Recent content by L1meDaBestest

  1. L

    Top ZZ Speedcubers in the World

    By no means world class but back in 2018 at my last comp using ZZ I got a 10.57 single and a 15.25 average. If I remember correctly that single was very close to my overall pb at the time, I only ever got 3 sub 10s with ZZ unofficially before switching to cfop. Before that I had a 13.67 single...
  2. L

    ZBLL trainer

    New website looks great! I've been using the old version to train my ZBLLs for a while so I'm very happy to see an update to it, UI definitely got a lot cleaner. Previously I had a problem with the scrambles loading, after 100-150 solves in the average I would have to reset the session because...
  3. L

    APB Problems

    “I can easily skip learning 57 OLL algorithms if I learn 3 to get EO and 7 to do the corners. In my experience this solves any case so I don’t see a reason to learn the rest”
  4. L

    Most "worth it" 1LLL sets ranked. Quantitative speed comparison between OLLs and their average 1LLL alg + how to learn 1LLL.

    If you click on the link to the spreadsheet and go to the second tab, I've highlighted in red the cut off point and every case below that line is "not worth it". Keep in mind it's 14 not including dots. Interestingly the less worth it cases tend to have better algs which is similar to the sunes...
  5. L

    Most "worth it" 1LLL sets ranked. Quantitative speed comparison between OLLs and their average 1LLL alg + how to learn 1LLL.

    Introduction This is a post aimed at people who are interested in learning algs, specifically large subsets of 1 Look Last Layer (1LLL)(or anyone who just happens to be curious). Needless to say, 1LLL is a lot of algs (3915) which makes it very challenging to learn and it doesn't help that...
  6. L

    Random Cubing Discussion

    Team blind certainly is fun. How would they rank it though? Would the world record go to 2 people, and could someone on the world record team also be a member of the WR2 team? Is there a distinction between the solver and the speaker or would they change positions throughout the average...
  7. L

    3x3 CFOP Rotating

    I enjoy abusing f R f’ or f’ L f type moves and as a result have started rotating a lot less.
  8. L

    Speedcubing Timer Survey for School Project!

    Thank you everyone for your responses, it means a lot! If you haven't already there is still time to submit a response.
  9. L

    Speedcubing Timer Survey for School Project!

    This survey is to gauge opinions on speedcubing timer hardware (like stackmat timers) for my Design and Tech assignment. Please take the time to fill it out!
  10. L

    Two Side PLL Recognition Competition ($10 Gift Card)

    Is anyone else getting a 0.5-1 second delay each time they input a case before it shows you the next one?
  11. L

    ZZ-CT Progression Thread

    Has it been determined which OLS cases it's better to use TSLE for?
  12. L

    Oh when muscle memory fails...

    I used to use ZZ-CT and around a year after I quit, I was just doing some random hand scrambles and I happened to get a TTLL while solving and I saw the case and immediately did it. Then I kinda had a moment after the solve where I couldn’t quite believe I had just done that but then when I...
  13. L

    Regulation 3L, and why I don't like it

    I had a 4BLD solve that was PR by 12 minutes DNFed for this too… What hurt the most is that the delegate agreed that rule was dumb but still had to enforce it. It shouldn’t be a thing in the first place. (I managed to rebeat this stolen solve on my 3rd attempt so there’s a happy ending but it...
  14. L

    Quantitative Method Analysis

    I agree. There are a lot of situations and rules that must be specified before we can start doing solves. However I think it’s only a matter of determining these and once Silky or others have them set we can begin giving recons/examples/solves.
  15. L

    Quantitative Method Analysis

    Yes that sounds good. The one caveat with example solves is people may end up seeing stuff they otherwise wouldn’t have if they were not going so slow and hence may become more efficient. This probably wouldn’t be too hard to avoid by basically saying as a rule of thumb don’t try too hard to...