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"Oh My God" Puzzle Moments


Apr 8, 2012
Post any scary or exciting (puzzle-related) moments that made you think "Oh my god!"

One that happened an hour ago.

When I first got my Dayan Zhanchi, it was new. Obviously. After I had it assembled and fully lubed, the recommended tensions in the assembly video I watched were FAR too tight. I loosened them a good bit, and the Zhanchi was great. About 3000 solves in, I suppose I had finally worked out all the molding leftovers. The Zhanchi was incredibly loose now. I sometimes pulled out an entire 3-piece combo while solving, and the looseness was causing lockups. I went on like this for another 200 solves, but I couldn't take it anymore. (I also figured this would be a good time to add some putty under the caps to keep them in place, on an unrelated note.)

After I disassemble the thing, I pop off all the caps. I remember how MeMyselfandPi always mentions that he puts his puzzles on the tightest tensions and works down from there to achieve perfect equality. I decide to do it. On the last side, the screw would NOT go down further. I held the screwdriver at an awkward angle to achieve a better grip. I got it all on the tightest tensions. I then undid that slightly to start getting the right tension.

Oh My God:
When I held the screwdriver, I rounded out the screw hole. After I managed to unscrew the screw just a bit, it no longer responded to being turned at all. This was the tension I was STUCK with.

Oh My God #2:
I equalized the tensions and reassembled the puzzle, bracing for the worst. Turns out, I accidentally achieved the PERFECT tensions. The cube glided about effortlessly, but with the stability expected of a good cube. Control and popping were no longer issues, and corner cutting was BETTER.

I had quite the scare!
(Btw, anyone have some tips for removing the screw eventually? I figure I'll have to adjust the tensions one day again, and I'll have to obtain a new Zhanchi screw. I need to get the old one OUT first, though.
One time I was lubing my A5 and I accidentally sprayed the center , and without noticing I put the caps back on (I sprayed it until it leaked.) and now its glued.

I was re tensioning my Lingyun and I made the center "stems" (the little arm on the bottom) crush and it now it turns worse than a new store-bought.
When one of the edges of my Dayan+mf8 popped and nearly fell out of a train door onto the tracks (the train was stationary at the time but still...).
While lubing and tensioning my new teraminx, I was turning three layers on one face when the spring-loaded centre screw shot out and hit me. I so was stunned that it was a moment before I realized that the entire face with hundreds of pieces was loose in my hand :eek:!
When I got my SECOND LL skip.
I was like:

"OH MY GOD!!!" * 50
The time was 12.79
(First LL skip was 9.34 SUB 10!)

When I got my first sleep delayed BLD,
I was happy.
Until I flipped the cube to reveal two flipped edges.