speak.

431. When your idea of a fun weekend is doing a few ao1000. (When there are no comps of course)

432. When you do averages of 2-3-4 Relays.

433. When you hold UWR for 2-3-4 Relays.

434. When you make a cubing meme.

435. When you become a cubing meme.

436. When you get multiple different RSI's at once... multiple times.

437. When all of the presents your friends buy you are cubes (or vice versa).

438. When you stop playing video games altogether just for more solving time.

439. When your math teacher allows you to take up 20 minutes by lecturing the class about Rubik's Cubes and cube-related group theory.

440. When you brag about bringing an "emergency 3x3" with you all the time.

441. When you're the driving force of your puzzle club at school / college.

442. When you overstock on lubricant for the next 2 years

443. When you are still replying to this thread

444. You can actually come up with good ideas for this thread

445. Your birthday cake has cubes made out of icing on it.

446. You buy broken cubes of of people.

447. When you have become a cube yourself

448. Your WCA ID has 2003 in it

449. When Your on the organization team of worlds

450. You have done a spring swap in at least one of your cubes

451. You have done a Florian/Konsta mod on at least one of your puzzles

452. You actually know/remember what a Florian or Konsta mod is.

453. You have multiple of the same non WCA Puzzle

454. You buy a certain cube in multiple different colors for collectors sake.

455. You invent a cuber card game (I should do this).

456. Literally the only presents you ever get are puzzles.

457. If you actually remember the exact date you stared cubing.(July 14 2016)

458. When your birthday cake is a cube

459. when you do a casual 7x7 solve before breakfast in the morning

460. when you have to force yourself not to constantly cube

461. when you see vacations as opportunities to go to more comps

462. when you cry over official solves ):

463. when you run out of cubing youtube videos to watch (even the bad ones)

464. when you name your pets after famous cubers

465. when a cube is within your arm's reach at all times

466. when you try to get your dog to turn a cube

467. when you constantly think of statistics about cubes that you want to run

468. when you give names and personalities to all your mains

469. when your favorite color is the exact shade of green on your megaminx

470. when you put logos of your favorite Pokemon on all your cubes

471. when you care about clock

472. when you thought of 14 reasons just so you could get number 473

473. when you break 3x3 WR single by 0.01

474. When your WR gets broken by .01 but really don't care.

475. You will be the person to get the 4.75

476. Your legally change your name to "Rubix Boy"

477. You are mad that there was no joke about the 4.74

478. You get a 4.76 in Comp which undermines the original #476 on the list.

479. You make other cubers nervous from sheer turning speed.

480. You get 4 80-second 6x6 solves (1:20), back-to-back.

481. When you've even forgotten which year you started cubing (I think I started in 2001, but only because my cube notes were mixed with my school notes from 2001)

482. When yuo remember that the panshi used to be ur main

483. When you get enough money, you will magnitize your WeJi.

484. When #483 is called 368.

485. When the first thing you do after your wisdom-teeth-removal surgery while the amnesia is wearing off: is attempt a solve.

486. When It said you were on the last page.

487. When you've grown tired of the average member of the community's desire to appear more profound/intelligent than you, seemingly oblivious to the effect such habits have on others.

488.- When you hear "Antisune" in the Shooting Stars song

489. People talking about the dimensions of wood (2x4, 3x6, etc.) reminds you of cuboids.

490. You get the first Sub-5 in a competition.

491. You get mad about counting 7's.

492. You buy shelves for your room, just so you have enough room to display your cubes.

492. You break in, lube, and resticker all of your speedcubes.

493. You break the two-handed 3x3 WR by solving one-handed.

494. When you put the magnets the wrong way when magnitizing your thunderclap.

495. When you find out you can get the magnets out by peeling of the stickers, letting it sit in hot water that has salt in for 12 hrs

496. When you buy a big sail just because it might get you into feet.

497. When you think of posting things, but you think you might have already posted them.

498. When you compete in everything at any comp you go to (Will not include nats
[ :( ] )

499. When you have 10 cubing related pages/ stickers on your wall.

500. When you own two vintage cubing books from the 80's

501. When your getting sub one averages on the ghost hand 2x2

502. When you started cubing before the Rubik's cube was invented

503 when you remember the day the lingyun was invent

504 when your wife and 2 kids all average sub ten

505. When this is the second time a continuity error like that has been pointed out as one of the 1000 signs.

506. when you've attended 2003 Worlds

507. Your WCA ID begins with 0000

508: You're me

509. When you had something to wright, but you saw that this was number 5.09=Keaton.

510. You have done a guildford challenge WF and BLD

511. You say "SHUT UP" to an NAR **Noah**

512. When your cubing video that you watched is MMAP at worlds 2013

513. When you have accepted that you have no life

514. When you get the number wrong lots of times.

515. You kinda want to try solving on your trusty old Zhanchi

516. You miss your white ZhanChi because it reminds you of Feliks

517. Every time you pick up your black ZhanChi, you feel like solving with Roux

518. When someone starts cubing because of you, and looks up to you as a role model.

519. When you surpass the person who got you into cubing.

520. When you're supposed to be doing work but are instead replying to this thread.

521. When you have different timers on every single electronic device you own.

522. When you attract other cubers at completely irrelevant social gatherings because you cube in public.

523. When your guardians / friends / peers complain about how many cubes you own.

524. When you complain about color schemes being wrong on cubes in pictures.

525. When a media company goes out of their way to interview you because you broke the 3x3 WR (at that time).

526. When you become famous because you record a video of a world record solve. (*wheeze* *hack* DGCubes *sputter*)

527. When you filmed LCC before he had a youtube channel

528. When you get the number right

529. When you think Matyas is a Kuti

530. When you get 529.

531. When you are learning 4 ZBLL algs a day.

39. When you forget to sleep because of cubing.

40. When you can solve the 13x13 in less than a minute.

41. When you drink Maru lube like if it were milk.

539. When the majority of cubers became younger than you.

540. When you remember the time that you shouldn't buy knock-offs

541. You legally marry your main 3x3

54be interested.You have been to more comps than you have sports games

#422 When you realise that you think about algorithms sensually. ( :p )

424. when you use your stackmat to time thing that aren't cubing, or even speedstacking

425. When you discover f2l autocorrects to F2L

426. When you get annoyed when people ask questions about previous point without doing x. I'm asking this question:[insert question here iyw]


554. When you remember when the most subscribed YouTube cubing channel had 30K subs.

555. When you remember when this was the world record.

556. When you've unintentionally memorised a reply to anything non-cubers say to you while you are cubing.

557. When you ignore other cubers posts…

558. When you start talking to your family in 3x3 notation

559 When you've been cubing so long you lost the ability to Count

561 When You Know what Hybrid cubes where

562 When you have made one out of a meiying and Yuexiao

563 When Auto correct no longer corrects cube names

560 When you remember when feliks best official solve was 5.60

564 You have put a 9x9 or bigger in a super flip

565 You had a super flipped 9x9 as your profile pic.

566 When you were cubing when 5.66 was the WR

567 When you know the last one was a repeat

568.You solve a 17x17x17 superflip blindfolded in 59seconds and just collapse after stopping the timer.

569. When you open the door, get on the floor, and everybody cubes the dino cube.

570. You make cubing parodies of songs

571. When you do this to such a song. (im R U R’ U’ and i know it but look in the desc.)

572. When you copy 571

573. When you relize they are talking about you.

574. When you find yourself annoyed by many of the 1000 signs suggestions

575. You your own venue for competitions

576.You have zhanchi soup in dinner.

577.Your friend offered you a 'gans 356 air ' flavored ice cream on his birthday party

578.You have Aolong biscuits in snacks.

579.You invented F3L for 3x3.

560.You became sub-20(milliseconds, not seconds ) on a 2x2.

581. You break a PB every competition

582. You break a WR every competition

583. You break a cube every competition (whoops!)

584. Your pillow case has a cube on it (It's a WALL-E pillow case!)

585. You get 5-second solves on Rubik's Brands.

586. When you got a picture of a cube printed on your plates.

587. When you can't remember the last time you solved a 3x3 over 20 seconds.

588.Your cube is your only source of earning bread

589. You've gotten over 100 last layer skips.

590. You're tired of listing reasons you've been cubing for too long

591. you are waiting to make mitch jokes at sign #625.

592. You remember what sub mitch jokes are (I have a feeling there not made much anymore.)

593: you are binge following this thread to snipe the 300th comment.

591. You actually still read each post

592. This is the only thread that has more than two pages which you've read all of

593. You actually like the idea of this thread

594. You know the cubing community well enough to expect we actually get 1000

595. You get worried when this thread is not top of gsd

595. Because you don't want this to get harder to find

597: when you make an illusion gans air.

598: when you try magnets in a dayan taiyan.

599: when you do averages of 100 regularly.

600: when you wait on this thread to snipe 600.

White KB

Premium Member
Oct 3, 2017
Putting Runza on the map since 2022
SS Competition Results
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3352. When nobody knows how high the numbers are because they're so scattered.
3353. When someone (*cough*sputter*me*sputter*cough) goes out to change it for the sake of this thread

Part IV: A New Hope--- I mean, 601-800

601. when you do an ao12 on 4x4x4 and get 3 PLL skips except you get the annoying PLL parity on it each time (the adjacent kind)

602. when you notice that the post above happened to you

603. when you buy a gas air because it is the most expensive of the popular cubes

604. when someone tells you that the valk is better so you buy a valk

605. when you are the person who told him the valk is better.

606. when you want to snipe no.624

607. when you ask people to guess what for

608. when you ask the question above about a previous post

609. when you reply to that question;

610. when you say that PLL parity would be a PLL skip on a 3x3x3 therefore it could be considered a PLL skip with PLL parity

611. when2. When you have never tried a gear cube and see one at a comp, you ask the person who has it to let you solve it and you get it in under a min.

543.When you say that if you had the tps of Lucas etter and the ability to figure out a 150 move solution like a computer it might just be possible

544. When you get pretty release for the yuxin 17*17*17

545. When you realise you can solve it in less than an hour

546. When you can solve puzzles that a majority of people haven't heard of... blindfolded.

547. When you remember that time period when Feliks, Mats, and Alex were the only people with a sub-6.

548. When you instantly notice a Rubik's Cube when you go to someone's house.

549. When you forget that "cubing" isn't a word to some people.

550. When you can't remember any of your PBs because you've had too many.

551. When you remember when MMAP was respected.

552. When you remember when MMAP uploaded consistently.

553. When you remember showing random non-cubers MMAP's videos because you thought they'd you think you know that the odds of getting this in an ao12 on 4x4x4 are: 1 in 72( correct me if I'm wrong)

612. when you decide to put the maths for this on here:

chances of PLL skip: 1 in 72

chances of PLL parity: 1 in 2

chances of the adjacent PLL parity: 1 in 4

72x4= 288

however in an average of 12 with three solves getting that it puts the chances at 1 in 72

613. when you do the working out when the end of line1 of the working out is the same as the end of line5 of it

614. 01:17.76 is your 4x4x4 truncated average for that exact AO12

615. when you have to use fancy terminology like truncated

616. you get really annoyed when people call it a rubiks cube(surprised this has not come up yet)

617. when you don't tell them its not any more because you are so bored of it (Mats Valk)

618. when you write long posts on this thread with 11 signs

okay, here we go:

you're looking for the chance of an adjacent swap PLL parity happening at least 3 times in a 4x4 average of 12.

There are four ways for this to happen, out of a total of 144 PLL cases (we have to count asymmetrical ones like G-perm 4 times, ones with two symmetries like E-perm twice, and ones with 4 symmetries like H-perm once).

Therefore, the chance of this happening on one specific solve is 4/144=1/36.

the chance of an event occurring at least 3 times is equal to the chance it occurs exactly 3 times plus the chance it occurs exactly 4 times, etc. up to the chance it occurs every time.

For each of those, we use the formula

(n choose k) (p^k) (1-p)^(n-k)

for n=12, p=1/36, k from 3 to 12 inclusive

(12 choose k) (1/36^k) (35/36)^(12-k)

and use wolfram alpha!

Your probability is:


or about 0.39%

or eighteen quadrillion, five hundred six trillion, eight hundred sixteen billion, four hundred fifty-six million, three hundred eighty-two thousand, five hundred twenty-one-four quintillion, seven hundred thirty-eight quadrillion, three hundred eighty-one trillion, three hundred thirty-eight billion, three hundred twenty-one million, six hundred sixteen thousand, eight hundred ninety-sixths.

However, if you mean EXACTLY 3 times, then you get a different result:


or about 0.37%

619: You waste 10 minutes of your day solving a pointless cube-related math problem.

620. Everybody you know knows you're a cuber.

621. The first thing you tell anyone about yourself is that you're a cuber.

622. People bring scrambled cubes to you so they can be solved.

623. You're hoping to get into college solely on the fact that you're a speedcuber.

624. Your PB is sub-Mitch... on 4x4.

625. You smile to yourself whenever you see certain numbers in your day-to-day life.

626: when you're angry at someone else getting 624.

628.You're so excited that you fail to see that I skipped 627.

627.This time you caught my mistake of writing(typing) 629 as 627.

629.You think 627 and 628 have no connection to cubing.

630.You get annoyed by me.

633. You have to replace the stickers on your main cubes every other month

634. You don't realize how stupid this thread has become.


635. Really

636. You don't get nervous at comps

637. You podium in an event without practicing

638. When you get a counting 4

639. When you were in the 1982 Worlds and are still competing

640. When you plan out your entire F2L during inspection

641. When you learn 1LLL from every angle

642. and when you can do it in under 2 seconds

643. When you speedsolve 9x9

644. When you've competed in magic or master magic

645. When you remember cubing before Feliks

638: "counting x" usually means a solve time of x in (usually an avg5, sometimes an avg12) that is neither the best nor the worst, like for instance when I got the official times 13.07, 11.19, 8.75, 8.74, 11.87; I could say I got a counting 8.

645: It means you started cubing before circa 2010 when Feliks became God.

646: When your Moyu stickers chip off completely in a day

647. You own more cubes than thecubicle.us

648. You remember when there were less official 5s than there are official 4s now.

The last date that was true (counting Antonie's NR today) was December 12, 2014. The sub-6 times were:

Mats Valk, 5.55, Zonhoven Open 2013

Feliks Zemdegs, 5.66, Melbourne Summer 2014

Jiayu Wang, 5.81, Cube Elite Union Cafe 2014

Alexander Lau, 5.96, Cambridge Open 2013

Drew Brads, 5.97, US Nationals 2014

649. When you can be bothered to look at world records and almost world records from 2014

650. When you realise that cubing has gone 5 years and Feliks still hasn't managed to knock a single second off his official PB

651. You recognize permutations by sense of smell.

652. You predict permutations by sense of smell.

653: When you no longer need a cube to practice cubing, but can just close your eyes and practice in your mind.

654: 1 whole wall in your room is full of podiums from competitions (true story)

655. when you realize it was a waste of time

jk it isnt

656. When you read the last 5 pages of this and think everyone has gone insane but think we should 659. When you entertain your family by doing feet.

660.Your stackmat has more craters than the moon.

661. When you order lots of cheap cubes with an order

662. When you think the cubicle is overpriced

663. When you know that speedcubeshop is too

664. When you learn 1lll

6.65. when you remember this being the world record

666. Whenever you see other people with cubes and you don't have any, you feel strong urges to take that cube and do turns on it.

667. You can't be bothered explaining the difference to non-cubers the difference between your PB and the world record so they go "oOoOOHH Man, your pretty close ayyy!"

668. When putting down a cube is the hardest thing to do, harder than video games, youtube, anything.

You could have done something interesting with this number, but okay. 666 is the "mark of the beast".

669. When you realize you're the only person who doesn't say "PB" but instead says "PR"

670. When you successfully teach someone how to solve a 4x4 in one day.

662. When you think the cubicle is overpriced

Feels like someone earlier posted this same thing.

Sorry, I forgot. Might of even been me

671. When you apologise for your post

672.When people actually know you on this forum, even though there idk how many 1000s (one wheel,corner cutter...)

673. When local-ish big boy cubers recognize you at comps

674. When you realize one of your cubes* is old enough to be the father of most of the forum's members.

675: you try to make cubing your job

676: You don't practice Pyraminx but still you get the NR because you know how to onelook because you used to practice 2x2

677. When you wern't cubing when this was the WR, but you still knew it was.

678. When you rember the days when people used the Aolong V2

679. When you have made a paper 2x2.

680. When your paper 2x2 video is the worst on you channel, but the most watched

681. You remember the days before the GuHong.

682. When you learned you first method from a book because YouTube didn't exist back then

683. when you are found in every thread with more than 30 replies ( you are almost there?)

yes, i just seem to find you or one wheel on almost every thread i read

684. when your wuque pops

685. when your wushuang pops

686. when you know how to fix them straight away

687. when you don't realise that the original creator of this thread has not posted any signs since we hit 5 signs

688. when you know but keep posting regardless

689. if anyone finds a way to contact spiderdud to tell him when we hit 1000 signs

690. when in that email/ phone call/ PM you ask him to change the title to 2000 signs that you have been cubing too long

691: you have a briefcase full of 3x3 for MBLD

6.92: You always choose the "Rainbow Snow Cone" in the summer.

693. You're about to leave on your first date, and your parents decide they need to tell you not to bring your cube. (I wasn't actually going to bring it.)

694: When you prioritize keeping your cube safe over keeping your phone safe. (me)keep posting.

657.When parity is no longer scary.

658.When the sound of a cube being solved is a pacifying music to you but harsh and unbearable to your parents.

(657) I could solve parity in my sleep *shrugs*

(658) Favorite song of speedcubers - "Zeroing" by Feliks "fazrulz" Zemdegs

695. When you don't carry your main with you incase you lose it( I did this for a while but my ball is so much better)
696. When you don't carry your main with you incase it gets too much dirt in it
697. When you clean and relube every few weeks

698. When you are hailed in the community for abolishing F-Perms and thereby automatically abolishing DNF's

(spot the meme)

699. when you no longer admit to being slow

700. when you find people asking you about 4lll

701. When you can't remember how to do 4lll

702. When you learn 1LLL and don't remember which OLL algs you used anymore

703. when you try to solve with the beginners, method but just cannot resist easy F2L pairs

704. when you have to say when you see someone else not noticing an F2L pair

705. when you learn algorithm subsets like COLL, WV.

706. when you learn a large subset like VLS, ZBLL, 1LLL

707. when you invent an alt set of 1833 algorithms known as FNPOLL (forced N-perm OLL)

708. when you try and make FNPOLL algorithms

709. when you even think of FNPOLL

710. what about FFPOLL or FEPOLL

711. when you actually start thinking of potential weird subsets that are not beneficial

712. when you come up with another one: AELS (anti edges last slot) that stops the edges from being orientated during last slot

713. when you have to go and post FNPOLL on the new method and subsets concept idea thread

714. When you develop an f2l skip method

715. When you are annoyed 708 had nothing to do with Erik

716. When you want to get the dayan 1-6 for collection

717. You remember when square-1 hardware was terrible

718. You start putting cubes into jars.

719: when you try to develop an oll algset that forces there to be two opposite solved edges in the pll stage, reducing pll to only H, T, A, and E cases.

720: When you try to develop a method that compliments that algset

721: when you attempt to figure out how many algs would be necessary for said algset.

39. When you get detention because you were solving a 13x13 in class (may or may not have been me)

40. When over 1/2 your life has been spent cubing (may or may not have been me)

41. You sob, cry, and go into depression when one of your cubes pop, break, or get really dirty

42. When your cubing at a wedding while the bride and groom kiss

726 when you can no longer read numbers

Nah jk

726. When there are fewer and fewer subsets available for you to learn.

727. When cubing time takes away your sleeping/studying time

728. You continually have flashbacks on when you averaged significantly slower for that event.

729: when you can live off of competition prize money.

730. When solve beginners method on your first cube because it brings back memories.

731. When you solve your first cube every (June 25th) to commemorate your cubing anniversary (I've done this 4 times)

744.When you actually learned the T-perm without touching a cube-me

745.when you get a 4 every week

746.when you teach your dad how to solve the cube

747. when you are like 15 times faster than him

748.when you have been cubing for over 10 years

749.when you had a WR 7.49 3x3 avg in 2013

750. when you get very popular with one youtube name (fazrulz1) then change it and keep cubing long enough after that to not be know as that name anymore.

751. when you have had a clover cube for 6 months and have scrambled/solved it once

752.when you have more cubes than youtube subs

753. when you have a WR 7.53 3x3 avg in 2012 (fazzy), while the NR in greece is 7.82 5 yrs later

754. When your number two trips to the bathroom take way longer than they should because you have a spare 3x3 sitting on the back of toilet.

755. When your mum taught you how to solve a cube

756. When you now dislike her method and refer to it as FLOPOP face, layer, orientate cross, permute cross, orientate corners, permute corners

757. When you are five times faster than her

758. When you write a blog comparing speedsolving to another hobby of yours http://aminoapps.com/page/smash/890630/smash-vs-speedsolving

759. When you read this blog and enjoy it. :) (

760. When you have a podcast - all about speedcubing and how to improve - CornerTwist

761. When you are walking your dog and doing OH.

762. When you put a picture on your profile on this forum

763. When it's a picture of you corner cutting at an angle which makes it look like it has popped

764. When you have all the colour schemes of a cube just for collectors sake.

765. When your parents get mad when you get another cube.

766. When the whole school knows who you are because you cube and they got impressed.

767. When you have a black 13x13 and a white 13x13 just because.

768. When you go to the washroom for an extra 20 minutes because you brought a cube.

769. When you go SCS, TheCubicle, and CubeDepot every hour just to make you happy.

770. When you know full OLL and have it in muscle memory.

771. When you know full PLL and have it in muscle memory.

772. When you realize that 95% of these posts in this thread starts with "when".

773. When you have at least 10 3x3s.

774. When you also realize that 75% of these posts start with "when you".

775. At dinner you cube while you eat.

776. When your teacher teaches about 3-d shapes and you think about cubes.

777. When you cube anytime you get the chance to.

778: When a non-cuber walks up to you, claiming to use the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon method, and for more than a year afterwards, you try to make a method deserving of such a title. However, when you finally do make a decent method, you forget all about the whole "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" thing, and name it the "GS Method", and only realize you could've called it the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon method after you've posted the method proposal on speedsolving forums, and now are in the process of making another method to fit the name "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" just to get the entire mess off of your chest.

779. When you can't wait for the "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" method so you can learn it.

Talking of zhanchis

780. You tension and lube your two old zhanchis even though

One has torpedo's the other does not

They are both slow...

781. You think aolongs are rubbish until you tension it.

I used to keep my cubes on extremely loose tensions

782. When you then get a sub 15 after it when previously you struggled to get sub20

783. When even the forum thinks you've been cubing too long as it says '503 error service unavailable'

784. When you're tempted to do the quote glitch again

785. When you still use a Zhanchi as your main.

787. When you take out the magnets of your moyu magnetic pyra so you can put them in your guanpo

788. When you REALLY want to get the final post in this thread

789. When you realize that the number of WCA competitors has tripled in the last 4 years

790. When you developed some general code to help you deal with Rubik's cube times and averages

791. When you want to make a program to simulate a competition

792. When you actually start to make said program

793. When you sell it to Garrett Webster so he can win all the bets on competitions

794. When you still actually care about competitions after being to eleven

795. When you were ten years old at your first competition, before that was normal

796. When you made the second round at a competition with a sup-20 average, back when that was normal

797. When you really think you can come up with 203 more reasons

798. When your first competition was more than 4 years ago (I just joined the club!)

799. When you honestly don't really buy the #analysis that the single WR will be sub-4 by 2020

800. When you remember the controversy of V-Cube vs CBC vs MMAP vs X-Cube

White KB

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3354. When you get tired of ruwix, the cubicle, speedcubeshop, the cubedepot usa, and every other cubing site besides speedsolving every now and then
3355. When you wait to snipe 3336 and 3754 because you have 2 PBs on 3x3
3356. When you have 2 PBs on 3x3
3357. When you didn't realize that you took 3336
3358. When you wonder if we can get to 1,000 legit, non-repeating reasons

Part V: The Empire Strikes Back--- Sorry, I was watching Star Wars, so it keeps interrupting my posts--- let's try this again---- Part V: 801-1,000

801. When you start doubting your ability to produce 199 more reasons.

802. When you realize how stupid this this thread is because the internet hates working together so much that it can't even f***ing count without messing it up

803. When your WCA ID doesn't start with 201

804. When you casually break the Oceanic record at your first competition.

805. When you accidently the whole database

806. When you learned full CFOP from a book by Dan Harris (who??)

807. When, because of that, all your algs are horribly outdated

808. When you don't like how M is down and M' is up.

809. When you managed to find a cubic void cube

810. When you've finally realized that most non-WCA puzzles are non-WCA for a good reason and are actually dumb

811. When you win Worlds 3 times in a row (rooting for Feliks because I worshipped him back when I was a nub)

812. When you still are a nub

813. When you remember Chris's in depth tutorial on how to be a nub like a pro.

814. When you remember his WR controversy

815. When you remember Marcin's 41/41

816. When you want it to be broken already

817. When you win 90% of competitions (hi Feliks)

818. When you are ACTUALLY fazt

819. When you realize you aren't really going to get 200 in one post

820. When you are satisfied with yourself for getting the most reasons in one post (it's called winning)

821. When you wonder if we can get to 2,000 reasons

822. When your mom bets you $5 that you'll still be cubing in a year and you win the bet.

823. When you wonder how long it took @JustinTimeCuber to think of 30 signs.

824. When you put reading through the whole thread on your to do list

825. When you CREATE a to-do list because of this idea, and put re-writing this thread in one post on it.

826. When everyone in your town knows you as "Rubiks guy".

827: when you get a pb, say, "I'm definitely not going to break this one anytime soon", and then break it your very next solve.

835. When you do the F perm.

836. when you actually spend 50 dollars on a cube (m cubes)

837. when you learn dgll and get down to avging 6.45 secs on 3x3 with it.

woah... i just realized something... zeroing=dgll!!!!!

838. When you look at the time and think about old WRs.

839. When you get up on a weekend and cube before you get out of bed.

840. When you solve your bed each morning.

841. When you did it with out lights on.

842. When you experience massive piece separation.

843. When the last 4 are by the same two people.

844. When you know OLL, but use ZZ

845. When you don't even know if 844 is a repeat from you.

846. When people already know that you did 844

847. When you can make two refrences to 844 in a row

848. When it becomes three.

843. You and JustinTimeCuber go on speedsolving so much that me and him have the last 4

you know 844.

845. You have put too many reasons to rember them all

846. You rave too much on speedsolving

847. You have been cubing too long because you make references to things you have done

848. Basically 847.

849: When you were cubing before the stickerless cube ban.

850: When Feliks wants your autograph.

851. you remember when you liked the zhanchi

852. When you eventually chose zhanchi over sulong as first speedcube

854. When you remember when the SuLong didn't exist.

855. When you have a super average

856. when you thought everyone had better cubes than you

857. when they have all given up and you are now way faster than them

858. when you remember being amazed at the fangshi shaungren

859. and even more so at the aolong v2

860. When you remember being disgusted by the AoLong V2 old batch. :p (

861. when you got an aolong that was probably a fake of amazon, loosened the tensions and it exploded all across the room

I never found three of the pieces

862. when you then bought another aolong and it was 54.5mm (amazon again)- it did not say mini aolong if i recall correctly

863. when you beat DGcubes at something: I got all my 3x3x3s correct blindfolded

(video: how well do i know my 3x3s)

864. If you remember when Feliks was constantly breaking his own 3x3 WRs.

865. When your parents take away your cubes for punishments

866. When even your parents know that that is way to big of a punishment.

877. When u can use NISS in speedsolves

878. When you get into unnecessary flame wars with big YouCubers

879. When you use the term "YouCubers".

880. When you snipe 1000

881. When you stay up to make sure you get it

882. When you write 118 more posts to get it

1000. JK

883. You own a Lubix Elite

884. You drink Maru lube for breakfast

885. You remember when CubingWorldTV covered the Indiana 2014 3x3 finals live.

886. You remember that it was Kennan, Kevin, Lucas, and Drew.

887. You write cringey songs about cubing

888. When you know this is a repeat.

889. When you fall asleep, wake up and find yourself sleeping on your main 3x3.

890. When u fall asleep wake up and find yourself sleeping with your main 3x3

891. When you have giving up video games because of cubing.

892. When you have a detailed list of how each lube feels in every one of your cubes.

893. When you fall asleep with a scrambled cube and wake up with it solved.

894. When you think of BH as the Blind method rather then Base Height.

894. When u break a World Record in an event u don't practice

896. When you arn't the only one who messes up the numbers

897. When you have to build a storage room to put your cubes in.

898. When you have a computer just for cubing stuff.

899. If you know full ZBLL and full ZZ-CT.

900. When you're 100 reasons away from 1000.

901. When you teach your parents how to solve a cube

902. When you cant remember the first time someone asked "Woahhhhhhh is that a rubix cube?????????? Woahhhhhh did you just solve it? What????"

903. When you distract the kid in the wheelchair from his stressful doctors appointment by teaching him the basics of 3x3 beginners method while ya'll are both waiting for your doctor's appointments. Yes I obviously had my 3x3 with me. He was super stressed about his upcoming appointment and about 13 years old. I showed him the cube and just started chatting with him about it. He instantly got interested so I showed him how things worked and then a few basic moves of the beginners method. After he seemed interested I snagged a piece of paper of the desk and wrote down this website and a few others for getting good puzzles and finding algs and stuff. Hopefully he'll keep up with the hobby.

904.When you start dating your Gan Air cube.

905. When you spend 10 hours of your day everyday on speedsolving.com

906. When you realize that this is my first post in this forum.

907. When you were taught how to solve a cube. And are now 7 times faster than her

908. When the same person teaches your sister but she hates it when you try to tell her to solve centres first on 4*4

909. When your dad refuses to have anything to do with cubes because you talk about them to much

910. When your brain has automatic short responses to questions like, "YOU CAN SOLVE THAT?!? WHAAATTT?!!".

911. When you make a dating site for cubers.

(RUR'U'Cubers.com maybe?)

912. When you start a class on how to solve the cube.

(500th post!)

913. When you write anything to get to 1000 reasons you have been cubing too long

914: +WombatWarrior17

When you don't even have Dr who as a profile pic because you love cubing so much.

915. When you have to decide between cubing and your favorite show but compromise and do both.

(Literally cubing and watching Doctor Who right now).

916. When you write that we are a percentage of the way there, 91.6%

917.when you buy a bunch of guanlongs becuz ur so old, once u drop a cube, youd rather use the next cube than bend down to pick it up.

918. When you buy at least 500 cubes just for a mosaic.

919. When you magnetized your thunderclap when watching Dr Who.

920. When you solve a 7x7 with your feet.

921. When your brother needs help for math, you use 625 as an example so you can post it on this thread.

922. You have written several cubing-related programs.

923. When your whole family is sub 15.

924. When your parents get used to the sound of cubes clicking.

(Still waiting for that to happen).

925. You make a spreadsheet filling it with your PB's with ao1000's in many events.

926. You get good times

927. When you've recorded all 165 3x3 ao50s you've done in 10 1/2 months.

928. You try to get online friend that share music interests into cubing. (Word for word)

Me:Have you ever heard about cubing?

Friend: I've heard about it. But I don't know what it is

Me:Cubing is the community of solving Rubik's cubes, for speed, lowest moves, solving bigger sized cubes and ect... Some people can even solve them blindfolded

Friend: Wow! I need to check it out! I like Rubik's Cubes

What I like most about it is the community, everyone is nice and friendly.

that's good! I think that it is very successful if the community is friendly

929. If you actually watched the 1980s Rubik's cube cartoon.

930. Your fingers are bleeding

931. When you realize that the color scheme on the WCA logo is wrong.

932. You bought the $5 million cube that Rubik's made

933. When you didn't buy it because it wasn't magnetized

934. When you magnetize all your cubes, even your old Rubik's brand.

935. When you prefer non magnetized cubes because you like a "traditional" feeling.

936. When you can tell the difference between the mechanisms on pre-Guhong speed cubes.

937. You have given a cube to someone you know.

938. You have had dinner with other cubers after a competition.

939. You believe new cubers are spoiled with cube hardware these days.

940. You recognize people at competition because you remember them from the registration list.

941. You become one with the cube.

942. it annoys you when people say 56.5mm cubes are 56 or 57mm.

943. When you though of a reason that doesn't start with "when you" or "you".

944. When you remember that the 900s is when you start messing up before you get an Ao1000.

945. When you think you should have more reasons but you don't.

I'm one with the cube and the cube is with me

946. When u were so busy cubing u didn't have time to watch rogue one

947. When you want older cubes because you think that newer cubed are an aesthetic tragedy because they don't have visually identical cubies.

948. You thought of the number of magnets that need to go into a cube when you saw 48.

949. When you realize that the CubingUSA Logo is ACTUALLY correct *cough* *cough* WCA *cough* *cough*

950. When you think that spending $30+ on a puzzle is worth it

951. When you can list 5 places from memory that sell it for less

952. When you know the exact price of them

953. You have thousands of algs that you printed out.

954. You learned all of them

955. You DON'T keep algs taped onto the wall you don't think you'll learn

956. You know every alg set in every method

957. You also know every sub-set of those alg sets.

958. If you invented Petrus.

959. If you use Petrus.

960. If you're good with Petrus.

961. When you could invent your own method, or you could just use Petrus.


JustinTimeCuber said:

61. When you could invent your own method, or you could just use Petrus.

You look at petrus as a mod for ZZ and came up with a cool variant (Do EO when making the 1x2x2)

963: You know about every cubing meme, dank or not.

964. You know how to speak "cubing" so you can communicate at foreign competitions.

965. You use cubing terms when thinking of something to rhyme even when it has nothing to do with cubing (i.e. Petrus with tetris)

966. You remember when Mitch wasn't a meme

967. When you go to a competition every weekend.

968. When you invent an entire language just for cubers.

969. When you start a petition to fix the WCA logo.

970. If you sign that petition.

971. If you magnetize the 18cm 3x3.

972. If you magnetize Tony Fisher's 5 foot 3x3.

973. If you know it's actually 5' 1.7".

974. If you magnetize a nano cube.

975. If you do an Ao1000 every day.

976. If cubing is your job.

977. When you re-sticker a 13x13 because you were bored.

978. When you make a 3x3 out of Legos.

979. When you make a 3x3 out of food.

980. If you make a speech about how cubing relates to life.

981. If you actually snipe #1000.

982. If you solve a 17x17 with your feet.

983. You solve skewb one handed.

984. If you make ZBLL for megaminx.

985. When your collection is worth at least $500,000.

986. If you think we can get to 2000 reasons.

987. If you wright a blog about your life as a cuber.

988. You spend at least an hour coming up with reasons to get 1000.

989. You make a spherical 13x13.

990. You solve it every day.

991. If your birthday cake is always a Rubik's cube.

992. You get a 5 sec Ao5 on a zhachi.

993. When you have building full of cubes.

994. When you solve the brain cube.

995. When your house looks like a cube.

996. You make a stickerless 13x13.

997. You make a stickerless 17x17.

998. You make and solve a 7x7 void cube.

999. If you do an Ao1000 in all of the events you practice to celebrate.

1000. You actually get to 1000 reasons.

end of 1000 at post #555

Bonus Reason: when you get tired of cubing
Bonus Reason 2: When Cubing gets tired of you
Bonus Reason 3: When you part your seperate ways forever
Bonus Reason 4: When you're happy about that
Bonus Reason 5: The End

Bonus Reason 6: jk it's not the end :p

White KB

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3359. (3350-3358 in SUPER-LONG 1000 Reasons Posts) When you get 49.14 sec. on Mirror Cube PB and beat LC Cuber (or JR Cuber, I don't know which is which, other than their faces)(might have been me)
3360. When you can't determine the difference between LC and JR Cuber, other than their faces
3361. When you realize that only you, Cuber314159, and FireCuber are still posting.
3362. When you finally realize that Cuber314159 knows some pi.
3363. When you memorize 100+ digits of pi, just to improve your solves


Jan 14, 2018
3371. When your stackmat's screen can be used as the monitor, itself can be used as the keyboard, and your main can be used as computer mouse.

White KB

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3372. When you realize you haven't posted for about a year now
3373. When you have to buy a new cube for every solve because your cube breaks and the cube happens to be the GAN X, so you end up being in debt by $millions of dollars so you move to India and use rupees instead and become the poorest peron in the world, and your times start becoming as long as 5 years per solve because you decided to digitize every single cube and it catches a lot so it pulls up a page saying "Undo turn?" every time you turn it a tiny bit off from what it was, but then see Reason 3374...
3374. You actually try slow solves and get the WR avg in comp and realize all you needed was a cheap dollar store cube because you like the feel of it and you're just sitting there wondering why you bought so many GAN cubes that they sold out. :p
May 5, 2019
3380 You treat your cubes as your friends and talk to them, eat with them, sleep with them, go to the toilet with them etc.