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God's number table

May 31, 2016
If you give me better bounds, the table will be updated.

Metric introduction:

2x2, Kilominx, Megaminx:
QTM (Quarter Turn Metric) - "quarter" turn of a face is a turn.
HTM (Half Turn Metric) - any turn of a face is a turn.

QTM (Quarter Turn Metric) - quarter turn of one face is a turn.
QSTM (Quarter Slice Turn Metric) - quarter turn of one slice is a turn.
HTM (Half Turn Metric) - any turn of one face is a turn.
STM (Slice Turn Metric) - any turn of one slice is a turn.

QWTM (Quarter Wide Turn Metric) - quarter turn of an outer block is a turn.
QSTM (Quarter Slice Turn Metric) - quarter turn of one slice is a turn.
QBTM (Quarter Block Turn Metric) - quarter turn of a block of layers is a turn.
WTM (Wide Turn Metric) - any turn of an outer block is a turn.
STM (Slice Turn Metric) - any turn of one slice is a turn.
BTM (Block Turn Metric) - any turn of a block of layers is a turn.

WTM (Wide Turn Metric) - a turn of an outer block (either from face or tip) is a turn.
STM (Slice Turn Metric) - a turn of a slice is a turn; superset of WTM as a single face rotation is equivalent to double tip rotation, and vice-versa.

Jing's Pyraminx:
TM (Turn Metric) - a turn is a turn. There are no additional turn metrics, because there are only 2 layers, and "half" turns are not needed on faces with 3 orientations.

Master Pyraminx:
WTM (Wide Turn Metric) - a turn of an outer block (either from face or tip) is a turn.
STM (Slice Turn Metric) - a turn of one slice is a turn.
BTM (Block Turn Metric) - a turn of a block of layers is a turn.
Last edited:
May 31, 2016
What's your contribution to the table? Do you just want other people to fill it in for you?
This is a table for public to look at God's numbers. People can inform better lower or upper bounds found and I will update it then. Most people, including me, don't have the computational applications to calculate better bounds.


Dec 24, 2015
There's not a single number in your table. You could at least write in the HTM 20 for 3x3. Everybody knows that.
Just to be fair, the table does have the current known bounds for 2×2×2 and 3×3×3. It just doesn't have anything else.