
  1. That_slow_guy

    [Help Thread] What cube lube(s) should I get

    Wat cube lubes should I get? I want to lube a mgc 4x4 and a YJ MGC 2x2. (Not the elite). I want fast but not too fast
  2. FennCubing

    What’s the time limit for clock?

    I know this may seem like a follow-up to my “What’s the time limit on 4x4” post, but hear me out: I just learned clock (wow 2 puzzles learned over one weekend if we include Presidents Day as part of it), and average 1:30s. How much faster do I have to be in order to compete with it?
  3. That_slow_guy

    How fast do I need to solve to compete in pyraminx and 2x2 and get 2nd round

    How fast do I need to be to compete in 2x2 and pyraminx? Possibly 2nd round? Maybe even cutoff
  4. FennCubing

    How fast do you have to be to compete in 4x4x4 cube?

    Just learned 4x4, and got a PB single of 3:37s. How much faster do I have to be in order to compete in 4x4?
  5. V

    I'd appreciate if you help with this (it's free)

    I made a petition and I'd appreciate if y'all sign it! I made this because my older brother is in swim with me, and he is with the other 6th graders. However, yesterday was his first day. He couldn't keep up with everyone, therefore he was upset. I want to make sure...
  6. teboecubes

    I Only Practiced CLOCK For 1 Week...

  7. V Achyuthan

    E2CR2 Method proposal | A method for OH solving

    I think this has some potential to be a fast method. (Ya I invented it) Here is the speedsolving wiki page - Youtube video tutorial with two example solves - Let me know your thoughts on this. Thank you
  8. YaleZ1023

    How fast are you?

    Feel free to change the vote if you improve!
  9. fortissim2

    My Road To Sub-20 (Tetris)

    So I've been playing a heck ton of Tetris recently, and uh. that's it heck I've been getting PBs after PBs in the 40-line Sprint category, and I'm aiming to be the 3rd Canadian to be sub-20! :) Wish me luck, and comment any suggestions to help me improve my times! Jstris username: fortissim2...
  10. Rainger

    Easy Turning Cube Recommendation (video)

    I asked around on the forums for opinions on the easiest to turn cubes. My fingers get tired pretty easily and an easy turner was a must. I compiled the answers I got and bought a few cubes and tried them all out. I hope this video can help a few people in the same boat as me. Easy turning cube...
  11. S

    3x3 Gan XS

    Hi! First post here, but after a competition last weekend I decided to buy a gan xs, and have been using it for the last few days. This cube is amazing. Coming from the GTS2M, it makes me really appreciate modern hardware. The tensioning system is very easy to use, just make sure you know which...
  12. Coolster01

    [Official] 1:00.25 Megaminx Single! - Rami Sbahi

    Louis makes me look slow. :( Terrible CP.
  13. Coolster01

    [Unofficial] 9.16 3x3 Average of 12 w/ 8.673 Average of 5!

    gjangle Time List: 1. 8.336 R2 B' D2 U2 B' L2 B' F2 D2 F2 D2 L' F2 D U' R' D L2 U R' B 2. (11.887) L2 U' F2 R2 F2 U2 L2 D F2 U2 B' R2 U2 B' L' B2 U' B U L 3. 8.680 L2 B2 F2 D' L2 F2 U' B2 U2 L2 B' D L' U2 F2 L F' D U' F 4. 10.966 B2 U' F2 D' F2 U' L2 D' F2 D F' L2 F2 R' F2 R B'...
  14. Coolster01

    [Unofficial] [YTUWR] 4.341 Skewb Average of 12! (Stackmat)

    I'll try not to complain too much, but ugghhhhh that 10.33 was soooo bad. It's okay, I'll do sub-4 eventually. Times: YTUWR Skewb Average of 12: 4.341 Time List: 1. 5.050 B' L B' L U' B' U' B' U' 2. (6.856) R U R U R B L R' 3. 2.926 U R' B L' B R' B R 4. 3.525 U' B L' U'...
  15. imvelox

    [Unofficial] [Mattia Furlan] 8x8: 4:53.65 UWR single

    2:41/1:45/0:27 I finally get that :D
  16. Ollie

    [Unofficial] Roman Strakhov 5BLD 4:35.53

  17. antoineccantin

    [Canadian NR] Antoine Cantin 9.46 and 9.80 OH singles (12.73 and 13.34 averages)

    Antisune+PLL skip = lol The 13.34 average was the first round and the 12.73 average was the finals (second round). Finals were really intense, because Bill's times were really close to mine (14.90, (15.81), 11.88, (11.38), 13.08 = 13.29)
  18. antoineccantin

    [Canadian NR] Antoine Cantin: 8.79 3x3 average of 5

    (8.28), (9.63), 9.24, 8.75, 8.37 = 8.79 All full step too :D Done at Montreal Open 2014
  19. antoineccantin

    [Unofficial] Antoine Cantin 8.53 3x3 avg12 + 8.00 avg5 and 6.87 single

    Average of 12: 8.53 1. 7.94 D2 U2 L2 U2 B2 L D2 B2 L2 B2 L D R2 F' L' B' U' R2 D' F 2. 10.63 F U2 R2 U2 B2 F' U2 L2 U2 R2 F2 R' U2 B' D' L' B L2 D' 3. 7.63 B2 D' U' F2 U' L2 D2 F2 R2 U' R' F' L R D2 B2 L2 D' F' U2 L2 4. 7.79 L' F2 U2 R D2 F2 D2 L' R' D2 L' F' L2 F2 U B D' U R2 F L2...
  20. Coolster01

    [Unofficial] 7.126 Skewb Average of 12 With 5.946 Average of 5!

    Yay, very good averages for me, but I'm still slow right now :/ Sorry about the cut in the middle, I was about to run out of space and I think you can trust me that this isn't fake because I'll be beating this average soon, hopefully! ;p I also apologize for a crappy angle and that I didn't...