
  1. Puzzle Maniac

    Ouija: New Forum Game

    All comments must be a single character Letters, emojis, whatever. Just as long as there's only one of them. Also, you're free to break this rule as long as you're responding to a Goodbye (or a conversation that started from a reply to a Goodbye). Posts must ask a question (or be answerable)...
  2. D

    Speedcubing Fantasy League

    Recently, me and my friends made a fantasy league thing for speedcubing. While we left out some events, I created a template with all the rules and stuff there to guide you. If you want to do this with your friends, you can make a copy and tweak some rules and other stuff to make it fun for your...
  3. AhsanDaCuber125

    Cubers who Like to Cook, or Bake

    Just the title. I like to cook, and also bake. Please tell me if this should belong in the Off-Topic Discussion or not, I’m sorry if I got it wrong.
  4. fortissim2

    Virtual Rubik's Cube on Scratch! (ZBLL Trainer soon?)

    TL;DR - Got bored one day and decided to replicate the csTimer virtual cube on Scratch! Before you click on the project, you'll just see a 5x6 grid of random squares of colours that seem to change randomly when you press on the keyboard. So, how the...
  5. SpedCube

    How fast do you have to be until your good?

    Hey so I was wondering, how fast do you have to be in order to be a good cuber? Like what cubes should you know, and how fast should you be at them? Thought this could be an interesting discussion.
  6. SpedCube

    40 Bucks to Burn

    Alright guys and gals, here's the scoop: I have 40 bucks to spend on cubes. I need a OH cube, a skewb, a big cube (prob 5x5), or square one. Imma let you guys decide and tell me which ones I should buy. At the end of today, Ill place the order that I like the most! Either one expensive one, 2 or...
  7. C

    Competition Experiences Thread

    Post any competition experiences you've had! I met cubehead in person in yopen 2022 Yooo I've also barely missed second round
  8. S

    Online Cubing Friend Group

    Hey y’all I’m looking to make some friends that have a similar hobby as me, however no one at my school doesn’t even know how to turn a Rubik’s cube. So to be honest I have a lot of friends irl it’s just that I want someone to talk to or a group of people to talk to that share the same interests...
  9. mrcubik

    4x4 Example Solve

    I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did making it because the 4x4 is possibly my favourite cube out there. It is basically like the 3x3, but with some other bits added, which makes it a fun challenge.
  10. brododragon

    Cubing fun facts!

    Hi, this thread is for all those fun facts that you can't tell anyone because nobody understands cubing. It just has to be in some, way, shape, or form related to cubing (so not like the thread created by @Aerma). I'll start. In the WCA rulebook, there's a set of rules for how many moves the...
  11. Skittleskp

    nub game for people beyond beginners method!!!

    So recently I was doing solves with beginners method to see how much I improved, in the process, I came up with a game. RULES: 1. Cross, Corners, Seccond Layer Edges, Yellow Cross, Yellow Face, Corners Only PLL, Edges Only PLL. 2. Only algs allowed are: (R U R' U') edge insertion...
  12. WillyTheWizard

    2019 New Years Resolutions

    Share whatever you want cubing related or not. Mine: get dat sub 20! HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! just keep this civil ok?
  13. Hazel

    The Favorites Game!

    The game works like this: You start a post by answering the last person's question, and you end the post by putting a new question. The question must always be "What is your favorite __", and you replace the blank spot with a topic. Animal, color, Harry Potter book, whatever. If you like, you...
  14. BritishKitties

    3x3 Shapemods Competition

    3x3 Shapemods competition! -------------------------- General Info This is a unofficial competition for the various popular 3x3 shape mods that our out there. This competition will consist of the following events (All names are from the Mirror Blocks Windmill Cube Barrel...
  15. S

    England cube club?

    would anyone be interested in a cube club in england if enough people answer i could start one (unless there already is one with regular meet ups
  16. ScottTheCuber

    Forum Competition!

    EVENTS! 2x2 3x3 3x3 OH 3x3 Blind 4x4 4x4 Blind 5x5 5x5 Blind 6x6 7x7 Pyraminx Clock SCRAMBLES 2x2 All events U' F2 R2 U R' U2 R U F2 R U R2 U R2 U2 R F' U U2 R F2 R F' U2 F R2 U2 U R' F2 U2 F' U2 F' U' R U F R' F U' F' R2 U2 F' R 3x3 All events 1. R F' D' U' R D' L...
  17. IamWEB

    Random footage from US Nationals 2012

    While 600 or so cubers are living it up at Worlds in Las Vegas, I'm at home, reflecting on the time I spent there nearly a year ago. I recorded some of it, want to see? The first half shows some racing (which PestVic later joined in on, and camcuber has some of that footage on his channel)...
  18. Forca137

    [Unofficial] Me solving 3 cubes while riding a bike

    a video that i have done for a little contest for my local rubiks group :p
  19. iCube4fun

    Favorite Big Cube to solve?

    Do you like to solve the 4x4,5x5,6x6, or 7x7 List in order from favorite to worst...
  20. M

    Monthly averages of 100 competition

    This thread is to see how much you improve from month to month. I'll post your results + how many seconds you have improved from last month. The scrambles will be provided by me every first Friday of the month. But only 3x3. I think an average of 100 is the best way to see how much you improve...